Judy Hopps thread?

Judy Hopps thread?

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As long as bondage Nick is along for the ride...sure


so what are her hobbies or interest outside of police work. What do you we know about Judy besides she likes Gazelle and started a race war?

She has Mafia connections.


Don't even fucking try to argue against that.

she became a dirty cop fast. Makes sense. She is a dirty bunny

I'm not.

dumb bunny.



Okay, so I just got this really stupid idea guys. buckle up

Scientists at Zootpoia university dig up a nearby human relic site, where they find some cryo-preservation pods. The contents are almost exclusively dry bones and mummified flesh, except for one. A cyber-enhanced human is found in one pod with minimal life signs. He is revived, and is brought to the ZPD for questioning. He identifies as Officer Alex Murphy, Detroit Police Department., and he plans on continuing his old vocation by offering to join the ZPD

Does the ZPD let him sign up? How does he fare in the much less violent world of Zootopia?What if Nick and Judy become his handlers? How does he get along with them?

That is autistic beyond my ability to comprehend it. But go ahead and continue.

This would be great propaganda for committing genocide

Hell yeah it's autistic. That happens when you're Jonesing out after a 13 hour shift.

but I asked you guys to continue it

>propaganda for committing genocide

I got nothing for you. I know where you're coming from, but I'm enjoying my 3 day weekend, so my 'tism is low.

Judy would probably not be in favor of killing all predators. After all, killing is something predators do, not prey. She would advocate for sterilizing them in large numbers.

non existent

Are there really people out there who want to have sex with that? The only human feature they seem to have given her, besides the ability to walk upright, are her eyes. You might as well go out and fuck a real rabbit.

This has been expounded on before but no real backstory has been officially put forth to answer that.

However, making assumptions based on her charisma I would not be surprised if she liked things like gardening and maybe walks/hikes & outdoor pursuits etc. She has a fun side as evidenced by her pleasure at a Gazelle concert. Her high level of empathy could also suggest she would speak up & fight for the underdog & volunteer for those who may be disadvantaged, especially the young.

It's all highly subjective of course, a sequel could help provide more info if they ever decide to act on the script handed in last fall.

wheres the god r34

Lack of human features makes her fuckable.

>if they ever decide to act on the script handed in last fall.

Wait, what?

No no no. Fuzzy bunny is for snuggling.

She's cute and the porn is good.
Well, good enough to be enjoyable.

I enjoy the fluff more than the snuff

I don't necessarily think she enjoys gardening. It's just what her family does and probably what she's been exposed to her whole life, so she things of it as a normal thing. She doesn't seem to mind running around the city so walking/running wouldn't be unreasonable.

Although she is more likely to enjoy going to clubs and just doing new stuff. The city is big and it's all new to her, and she has a lot of energy.

I'm not sure how "fighting for the underdog" counts as a hobby.

I'll assume it's a reference to the original script ideas.

>*more than the smut

Whoops. that got dark fast

he's baiting you user

Thank god. I was wondering what the fuck you saw in that.


God, love it when she got confident with Nick and tricked him

Rabbits aren't three feet tall and with butts that take up 30% of their bodies.

Sorry, I was looking for my screencap of a tweet Byron Howard put out that said it was up to Disney execs to decide. I seem to have lost it.

However in a podcast interview on October 13, 2016 BH admits that a sequel script has been submitted and is sitting on an execs desk awaiting review & a decision. No further elaboration.


It's 79 MB and 84 mins duration. I'm trying to find the time frame he mentions it. I haven't listened to this in a while.

Are there more of those kinda big stories?
These are amazing

I like her choice on clothing.

I remember reading one where she and Nick visit her parents and nick meets her sisy\ter's husband, who's a hare

I like her

she should be naked. she's a rabbit.

She is a stylish bun.


I guess I'll take your word for it.

Even if this is true, I guess production hasn't started yet.

I like how Zootopia did hoof-feet

i wonder how they smell...

When and where can I buy that weeb toy?

Weaver's done more. Take a look at "The Sloshed Fox." Does get a tad lewd, though.

Man, YTPs are good content

she cute

>He's into generic furry hyper shit
>or even worse, 3DPD

That guy has some high grade poops.

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

I shouldn' find this funny


13 hours is 13 hours

You're destined to be a fag with your shit all retarded at that point.

Are you referring to the Revoltech toys?

Yes, that thing.


This should do the trick.



They would just wash themselves, what the fuck?


>he's never had to wash cum out of hair

>He identifies as Officer Alex Murphy, Detroit Police Department
my sides

that new pic of finnick bonking gazelle by miles-df


Okay, I got something

>Murphy is reluctantly accepted by ZPD
>He undergoes various tests, gets upgrades in mobility.
>Press is going crazy over him being both human and machine
>Officers Hopps and Wilde are assigned as his handlers. Judy is intrigued but nervous. nick is exasperated by publicity and the idea of "babysitting" a cyborg cop
>violent hijinks ensue

Is Judy religious? Does she pray to El-ahrairah every day like a good bunny?

>I'm not sure how "fighting for the underdog" counts as a hobby.

It doesn't. But volunteering can be considered an interest.

I found a screencap I saved last year on an old SDcard. It's not definitive proof but is the only time BH mentions a sequel on twitter.

>Disney cancels Wander Over Yonder
>Disney hasn't announced a sequel to an actually good billion dollar movie within one year
>Frozen 2 is guaranteed

At least one of those things is possible.

I'm hoping for another documentary, really fun to see how they make movies.

>mfw someone who worked on the movie drew fat art of her and Nick

I found it. Segment 24m24s -> 24m49s.
-script exists
-studio picked
-producer chosen (Scott Rudin?)

Holy crap that is huge.....










She has a good heart.

>dox fick












That rabbit looks chill as fuck.
