About to start it

about to start it

what am I in for my dudes

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its honestly boring.


A really pretty series where not a lot happens

t. brainlets


Time for your juicebox and animal crackers, your holiness.

the best show of the 2010s

>keep reading interviews that americans kept thinking it was boring and too fake.
is this you flyover state man?

The best show in years

STill waiting for something to come along and replace it

also, pic related

boring vatican memery

The Expanse



It's a strong contender for the best television ever made. It's also a fantastic pleb filter

There's a gay porn scene at the start of episode 6 but the rest of the show is absolutely kino.

>pleb filter

You mean pretentious fucks who pretend to enjoy boring shows with no substance filter

A 10 hour kino in which an atheist makes a more compelling argument for compassion, compromise, and principles than any religious production ever has. The theses in the final 3 episodes are literally a spiritual event caught on film.

>sit through an entire series
>pretend to enjoy
what did he mean by this

please tell me there's no sexual intrigue
are there any good shows without sexual intrigue?
I don't want to deal with that shit no mo

It doesn't address the Jewish question

incredible cinematography
episode 9 is one of my favorite tv episodes of all time

>I watched two episodes and my ADHD prevented me from paying attention

you're in for some kino my guy

the prime minister of greenland episode is a particular treat

treat women like pius treats them and you'll never lack for qt


after my first watch, i found it was less about is god real but rather do we need god, and the young pope needed god.

and i loved how they just kept toying with him, children and mothers all just teasing him and he knew he could never have a family of his own. it was like his life was incomplete, and he needed god more than anything.

The prime minister of greenland was gorgeous.

>tfw you will never be so pious that the qt prime minister of greenland is clearly into you

>google Greenland prime minister
>it's a sweaty red faced bloke


Is pure kino of the highest order.

Is it actually nuanced, or is it full out anti-Catholic propaganda?

It is divine. It deals with actual questions of faith and not just "is the church good or bad"

In general it is absolutely great and has wonderful scenes and speeches.
I came back and listened the love-letter scene at the end of ep 9 so many times.

It's pro-catholic. Portrays The Church as an organization of human beings who struggle to be pious shepards of humanity.

It's in the middle

Just watch other movies Sorrentino made

Well that sounds much better than how a few articles I read characterized the show, and I do have a few days left on my 1 week HBO trial after watching True Detective and finishing the Leftovers, so I think I'll get on this. Thanks anons

There is kinda, in one episode, but pope is not involved

It's a love letter to the Catholic Church.


It's not anti-Catholic propaganda, although it's is quite critical of some aspects Catholic church.
Bear in mind that director of the tv show is an atheist, but not the fedora tipping kind.

it's fair

also his PR manager woman is the cutest

>not the greenland pm
>not his mom
>not the escort
>not the miracle woman

>Bear in mind that director of the tv show is an atheist
Source? By his work you'd think he's a Christian.


One of the best shows ever made. A privilege to get to experience it, in all seriousness and sincerity

What was Popes endgame?

*walks towards you at light speed*

To bring the Church back to its medieval glory.

So he would expel all homosex?

It's a neutral portrayal. It's critical towards some aspects, it praises others. That's why it probably got shunned by the Emmys, it's not a liberal propaganda like you would expect these days.

He said it in some interview, if I find it I'll post it.

>the prime minister of greenland episode is a particular treat
senza un perche is 10/10

>HB: Living in Italy, do you think that the Vatican is part of the Italian mentality more than in other countries?
>PS: I honestly don't know. I’m a non-believer so I don't really listen to what the Vatican says, and I have a hard time believing that true Catholics take for gold everything that comes out of the Holy siege. I think that since we are Italian and we are born in this territory where the Vatican is, we probably don’t even notice any more.

Well Sup Forums, did you lose or did you find?

absolutely fucking great stuff


WTF I hate Sorrentino now.

it's possible he means non-catholic from the wording

melodrama with a LOT of licensed pop songs playing over everything
don't dare criticize it here though, reddit has obviously invaded

I lost...
...my patience, waiting for any news of the second season.

One month ago he was at the Kustendorf festival in Serbia where he was as also asked about his religious beliefs and he said that he's not a believer, but I do not have a source on English language.

do you have a legit criticism then?

It was brilliant that this was on ultra-progressive HBO because it made people expect some liberal diatribe against religion when it was the exact opposite. It managed to subvert expectations not through its content but through its metatextual setting.

A really poignant look at the struggles of faith that is incredibly acted, shot, and directed. A really, really good show.

It's honestly top 3 of this decade along with True Detective s1 and Twin Peaks s3

I too enjoy youtube essays.

When is the next season coming out?