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>inb4 triggered fa/tv/irgins defending a coal baron because le current year man hurts their fee fees

john oliver's show would improve by 390% if he dropped the lame jokes that go nowhere. he's actually informative and as far as comedy news go, fairly unbiased and objective

>john oliver's show would improve by 390% if they dropped john oliver

fuck yeah
good on you john

>every shitposter is from russia and is payed to stir up shit on behalf of their overlord Putin

>John Oliver
>Fairly unbiased and objective

he has good delivery
the jokes are terrible
they don't fit his style

to give him credit; they say the mark of a true artist is to provoke a reaction. I don't think I've ever wanted to physically beat a celebrity to death as badly as I want to beat John Oliver and we're including Pauly Shore on this list here

Can't wait for him to do an episode debunking race realism and make memes for normies to shit on race realists.

Fuck you man. Hanging out with Pauly Shore would probably be awesome. You know he would wingman. You probably think you're supposed to hate him because some Simpsons jokes told you to.

he is tho
of course he has a leftist slant but it isn't the propaganda right wingtards try to pass as "facts"
I mean if you watch the segment the news is referring to, the coal baron goes full HURR DURR YOU CAN'T GO AROUND TELLING WHAT HAPPENED BECAUSE MUH LIBEL MUH CHARACTER ASSASINATION

Literally wanting to sue for quoting his own words lmfao. I love how rightards love to call libshits "triggered" yet they exist in an eternal triggered state

>I love how rightards love to call libshits "triggered" yet they exist in an eternal triggered state

This. Us libs never get triggered and just sit back and laugh at the right and how angry they get.

This current year program of this current year man show estimates:

School shootings (against)
Million genders (in favour)
AAA movies trend impact on films (against)

Another quality thread made and sponsored by the alt-left

Are you pretending to be retarded? I'm genuinely curious.

t. "pls stop making fun of daddy drumpf you guys are meanies :("

I'm pretty sure it's satire. The extreme of both sides are complete retards though

No, you guys just co-opted triggered, you just call anyone even vaguely right-wing who is mad about anything triggered over and over again to "own the insult", standard aliniksy tactics.

as opposed as to what? being actually retarded like your prez, and when you get called out in your retardation your only answer is "hurr at least the libs are mad lol u mad"?

I honestly agree with this. He needs different jokes but his delivery is spot on. He was much better on The Daily Show when it came to comedy.

Obama years
>Obama's answer: "......."

you guys are the biggest fucking crybabies

That's because it's always the same kind of joke.
>this more complicated thing is as if this silly thing
And some of the jokes just go on for too long.

If coal is bad, and oil is bad, and nukes are bad, what type of energy should we be using?

What are you talking about? Those were memes that had no effect on anything, who cares? left-wingers threaten to assassinate Trump everyday and noithing happanes to them. Remember those two teenagers who made some joke about assassinating Obama in some impossible way? They got 10 years. How many left-wingers have been put behind bars for anything so absurd and impossible? None, you guys are just predators pretending to be prey, that's why you have no shame in playing the victims when you're trying to ruin people lives.


They un-ironically believe in shit light solar road ways, and wind power even thought that shit is incredibly ineffective compared to what we have now. Nuclear energy if not for the propaganda would be the best way to go imo

Maybe define that instead of just screaming like a retread lost in a super market.

Use humans as energy like in the matrix.

Our court system is seriously fucked up. It's probably going to get ugly if they don't stop being terrible.

>muh victim complex: the post
Obama was racking up 30 assassination threats a day

I'm not sure where you're getting the DAMN LIBS GETTING AWAY WITH DEATH THREATS11

Again, you're the biggest fucking crybabies on Earth. Dear Leader whining about MUH DEMOCRATS NOT CLAPPING = TRAITORS, meanwhile Obama was called every derogatory and racist name in English and yet he didn't go on senile Twitter rants like the fucking idiot you voted for.

You guys are so fucking pathetic

You may meme but it's true that all the shitfucks on this god-forsaken hellsite are all yuppie Nazi schmucks who get paid commission by the Federal Reserve (who grabs money out of thin air) for spreading misinformation at behest of the fascist corporate fat cats who own the US, the UK, the German (EU), and the Israeli governments who make trillions off of weapons and warfare.

I don't believe what's on Sup Forums.

Nuclear energy is relatively safe, maybe even the safest. It's like airplanes are the safest mode of transportation, but when something goes wrong it really goes wrong.

Try a bit harder with your straw men and you'll reach god tier delusion status.

>the 1st doesn't apply when the yokel idiots I support are ridiculed

> fairly unbiased and objective
He does research by is not neither of these things. He leans left in any segment he does skews the facts to show that.

Such as...?

You sound like such a fucking fag holy shit, I don't even care about politics that much, grow up nobody likes a bitch complaining that everyone else is the problem.

>They un-ironically believe in shit light solar road ways
lmfao even Reddit calls this idea idiotic every time its posted

lmfao@ inbred rednecks who got duped by the oil snake salesman ALL THE COAL JERBS ARE COMING BACK BELIEVE ME

They do it for free

Court fees ensure that HBO will break even at best. The coal company didn't want to win, they just wanted to distract HBO by tying them up in court.

And yet lefites still believe in that shit kek, yeah I don't give a fuck about coal jobs, I'm not right wing retard, not everyone who makes fun of you is some right-wing spook kek

everything has a slant
doesn't mean leaning left or right= FAKE NEWS
I said so above

>Can't respond to the character so starts flinging out desperate insults like a monkey flinging his own shit.

Fuck right wing fags.

I have never watched or listen to him speak and I want to smash his face in. He is just naturally annoying not talented.

Are you kidding me? Leftist still believe that that the water vapor coming out of Nuclear power plants are toxic chemical vapors or something, they are fucking morons who bought into shit like "an inconvenient truth" lol

again, the don't
le leftie Reddit boogeyman calls out the stupidity on the "solar road ways" idea EVERY TIME it gets posted, and said posts are voted to the top

But everything FuckDrumpf said is true (assuming he's not memeing of course). Except the "Jew" part. Donald is actually a Satanist.

>Accuse them of being a nu-pol redditor from the donald
Sounds exactly like the typical leftiefag falseflagger replying to someone he doesn't agree with lol

Still not hearing any energy source ideas. Solar might be great in New Mexico, but what’s England going to do?

Yeah, that's why we try and build plants in safe places, well unless you're Japanese kek

You think everyone left wing is informed by Reddit? Most just swallow up whatever they see on TV or see in movies. Reddit is just a drop in the bucket.

>no one checked dem digits

>current year
>not owning a based Funko Pop! of based Brit current year man

of course it sounds to you like that, its because you are stupid.

>calling people fags
Why are you such a bigot now sweetie, did you finally get the gift :)

Wasted on a shitposting triggered lefite

> everything has a slant
No it does not. That is literally the point of some political ideologies.

>not realizing both left wing tards and right wing tards in the media are running propaganda so the corrupt in power stay in power

and yet at least the lefties are willing to research or read about renewables, and going to le leftie boogeyman reddit, they do know that some ideas are idiotic (re: paved roads)

but keep moving the goalpost
>b-but TRUE LEFTISTS are like, totally dumb when it comes to energy
>that's why I voted for the idiot who still tries to prop up an energy industry on its dying legs that's being abandoned by the rest of the world

Of course everyone who doesn't take the dragon dildo is retarded user, Drumpf WILL bow down to the poz!


>defending the 1st = "HURRR FUCKING LEFTIE"

As someone who voted for Obama twice, I am disgusted liberals are acting just as bad and hateful as the nutbag Tea Party birthers.

>Voting 2nd term


>coal company
white women sued him?

>Having opinions


Who gives a fuck about the rest of the world

the whole premise of the show is that millenials don't have an attention span so they intersperse their news/propaganda with shitty jokes and audience laughter to keep people engaged

good point, nobody uses coal


I almost want to thank him for giving us the Gronald Glumpf meme


You're thinking of Colbert, but it's understandable, they both look alike and ugly, and they're opinions and jokes are terrible


holy shit you're right. I get them confused. why do they all look alike?

>actually informative
>comedy news
Come on now.

God looking at this makes me want to get contacts

We're all related, we all look alike. Some more than others.

this board would be better if you just left...

>pls get out of my echochamber
snowflake trumptards, everyone

>Implying they ever will
It's gonna be more funny to see them get influenced by Sup Forums more and more as time goes on, and they actually start going against their lefty ideals



the type of energy that will make your power bill 5X what it is right now


>televised media is full of actors portraying hapless characters who try to stump the trump
>they just can't catch a break!
>all the people who in reality can stump the trump are never seen on TV and are buried beneath layers of repetitive music, bombastic superhero movies, desensitizingly violent video games, and conversation pieces that are tailored to make Trump look good
Really makes you think.

yeah because technology doesn't get better every year which translates to much cheaper energy amirite?

Really makes me think cause the last line of greentext is gibberish that I'm trying to unriddle

So why aren't you using alternative energy?

>>all the people who in reality can stump the trump are never seen on TV and are buried beneath layers of repetitive music, bombastic superhero movies, desensitizingly violent video games, and conversation pieces that are tailored to make Trump look good
what did xir mean by this?

What with the trend of Trumpanzees having such bad reading comprehension and such a little grasp on the English language and suffixes/prefixes?

>>John Oliver
>>Fairly unbiased and objective

Whatever makes you sleep at night sweetie~

I don't think capitalists (also called neo-liberals) call themselves proletariat.

>It's another rerun of "leftiecucks think they can change Sup Forums's general political viewpoint" thread
I'm getting tired of these reruns tbqh

I'm getting tired of these corporate reruns tbqh

I don't really care what you ex-shareblue fags call yourselves nowadays, probably something super cringy

I bet it's something Harry Potter related or something with Star Wars and RESIST lol

Not surprising. Defamation must clearly be proven and everything he said was protected under The First Amendment.

It's precisely why Trump wants to "open up the Libel Laws" to curtail free speech even more. To protect him and his cronies from any form of criticism. The first step down the age old road to fascism.