With South Park season 21 a little over a week away, I realized I had never heard the commentary from season 20...

With South Park season 21 a little over a week away, I realized I had never heard the commentary from season 20, and there are some interesting points Matt & Trey make:



>Season 20 was a nightmare, it was the first time they thought it through from the beginning, compared to 19, which was light serialization. They had to stick with Garrison as Trump due to the previous season.
>The main axis was meant to be privacy vs. anonymity, and this was the year trolls were in the real world and not just in comment sections.
>The idea that there's this guy who's a provocateur but considers it art because he gets people to think came around to Trump doing the same and South Park itself.
>They comment on the idea America is lost where Ghostbusters has talented people and a great franchise that come together to create a really shitty thing, and then if you dare criticize it, you're a sexist. The reaction to that and new Star Wars is an unwinnable situation and this laziness of thought helped create Trump.
>By November they wanted Garrison returning to a divided school, but Trump fucked it up for them by winning. It was hard to maintain that certain tone.
>They admit they thought Hillary was going to win, and blame Vegas, as they had always looked at the Vegas odds during the other four elections to bank on one result.
>The idea that they aren't going to make fun of Trump this upcoming season is because it's hard for a provocateur to rip on a provocateur. They ponder where they lie on the spectrum, for example if Cartman says a racist joke for reaction compared to someone like Andrew Dice Clay or Milo or Andy Kaufman, but conclude that the difference between them and Trump is that he's the actual President and changing policy. They said everything they wanted to say about him in season 19 anyway.
>They want to get back to the fun shows, and joke S21E1 is AWESOME-O vs. Christmas Critters and they poop on their own dick.

>They want to get back to the fun shows, and joke S21E1 is AWESOME-O vs. Christmas Critters and they poop on their own dick.

Not Without my Anus 2 when?

This is the first time I'm actually excited for new SP in a while. I've been sick of the direction they've been going the past few years.

>AWESOME-O vs. Christmas Critters

My body is ready.

I'm looking forward to it, but not the threads attempting to discuss it. Folks are just looking for the next thing to be mad at these days.

>They want to get back to the fun shows
Oh please yes

>They want to get back to the fun shows
Yeah, they should. Where's mah Cartman is fat, Kyle is a Jew jokes?

Even if Trump won, there's plenty of material to make fun of. They gave up this last season, that's all.

>Even if Trump won, there's plenty of material to make fun of.
t. libtard from kikebook

Yep. Nope. Find a better way to bump the thread.

I'm neutral, you silly fuck.

fucking drumpf

No, there is nothing left to make fun of that hasn't been post a thousand times from faggots like you that think your fucking clever or funny. Even the Vatican jokes with Cardinals being aliens from another planet that treat vaginas like monstrous gaping holes with teeth was old when they used it.

>south park has made fun of every major figure in the last 20 years
>across all political inclinations
>yet somehow can't make fun of trump

Refer to this because of this . Literally proved my point.

The amount you're assuming is insane. I've never made fun of Trump. I don't post on Reddit, watch CNN, go on Facebook, or ingest their terrible rhetoric like you obviously do. There are new ways to make fun of the presidency, as there always are.

user, seek help.

You poor ignorant child.

And this is why I don't have any hope for non-shit threads about the upcoming season.

>still isn't tired of fucking Trump jokes yet
In S19 they portrayed him as a death knoll for any country and had Garrison rape him to death. Then, in the following season they poked fun at how childishly he made important decisions and how basically his key motivation in the election had become not making an ass of himself.

What more do you want?

Hello fellow redditor!
Learned some phrases from Sup Forums for larping I see.
We'll show those nazis, won't we?

Okay user. Okay. Hope you sleep well tonight, you horrible tardis.

>muh originality

Hold on to your hope user. This is more or less a season 20 discussion thread.

Then again it doesn't have to be. Everyone, what are some of your favourite episodes? I really like Trapped in the Closet


I hate trump but I'm sick of him showing up everywhere. Fuck off with that shit. when he stops being the topic of 90% of the topical bullshit then SP should go back to him.

Thread seems active now. You're easy to rile when you're ready to cry about the mean old Sup Forums boogieman.

>The president is a hot topic
Who da thunk?

Hopefully being forced to have Garrison as Trump will stop that bullshit continuous story forever. I wonder if they'll just retcon it.

please obama wasn't triggering everyone for over a year.

They wont be able to recon that shit. If they do; they better make it good.

All the people he triggered were not were not covered by the news. At least not for the cause of feeding ISIS arms.

Hasn't been a year, yet user.
Listen I get it, Sup Forums meme'd Trump so hard that some folks here have grown sick of it all. But it's not gonna' stop the fact that if Trump does something, people are going to notice more than before because he's not just some businessman, he's the President. What I'm saying is you should just come to terms with it, cause it's likely to happen.

The Trump shit from season 20 was embarrassing, even Alec Baldwin and other hacks make better parodies.
>lol darth vader joke
>lol stank face
>lol orange face
>lol doesn't know what is going on
>lol racist
>lol he was just running as a joke and never wanted to be president

I couldn't believe how hard they fucked up the comedy in that season. At first I though they would go the same route as the racist police strawman but no, they played it straight and even dedicated an episode to unironically shill for Hillary.

The sad thing is that in earlier seasons they often made fun of celebrities disconnected from the general population and pushing political messages as if they knew better, and now they turned into that which they criticized so much.

S1: Mecha Streisand
S2: Chickenlover
S3: Sexual Harassment Panda
S4: Trapper Keeper
S5: Cripple Fight / Butters Episode
S6: Death Camp of Tolerance
S7: Krazy Kripples / Christian Rock Hard
S8: Up the Down Steroid
S9: Marjorine
S10: Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy
S11: Le Petit Tourette
S12: Major Boobage
S13: Butters' Bottom Bitch
S14: 200 / 201
S15: Crack Baby Athletic Association
S16: A Nightmare on Facetime
S17: The Hobbit
S18: Grounded Vindaloop
S19: Safe Space
S20: The Damned

Recently marathoned the whole series. These are my favorite episodes from each season. Tried to narrow it down to one, but for some seasons that was really hard to do.

Dahhh I read that in your voice, boss!

It should be worth noting that they also say they don't envy the people who have to try to be funny reporting the news right now, and that they actually want to think it through before just making fun of Trump.

They go on to say that there will always be daily things that happen you can poke fun at and that they'll probably think of something if the moment is right.

That being said, the reason they said they weren't going to rip on him is because that's the crux of the problem with season 20. They put themselves into a corner and had to see it through and that's why it was more confusing drama than simple funny shit.

It has to make sense for them to make fun of Trump/Garrison rather than just have a random TV interview or something where they bring up how his hands can hold two scoops or whatever. It's the same reason they don't jump on every single meme or viral sensation.

Shut up, Mimsy!

Its funny how its only Sup Forumstards and drumpf supporters that think think this.

> Grounded Vindaloop
> Not Cock Magic.

Stop trying to pretend you're not white trash user. It's not just for blacks and mexicans. White people like it too if they're poor enough.

Anyone else think these gay little names backfired and galvanized the opposition?

>Trump out-Parked South Park, Trump stumped them without even trying
Absolute fucking madman.

The Trump curse killed season 20

It's too low hanging fruit really and Trump is so ridiculous he makes fun of himself already. I think a lot of comedians are sick of how repetitive it gets and the saturation but that's what gets ratings so they have to do it. I'm just so sick of constantly hearing about Trump and wish he'd just go away. He's months past his pop culture expiration date. It's like making fun of Justin Bieber isn't funny anymore.

Fuck you and your image. Skeeter and the bar manager are way better than those hicks. But nice post hickshill.

>$2.40 has been deposited in your bank account.

Go to bed Trey

what was really great about this season?
only thing that I thought was legitimately funny was the first Rick-roll, and they overused that joke

All I know is I've disliked South Park since the change in direction as it seriously limited the series and resulted in some real boring and forced shit. If it's going back to the single episode plotline format again then there is hope but the season has got to be real fucking special to win me back as right now It's on the same level as Family Guy and Simpsons to me.

Didn't they also say something along lines of not wanting to make fun of Trump because he's a really easy target and it's already been done to death?

So wasn't Kenny

Just by them. Trump has been done to death by everyone, including Trump. He starts as a fucking joke and then everything fucking makes fun of him. All the jokes are so goddamn stale within hours of whatever dumb shit he does that day. It's killing comedy.

It's saturation. South Park - just like every comedy and commentary show - spent the better part of the last two years just constantly shitting on Trump. People get sick of it.

I'm glad they're hanging on to this.
>Cartman tries to push Heidi away by being himself
>Heidi turns out to be the asshole of the girls group

It wouldn't be out of nowhere either. She was the first one to bully Marjorine, and she was the two faced bitch in Stick of Truth, among possibly other things I'm missing. And I think she made a sex tape in Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset? That might have been someone else.

I don't think it was all bad - the serialization led to a lot of interesting developments and several of the stories were interesting to watch unfold.

Their mistake was building an entire season around the outcome of a political race... it was amateurish and about as nuanced as a bag of hammers.

I think season 20 would have sucked regardless of who won the election. The plot they were building with the Gentleman's club and gender war did not look promising either. And it's not that as if that plot could have saved the other stupid plots either like the memberberries. It's clear that they had nothing planned out even before Trump won.

>trolls were in the real world and not just in comment sections.
Are adult americans really that juvenile and defensive when meeting people that don't follow their ideas and actually counter arguments instead of staying silent?

you forgot to tell it to go back to Sup Forums

What a shock that going full political backfired and fucked up last season.

It's almost like EVERY TIME they do a political episode , it turns into a shit episode and ruins it unless its commentary on an existing problem with plenty of writing potential like PC Principal.

Are Matt and Trey still climate change deniers?

>Cartman got a GF before Kyle
i will be disapointed if they dont get any jokes out of this

Of course you think the SJW parody has "full potential" but a Trump one doesn't, Cletus.

>Are adult americans really that juvenile and defensive when meeting people that don't follow their ideas
just the hypocritical left

Kyle had a girlfriend for a little while. Unfortunately his charm overwhelmed her and turned her into a raging cock starved slut. She made out with Butters and then Kyle got his ass beat by her brother. Not Kyle's best day.


It's like people are too young to remember how hard everyone was roasting Bush for his entire two terms as President.

It's like people forget that "Thats My Bush" and "Lil Bush" were real shows made and dedicated to roasting the fuck out of the President of the United States while he was still in office.

They didn't lose because they decided to get political.

They lost because they were so certain in the future they didn't even fucking have plan B.

hes gonna have a hard time in high school

Wow enlighten everyone then oh wise one

This. Their plan b felt really hacked together and rushed. They even admit to struggling themselves, its clear why the season fell flat on its face. Hopefully their next one will move on and licked its wounds off screen.

SEASON 3: Rebecca sticks her tongue so far into Butters' mouth that she could have licked his tonsils.
SEASON 13: Butters claims he hasn't had his first kiss and pays some girl to give him a light peck.

But then Butters is a total simpleton so he probably failed to make the connection between a smooch and full on scamming.

It goes both ways, you know. Some people have taken to heart the idea that you can shut down an argument just by yelling non sequiturs and being abrasive.

I'm a Brit and I'm sick of hearing about Trump. SP is creative compared to Seth's garbage and even The Simpsons. Following the anti-Trump herd is boring.

I wish they'd shoot every lazy comedian who just stands up and comments on Trump. They're worthless shits. And when they're all dead, they should shoot Trump.

Will we ever see him again?

Plus people, especially the young hipster type new to politics, tend to forget that Trump isn't anything new. He's been around and famous since the 80's. He's been mocked and spoofed for decades, so many jokes comedians and writers try will have already been done do death and were already old and stale 20 years ago.

All I want is more creek pandering desu

Well you got 7 and a half more years of trump. Then 8 of pence then 8 of trumps daughter/wife

Yes. See the nazis vs antifa

If anything him being president gives new things to mock every day rather than just orange and hair

That's some quality Butters right there, but you're missing Simpsons Already Did It.

you're missing a pendulum swing in between them

I do feel like they could do something about Nazi punching, especially since Cartman fucking loves nazis.

They already did a violence against free speech episode (see Cartoon Wars), we don't need another to sooth the fanbase of Sargon of Akkad.

Those two shows thought were made over the course over 8 years.

Trump jokes and even a Trump show have exhausted themselves and material within the first four months of his presidency. We've got like, eight political "Daily Show" type shows that rip on him every night as well as every late night talk show. On top of The President Show and whatever else they've got. And most of these people started firing these jokes during his entire campaign run.

It's like watching the rep of the Bush run crammed into a week and shoved into your brain.

Yeah trump calling them fine people and saying those who were anti nazi are just as bad seems like it could work for a kyle ep

I was thinking more like it becoming a hip trend to punch nazis like it's a fashion statement and maybe Cartman wanting to start a humanitarian organization to stop or protect them.

Rebecca was a qt, shame what happened.

Literally no. I mean any appearance would be political, which is what EVERYONE is sick of.

And frankly, I just want more stories like CRAB PEOPLE.


>implying people are gonna turn liberal again.
Keep thinking that libcuck we won and will keep winning. Trump works and his legacy will keep working


Taste like crab
Talk like people


Pretty much this. Whether you like Trump or hate Trump, most people are probably tired of being unable to turn the corner without bumping into media talking about Trump. It's exhausting, and having more shows where you can take a break from him are desperately needed for the sake of everyone's mental sanity.

Too bad. You got 7 more years


>drinking the kool-aid THIS HARD
Your man-child god-king has the lowest approval ratings of any president, ever. He's consistently making enemies in every level of government and his only goal at this point has been attempting (and failing, in many cases) to tear down anything Obama had a hand in developing. HURR DURR LET'S KICK OUT A BUNCH OF THOROUGHLY-VETTED AND PROTECTED IMMIGRANTS WHO CAME HERE AS CHILDREN AND SEND THEM BACK TO COUNTRIES THEY DON'T EVEN REMEMBER BECAUSE HURR DURR IMMIGRANTS R SCURRY

You've got sixth months.

>someone on Sup Forums
>says he never goes on Sup Forums

>calling them fine people
This isn't something that happened, I seem to recall him specifically stating how much he didn't like "White supremacists"
and the other side, Antifa, have their history as the militant wing of the german communist party, known for violence and other bullshit. if you go by a legal sense, there is no comparison. and if you don't you are only driven by ideology, you dolt.

8 years plus 16 more for pence and ivanka

The best part about Rebecca is that she and Nichole completely shit all over the idea that Kyle is gay. You'd be surprised at how many people have convinced themselves of that little tidbit.

He later said the rally had fine people in it. The rally with nazis and kkk members shouting heil trump

> Vetted
You have to go back taco nigger

I'm still unsure if it's just an ironic meme or if Trump supporters genuinely think he's gonna get 8 years.

Drumpf isn't even going to get 2 years at this rate, it's like he's deliberately trying to get impeached because the job is too hard on his fat ass.

I'm pale ass white as the winter snow, trumptard, sooner or later you're going to have to realize the majority of Americans, including white people, despise regressive subhumans like you. You can't cover your ears and eyes and scream FAKE NEWS FAKE POLLS REEEEEE!!! and expect it to change. America as a whole is being forced to look at how the Republicans actively sabotage the democratic values our country is founded on in order to advance their greedy agenda, and your beloved Retard Emperor will go down as a greater traitor to this nation than Benedict Arnold.

>He later said the rally had fine people in it.

Probably because it did. Not everyone that attended was a Nazi White Supremacist. I would have thought it obvious, given the context of his statements, that he was referring to the people that weren't Nazis.