A girl I'm sexually attracted to told me I should watch this

A girl I'm sexually attracted to told me I should watch this
I'm assuming it's terrible if she likes it, what am I in for?

the cutest girl to ever grace the small screen

awkward robots reading out strange teenage dialogue that a teen would never say written by a middle aged man based on a comic book.

It does have a nice switch in tone half way through.

stopped watching after she get's blacked in the 3rd episode or sth like that

the cutest girl to ever grace the small screen

>what am I in for?

Unmasking a pleb and losing interest in that girl you know.

if a hot single girl tells you to watch it, you do. no questions

It's actually pretty decent. Give it a watch user.

That girl is trying to tell you, she knows you want her, but she sees you as a psychopath

just watch it, Nigga, you like her don't you?

I already know shes a pleb, but she has huge tits and a really nice butt

>this is a 10/10 in bongland
lmao brits JUST



looks pretty 10/10 to me

she's 24 years old


She doesn't get blacked.

She's hitting on you. The show is about an awkward robot and this pretty rebellious girl who has the hots for him. Watch the show, but keep in mind as you watch it that she's hitting on you by recc'ing it. Maybe invite her on a road trip or something if that's in your means?

wtf I take it back

It's a lot better than I was expecting. Only 20 minute episodes too so you can tear right through it. Just watch it so you can geek out with her, that's what she wants you idiot.


I recommended it to a girl not knowing what it was about and two days later we stopped talking for some reason

I still don't know what it's about

maybe she thinks you want to kill her