7 films

>7 films
>Still kino
How does he do it?

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only the first two are kino
the rest belongs in the bin

You belong in the bin.

Likeable characters

He's one of Hollywood's most underrated talents

The first one is far and away the best of all the films and the rest areally fun to watch. Except part 5, that is the only truly horrible Rocky film

Rocky 4 is the best in the series.

Rocky was never meant to be a superhero boxer, making sequels missed the point of the original entirely

people tell me that Balboa and Creed are good and treat the sequels as basically noncanon (besides an offhand mention that Creed sr. died in the ring) but I never bothered

1 > 2 > Creed > Balboa > 3 > 4 >>> 5

The only objectively weak one is 5.

>4 that low

Fuck off. 4 is fucking awesome, but the others are better movies.

Name ONE scene in any other Rovky movie more hype than this


I want to judge this, but I've never seen Balboa or Creed

>muh hype

Stop it.

>Being a pleb who cant enjoy Rocky kino

4 has too many montages. I think it has 4.

this is pretty fair, i might put creed equal with 2

>Rocky 4 has 4 montages

Did you miss the bit where I said Rocky 4 was fucking awesome? Learn to read, you cunt.

kekekekek, worse digits I've ever witnessed, even worse than these





Mickey: You're gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder!

Adrian: Why do you wanna fight?
Rocky: Because I can't sing or dance.

Mickey: Your nose is broken.
Rocky: How does it look?
Mickey: Ah, it's an improvement.

Apollo Creed: Ain't gonna be no rematch.
Rocky: Don't want one

Rocky: Adrian! Adrian!
Adrian: Rocky!
Rocky: Adrian!
Adrian: Rocky!
Rocky: Hey, where's your hat?

Rocky: I wanna kiss ya-ya don't have to kiss me back if ya don't feel like it.

Paulie: [talking about Adrian] You like her?
Rocky: Sure, I like her.
Paulie: What's the attraction?
Rocky: I dunno... she fills gaps.
Paulie: What's 'gaps'?
Rocky: I dunno, she's got gaps, I got gaps, together we fill gaps.

Fucking Rocky in the first movie is such a lovable idiot. It also has the best quotes

So I watched Creed after only watching Rocky (1).

Did I ruin kino for myself?

You should have just skipped 5

Would prime Apollo been able to beat Drago?

is Creed any good if I don't like black people in my movies?

The first was the only good film.

3 and 4 were fun but cheesy as fuck.

everything else is shit.

rocky was good.

the sequels are mostly trash.

creed was surprisingly decent.

Are you saying 2 was a bad movie?

2 was a shit version of 1

>Fucking Rocky in the first movie is such a lovable idiot
Yes, except for the fact that he's basically a rapist. This scene right here would never fly today

The sequels don't diminish the original though, and they're consistent- they're not about a technically skilled boxer, they're about a resilient one who can take punishment and stay in the ring.

Arian was incredibly shy in the first movie, she barley even talked. But she did like Rocky.

I would switch Creed and Balboa but yeah, this sounds right to me

But she's clearly into him despite being industrial strength shy


Rocky was made in a time when some women were sexually reserved and coaxing them into affection was considered okay or even romantic. She never tried to run or said "no". Believe it or not, women like to be pursued.

>Paulie: [talking about Adrian] You like her?
Rocky: Sure, I like her.
Paulie: What's the attraction?
Rocky: I dunno... she fills gaps.
Paulie: What's 'gaps'?
Rocky: I dunno, she's got gaps, I got gaps, together we fill gaps.

Pure kino.

That might be the weirdest scene in a Rocky movie. The music, all the zoom in on a talking maid robot. I wonder what happened to that robot? Paulie probably sold it.

4 was the best, I hope one day it is re- released into theaters.

>only ever watched Rocky 1, 2 and Balboa
>never watched the other sequels
>"Oh come on, how bad could they be"
>see a random youtube clip of Rocky 4
>there's a fucking robot

>he hasnt experienced the kino that is ROcky 4

>1st movie. Rocky is asking where to take Adrian on a date."Take her to the zoo, Rock. I heard retards like the zoo"

>2nd movie. Rocky proposes to Adrian at a zoo

Pure pottery kino

That scene is cringe worthy

Balboa and Creed are good, fight me.

no, Rocky beat Drago because he scouted Drago in the Apollo fight and trained to unhumanly toughen up, plus his godly heart and determination both of them pumped up emotionally after the death of Apollo... it's a case where x character defeats the unbeatable y character becuase of many other factors aside from raw power and/or fighting ability.

I don't think anyone is arguing that. But they are definitely not better than Rocky though.

Translation: he had the eye of the tiger.

Yo, Adrian, we did it...

Literally no movie is.

just how important was this woman in Rocky's life? one of the best love stories ever told

I honestly think they're the best couple in cinematic history. Real as fuck.

First post worst post.

I cried

creed goes after IV

I > II > IV > VI > III > VII > V

Rocky VI would have been on par with I and II if Rocky died in the ring. Still every film was great except VII and V.
Apollo's son was a spoiled brat and completely unlikable. V was a parody.


I like his simple, retard poem he made and then read to her while she was in the hospital.

if you honestly don't think Rocky 4 is the best in the series, you are a pleb and should kill yourself

That’s cute. You love the 80s.

is only good when Rocky is on the screen, I like Michael B Jordan but he has no charisma in the movie and the romance plot is tacked on

You can get the entire experience of 4 just by watching the first fight, the montage where Ivan is getting drugged up, and the final fight. The drama in between the fights in 1 is actually engaging.

>I like his simple, retard poem he made and then read to her while she was in the hospital.
the magic in this shit is that she was encouraging him to learn how to read properly and would listen to him read children stories at night... so just imagine the feels it gave to him reading this to her, some thing that he himself wrote, while she was in a coma.


the fuck you talking about? Rocky was a gentleman the whole time now that shit in revenge of the nerds that was rape

Also watch the Russia training montage, the Apollo died montage and the 30 second robot scens

plebs, nothing can top Rocky 4

IV is one of the best action movies of the 80's fuck it is one of the best capeshit movies Rocky is basically a superhero

where the fuck was Rocky's son while he was dying of cancer?

If I can change... then you can change... everybody can change!


His Son died IRl dude

I remember some part in the movie (Creed) Rocky says he was living someplace far away where he got a good job, and also I remember that Rocky didn't want anyone to know he was sick... the only one who knew was Adonis + the doctors iirc.

>"No Pain"
I love Duke

I haven't watched the series since 2015. I need to revisit them.

Can you hit harder then Drago?

1 > 3 > 2 > 6 > Creed > 4 > 5

nobody can

Hit the one in the middle.

Ey you replied to him how about you try replying to me now? My threads outside.

The only bad one is 5, and I still say there's a good movie in there, but it needs to be re-cut and re-scored. Fuck that club-hop soundtrack.

I'm guessing Rocky probably never told him. If it wasn't for Adonis finding the pamphlet he wasn't even going to treat it.

Easy. Memes aside, this gets me every single time.

Switch 3 and 4 and you're good imo

Hell, I think both are as good as eachother. Same with Balboa and Creed.

Last decent one was 3


>tfw you'll never turn on your Russian qt girlfriend by training

>what is a social cue

Oh i fucking love Sup Forums

Touch me and I'll sue.

Jesus christ you actually think4 is a better film than 1?

Rocky V is the most underrated movie of all time. Debate me.

Shitpost me for what?


>screw you creepo

He's talking about his son in the movie. But yeah, his irl son bit it.

It's pretty much a toss-up for either honestly but gun to my head that's what I'd do.

>reads report, does nothing

It is. All niggers must die, but it's not a bad film.

>she gives birth to a nigger then tries to fug Rocky

>implying Rocky would racemix with this irish trash