I REALLY enjoy this show, Sup Forumsigs

I REALLY enjoy this show, Sup Forumsigs.

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But why did they have to include this 45 year old Felicia "I am afraid of fat people in gamerclothes" Day in season 3?

Her tits are distractingly huge

They ensure you're always focused on the show - no looking at the phone or getting lost in conversation.

What show?

She's a great actress!

Look at her talent!

What show?

I stopped watching after the Fox sex.
I found I just don't like HUGE tits. This blond girl was never attractive to me.
I mean I can see that she's a beautiful woman and everything but I personally was never like "Hooo mama" about her.

what show

I just want them to be happy ;_;

Why is she such a bitch??

the magicians

its a terribly acted edgy version of harry potter mixed with narnia

I was angry when I saw her in the show too

I've read the book.



Consists of such great acting.

Is there any nudity in this show?

I like her.

She is perfect.

You can't just point at anyone who disagrees with you and call them haters.

Yea they're in some Siberian goulag "magic camp" where the dude forbids them from talking so they just build up sexual tension with looks and shit I guess and then one day they go out and transform into foxes and start playing together and then she gets mad at him and says she only had sex because she was a fox and not because she likes him or something like that.

They did.

It was pretty graphic because apparently animals fucking isn't so bad.

Not really, just plot but they push the boundary on what they can

they wanted that furry audience

What do you mean with the obvious censored F-bombs all relative to who directs to episode?
And how they tackle social justice issues like racism, sexism and rape. Really make you think with your dick.

>I found I just don't like HUGE tits
You fucking loser.

I really grown to like Margo and Elliot even though they are just archetypes.

Why did she choose to wear this dress at comic con?

Everyone on this show is hot not just her

Julia angry her tits are H U G E


fuuck I have a major satyress fetish, I need to watch this shit right now.



Wait so does the chick in your pic become a satyr or is that a different girl?

Real big... acting..skills. Very nice.

Way different girl.

>tfw no blonde huge boobed /x/phile gf

I'm speechless!

help bros chubby blondes with glasses are my irrational weakness

I want her to stomp my balls with her jaw

Was it stated in the books that she likes to wear stuff that really covers her cleavage or are the wardrobe people just huge dicks?

Good lord they're huge

BIG teases.

Apart from the >BLACKED KINGDOM the show is fine.
>Prince Ess
Come on

Bitch was on 5secondfilms years ago.

This show is great!


Jesus Christ

OK!!! Envy ;__;

Drunkard posting combined with eternal loneliness.
Such is Saturday night, Sup Forumsats!

She reminds me of Ash Hollywood.

Just kidding, lmao.

>Why she so perfect?

This girl has some nice pussy worship videos

came for the magic, stayed for the tits

I might have to start watching this show

she was already mighty fine then

>busty nerdy girl turns evil
that's my jam

Any non virgins know if her tits are real?

look at em jiggle, of course they're real

she's not even chubby, her norks are just that massive.

I like Julia desu

I'll just leave it here

I actually remember that episode. It was fun.

Been crushing on her since 5SF. Hope she gets more work, which means more boobs.

Is this worth watching?

Well they're each 5 seconds long so it's not much of a time investment. Most of them are pretty good too, but she doesn't show up in every one.

To short!
Need hour(s) of her enjoyment.

>fuuck I have a major satyress fetish
Is there such a thing as a minor one? Seems like an all or nothing kind of kink

>not much of a time investment
Sure, for watching some videos. There's over 2,000 videos though.

What is this from??

>good scene with margo
>quentin whines for 10 minutes.
>julia whines for 10 minutes.
>good scene with elliot
>alice whines for 10 minutes
>something magic
>good scene with peny
>katy fucks something up
>plot point
>repeat; the show.


>What do you mean with the obvious censored F-bombs

they don't censor the language tho

This, saw a season and a half of this shit and it's really really bad.

Fuck you.
Margo is great, I agree. Julia is a cunt up until recently, she's makes drama for no reason though. Still moaning about >but I was raped, though!
Elliot is great, more pls
>Alice I don't trust. Is she good, bad, get naked already.
>Magic LMAO
>Penny overall great, but he doesn't fit the "I don't care"-character
>Kady I S S H I T. And she forced her Abraham faith onto to the damn show. She doesn't fit the show at all as a character.

Yey, more episodes :^)

She is ruining the show. Her acting doesn't fit at all with the tone and she seems weird and out of place.

Also, Elliot and Margot are the best characters.

>still no airdate in the UK
Is there a worse network than Channel 5?

She's just another >I want to be quirky and cute , but she lacks the capability of acting. I really, really hoped she would be gone or turned into a dragon or some shit. Just to have her off the screen. But NOPE! Amulet too strong and dude kills himself so now we're stuck with here for the rest of the season.

It was as off-putting as Wil Wheaton in Dark Matter. Just doesn't fit at all, and I have no idea why it was approved..

On youtube.

Obviously nobody is forcing you to watch them all. Besides 2,000 5 second videos is roughly 2.7 hours, which isn't a huge deal either.

>roughly 2.7 hours
Well when you put it like that it seems much more manageable.
I was just wondering if you think the quality has been the same throughout, or if there came a point where it's not worth watching.


more like titty twins am i right?!

its a good show

Just why.

Whoa shit, season 3 is on? Almost forgot. Thanks Sup Forums
the dragon from last season was the dopest

dat elliot and q spend a lifetime together solving a mosaic episode

(i know it was just the magicians inner light, but it was still great)

New mommy discovered.

jesus christ were is her maxila?

Goddamn I love stacked women.

I'm STILL waiting for Gotham season THREE!

Has the actor that plays alice ever done nude scenes? I would pay good money to see those giant tits

WHo the fuck calls it that

giv aryan gf

started season 3 today. forgot how enjoyable it is. feel like i must have missed a bunch of shit though, or something is off, because ep1 s3 seems to have jumped a bunch of stuff. love it anyway.

alices tits are crazy.

That scene and then Penny calling Q a nerd jerkoff-material savant were pure kino.

Her breasts are immaculate

goodness gracious


no, you're pretty much getting the best stuff itt



>It was as off-putting as Wil Wheaton in Dark Matter
Wheaton as a creepy wealthy rapist is the best he was ever cast