Aphrodite IX REBIRTH Storytime

If you love it when a plan comes together, you'll like this story.

This is what happened, or what will happen because a real dick named Jackie broke a thing.

Bear with me, cause my internet is being awfully shitty.




His Aquaman seems pretty lazy compared to this


How "mature audiences"?

I haven't read any of it.

I know Hawkins is putting out new Cyberforce soon™ though.


I dunno, I'm just memeing mostly. There's some pervy stuff, but it's pretty standard. Don't think there's even any tiddy.





I can never decide if I like Sejic art or not.
It gets better in the back half of the series I think.


Your delusional if you think flatter less rendered art is better.


Yeah, the first issue of Aquaman that he was on looked pretty good (#25 or #26), but then it looks like he was rushed for the rest.

He will switch to the quicker style after the 1st arc in this.
He used this more fully rendered style for his entire long Witchblade run, he has more then earned a reprieve.

Possibly, but it seems to fit a little better. The 'plastickyness' of this stuff kinda irks me. I suppose fits better is more my meaning.


and back on track. meant to delet the cyber force promo and fucked up.




Speaking of Cyber Force, I'm considering just doing most all of the Sci-Fi Top Cow Rebirth stuff.









































As always, thanks for any bumps.






























