Some creators made a private Facebook page to harass D&C

>Some creators made a private Facebook page to harass D&C
>A man with low production values, shit research, and a coughing problem has 40,000 subscribers just by talking about SJW shit and has now become the center of attention due to twitter drama
>People are trying to start a #comicgate
>Mr. Metokur now knows
>D&C will have a "civil conversation" with Mark Waid
>People are STILL using outdated panels and treating them as new
>Rich is going to leach off this
>People are saying the industry is going to crumble even harder now

This hobby is going to end up in even more smoke isn't it?

Just continue to not read bad comics and support good ones, and ignore bullshit controversy.

Even in a worst case scenario all the people involved in the controversy will give a shit about is currently running mainline cape books,.

Woah, 40,000 whole subscribers?! That's absolutely fucking nothing

The people in the Facebook group do mostly indie stuff

That's more than the number of issues Marvel sells.

>D&C will have a "civil conversation" with Mark Waid
This is a troll, it must be, I refuse to believe Mark Waid would be so egotistical and petty.

That's the point
He should be a nobody yet fucking Mark Waid is giving him attention and seeing him as a threat


Waid confirmed it himself
It's happening

Though subscribing to a youtube channel is free, buying Marvel requires spending at least $3.99.

>D&C recommends some books
>They don't get as much attention as the ones he doesn't like

Waid is an absolute sperg, he has gone off the deep end. Then again, based on that phone call story, he might have always been wading around in there




You do know his average video only gets 7,000-14,000 views?

Having a critical Youtube channel counts as harassment? People are in danger just because he's walking around at a Comic Con?

Okay, wow, fuck this guy with a rake. Mark Waid is the most talented comic book writer on the planet but Jesus duck is this guy a sneaky dishonest detestable piece of shit!

That's more than the number of issues Marvel sells.

>most talented writer
>Tom King
>Alan Moore
>Christopher Priest

Don't try TOO hard now.

Dammit Tynion

>Mark Waid is the most talented comic book writer on the planet
Lol good one

What a nice fellow.

How much are you willing to bet that half of the people following him are only in it for the drama and don't give a shit about the industry

Are you just gonna spam this all day? Marvel are retards, but it's not like the D&C guy isn't also a retard.

Nigga the whole Facebook group thing has opened a rabbit hole

You're wasting your breath. Both sides want this to turn into a shitstorm for their controversy boners, subscription and clickbait bucks, then will complain when nothing actually changes while those pulling the strings profit off said shitstorm.

It's "Let make Comicgate happen and get money off these angry retards!" attempt 8977667.

>Not knowing the influence of Jim

A lot? Shit the facebook thing was an evident private bitch fest from the screencaps but no, it's targeted harassment because this is /ourguy/.

This guy is quite literally just Marvel's problem with politics and production from the other side. You don't get good comics by backing either one. This guy has it right.

I meant his subscribers

Private Zack STOP shilling your shit on here or I'll make you suck a golf ball through a garden hose!

Fuck off, shill.

Nigger I don't fucking care. The dude reviews like ass, got two actually good books - Deathstroke and Super Sons - wrong and has a continual complaint is about tit size.

I am currently not pulling a single Marvel comic and I have no fucks to give about this idiocy. Comic creators bitch? Are insular? Talk about each other behind their back? No fucking shit.

You know if this ramps up all it takes is one fuck who says cunt or nigger to a staffer for Marvel to just wash their hands of it, and that will inevitably happen because both SJWs and Sup Forumstards are gibbering idiots with no self control. All I want is to talk about and read comics: actual comics, the written product, not social media drama.

So lets say this SJW phase does end, what does D&C have left?

Doesn't matter when it's so damn predictable what will happen. These two chucklefucks will meet up, you'll have a convenient crowd egging something to happen even if it's civil until some spaz will do something retarded to kick off a fight or injury of some sort.

Then you'll see 20 prewritten articles hitting the usual places pretending to take the high ground and egging on both sides while there will be a group copypasting a shitty declaration of war and comicgate on every board at the same time.

Even WWE is less obvious about staging than these people.

>>Some creators made a private Facebook page to harass D&C
Hold the fucking door
Fucking what? Why?

>>Some creators made a private Facebook page to harass D&C

Yeah, and what creators exactly?

Call me a retard, but I wouldn't mind seeing some equivalent of ECW, or even some fucking Juggalos to lighten the mood up.

You might get your wish and it's a Joker or Harley cosplayer that sets it off.

A persistent cough and a career at Sunny D.

Complaining about SJWs. If you think him and people like him will ever stop complaining about SJWs, regardless of how much of an influence they actually have, then you're delusional. At best, there'll be a new boogeyman to latch onto for easy outrage shilling but that'll just be SJWs under a different name.

Likewise, the very concept of "PC" will never go away. The term was coined in the fucking 80s.

In other words you're saying D&C is basically a SJW. I hope you are wrong, but I expect you to be correct.
