Do you miss anything from the N52 era ? Like changes to heroes or their already established villains...

Do you miss anything from the N52 era ? Like changes to heroes or their already established villains, new characters from either side and so on ?

I miss 90% of redesigns of Superman and his cast. Wish they would've kept those while keeping the current lighter atmosphere. Maybe see H'el and the demon guy again.

I miss Demon Knights, mainly because I miss Sir Ystin and Exoristos

> The SM/WW book when it wasn't part of a crossover.
> Wonder Woman being able to take a nuke.
> Zod & Mos style Faora instead of the current crap with Zod having a kid with Ursa.

I miss the variety. New 52 was hit or miss but when it hit, it REALLY hit. Rebirth is fine but kind of boring. I can't blame DC though, their fans want monotony

Demon Knights owned, right on

Justice League was loads better pre-Rebirth

I miss Lex being an active Justice Leaguer and I miss Waller's JLA too

The notion that N52 Superman wasn't light the majority of the time is ridiculous.

> Justice League was loads better pre-Rebirth
I maintain there was no bad arc in John's Justice League. Origins & Graves were the weakest & they were simply meh.

I liked the N52 Cyborg Superman design alot.

It was a strong run, but I found the Metal Men arc during Forever Evil to be bad

That they actually gave a shit about their supernatural comics. They actually were willing to change the characters up.

I really liked Nightwing pre-SPYRAL. I was pretty annoyed that the Chicago arc got cut short for Forever Evil bumping off Nightwing.

The opening arc was shit but I still maintain it was ghostwritten by Lee. Also to be fair it never had the peaks of runs like Morrison or Kelly either though.

Eh I thought it was fun. Altho a step down from the superb Crime Syndicate origins that came immediately prior.

I liked wolf Krypto
And I honestly liked the collar suit

yea wolf Krypto was cool.

Jae Lee getting work.
Where the fuck has he been?

Bring back Batcow and Batcat

Agreed, going bank to Henshaw was an unneeded regression. Although I understand he had fans and they probably wanted him back.

Origins was TRASH

It really wasn't so bad, the wounds to continuity were just fresh and the timeline issues made everyone upset

Should Darkseid be a jobber? No. But they learned from their mistake and are using Steppenwolf as the opening boss and Darkseid as the grander threat as he should be

Have to admit, N52 Supergirl with long hair was my favorite design in her history. Pity they didn't keep it.

this. It was a good book