Tropes You Hate

>character that is shown to be one of the strongest beings in-universe dies immediately


If you're going to frogpost, be a man and use an actual frog. It makes it easier to just shift-click your shitty tread in the catalog. Thank you.

>comedy set before modern times
>constant anachronistic jokes

u wot m8

>Hero can easily kill his whole rogue gallery if he gets angry enough.

>biggest character is the dumbest one

How is that a trope?

I should reiterate

>character that is shown to be one of the strongest beings in-universe dies immediately when they get into a fight

You sound triggered, how's the weather up there?

>Characters of the same race get paired up just because they're of the same race

Best example:
Black Panther and Storm

>power of friendship

>excessive swearing to sound edgy
He sounds like a 12 year old trying to look as angry as possible

You mean like how Living Tribunal got beaten off screen to show how tough the new villains were?

And in the end they were not that smart or powerful.

Falcon and Misty is another one. It isn't as bad, but it's not good either.

>two heroes compete for some reason, ends with a tie or an ambiguous result
>good guys get into fight with other good guys, but never finish the fight and then team-up to fight the bigger threat
>powerful character lauded for being so godlike is frequently depowered for plot convenience

Any fucking story where all the characters have their memories wiped at the end.

Any stories in general that feel the need to restore the status quo even in the finale

That's basically his character so I guess it works.

I'm with you.

Who's that guy in OP's pic? He looks like Judge Cal if Judge Cal had heat vision.

"I cannot kill mass murdering asscaves cause of muh honor and I WOULD BE JUST LIKE THEM!"

Homelander. Read some of The Boys when you get a chance, it's what rekindled my interest in comics.

Homelander from The Boys.

>character has a sidecut

But he won every other fight he got into and he was fighting someone who was literally specifically made to kill him.

zippylink plz

>[Explains something using extremely basic scientific terminology.]

>cute, energetic girl
>never gets fired out of a cannon

Uhhh... if you wanna come over to my place and smoke weed and read my trades, that's cool.

I'd be totally fucking down with that on the incredible offchance that you live in my area code and you're not a serial killer.

>the dumbest female character is still smarter than the smartest male character

>Series has ghosts/zombies/vampires/etc.
>Nothing interesting is done with the concept of them being undead people and they're essentially generic interchangeable monsters.

Well if you're around the New Orleans area and feeling brave, let's chronic and comic.

God I hated this as a kid watching tmnt. Splinter would have taught them basic shit.

Donny: "It's a plant, it uses photosynthesis, we have to block it from the li-"


Can love bloom on the boards?

Nope, too bad. Lucky you, I love my City but New Orleans must be loads of fun.


>Superhero is invincible except for one weakness
>Weakness doesn't actually affect him much
>easily overcomes weakness


That superman movie where superman lifts an entire island made of kryptonite

B-Baka... I don't l-like him or anything...

I can think of something similar
>Superhero is pretty much invincible except for a few key weaknesses
>hit them with a strange variation of the weakness
>clearly hurts the hero, but doesn't kill them
>it is permanently abandoned and never attempted again because it wasn't completely lethal on the first attempt

>"You can't do that to them, they're a US citizen!"

Happens all the time, both in comics and real life. The deaths of hundreds of Sokovians is unfortunate but what REALLY sucks was that one US exchange student. Drones have been blowing up suspected terrorists extra-judicially for years now, but it's a big deal when one of them held dual US-citizenship?

>killing sentient aliens en masse is a-okay but if even one human dies you're a terrible person

Animporphs was a prime example. Other than the Tlaxxons -none- of the mind-controlled deserved death anymore than the average human Controller.

Yep, this one pisses me off something fierce.

Bonus points if they have already killed several mooks/henchmen before the main villain is at their mercy.

>character has a weakness to something
>when that something is used, "weakness" is suddenly just the hero screaming while still kicking lots of ass

Superman and kryptonite.

>Joker immunity


I'm not saying he shouldn't have died, but it was still a massive fucking letdown that the one part in The Boys that actually seems like we'll get a bona-fide Homelander fight just immediately has him get offed, especially after that reveal. Sure, the ensuing scenes were great, but just having him peter out like that after 64 issues' worth of teasing and offering only small glimpses of his power was a bummer.

>character that is shown to be one of the strongest beings in-universe dies immediately

He isn't normally that coarse; he usually at least presents himself as being pretty clean-cut in public, but he's in full-on nervous breakdown here as he confronts the person whom he'd considered to be a friend and ally who had been gaslighting him, ruining his public life and basically toppling the entire house of cards which is his life, and all for nothing more substantial than gruesome, childish nihilism. You'd be swearing up a storm, too.

You forgot to mention how he was his biological, completely insane and physically identical twin that basically turned the Homelander into a psychopath

>the power of friendship is portrayed as a magic laser beam, instead of showing the realistic benefits of having friends

Falcon and Steve all the way.

When is it a laser beam?

>Episode that caters to your fetish.
>Happens to everybody but the female character(s)


Which brings me to another trope I hate
>Characters with the same or similar powersets get paired up because similar powers
Strom x Thor

>the big bad wins and is invincible
>gives up his power subconsciously because he wants to lose

This is the worst.

Captain America and Scarlet Witch

Ponies, Elements of Harmony.

blind master who can "see"

fuckin southern bastards made me realize how much i hated it

>Bad guy's #2 is by all means the most incompetent person in the entire series
>jobs literally every time they appear
>somehow never get demoted

>Implying turning old enemies into new friends isn't the most surefire way to win in the long run

Which southern bastards?

Why do you hate it?

vol 2. the black guy who taught boss to play

i don't like football, and the second volume wasn't really for me

i was talking more about the "blind master who can 'see'" trope.

I know, I was asking why you hated that trope

>Character has lost loved ones before
>Gets over it, maybe even comes out a better person
>Suddenly their girlfriend dies
>They go insane or evil

Live a Live?

>character is an absolute bitch 95% of the time
>becomes alpha as fuck under some situation
>goes back to being a bitch any other time


>a character acts like a complete retard all the time
>when something gets serious they're the most intelligent/wise person of all

>Character gets tortured
>Becomes a complete irremediable monster afterwards

That's why Storm needs to be with Wolverine!

in particular, this guy could "see" defensive plays and line ups or what ever football take

i don't mind an I-Ching master like in New Super-Man.

just thought it was retarded in the football sense.

>Character, whether villain or hero does something that fucks up EVERYthing
>They, and the show writers, believe that the only way to redemption/salvation/forgiveness is death

>characters in kids movie slowly turn around and notice each other
>one screams
>the other screams back
>they both scream at each other

fuuuuukkkkk would probably bloom a sick friendship.

>Character is declared insane and spared the death penalty despite showing full awareness that what they were doing was wrong, and planning their crime out well in advance, thus not meeting the legal definition of insanity.

>Character does something that fucks up EVERYthing
>Afterwards, it's never once acknowledged that it's their fault

> "I'm totally not doing this"
> cuts immediately to they doing it with an extra "I can't believe we are doing this"

This the exact opposite of someone driving into two people carrying a glass, it has never been done in a funny way.

>Annoying mascot that speaks in unintelligible gibberish that everyone in-universe understands perfectly well so whenever they say something, another, normal-speaking character has to go "you're right [annoying mascot]! We SHOULD [what the mascot supposedly said there]! Why didn't I think of it sooner?" and other variants there on of as an obvious way to pad time through episodes

>the big bad wins and all they do is just kill people and shit everything up
And that, children, is why Mark Waid's Empire and this Secret Wars What-If will always be the best, while most bad-guy-wins stories are boring and unimaginative.

He becomes a benevolent god...

I like this what-if.

Best Doomwank evar A+A+A+A+A+ would semi-evil overlord again.

Best Doomwank evar A+A+A+A+A+ would semi-evil overlord again.

Sasuga user.

You have no idea how much I'd enjoy having a friend who would just blaze and read trades while having horribly autistic discussions about "cool" crossover ideas, or "____ vs ____"
Folks these days are too glued to their screens to want to sit in a room and flip through some TPBs.

>one of the characters is an annoying as hell "quirky" girl who always makes everything worse

lel. Seriously y'all, don't drink an dpost.


I'm going to bed...


Let me guess, Mabel?

Yes, but "quirky" girls are cancer in general.

This one gets me the most.

Any other examples, out of curiousity?

I guess they assume kids are retarded, but I hated this nonsense watching cartoons when I was growing up.

It was cool in kung fu panda 2

>In-universe supers have been running around for decades
>People still flabbergasted at someone shrugging off handgun fire
>Especially police, who should have some sort of protocol for this shit by now