ITT we're in an alternate universe

Hey guys did you hear about that new Oswald game coming out for the Atari?

I heard it's suppose to co-star another one of Walt's character. Mickey Mouse I believe.

Can anyone give me a brief history?

I knew I should have went to MySpace instead. This website's dead.

I don't know much. Heard it's some mouse with big round ears and I think he piloted a steamboat once. Other than that, no clue.

>Another fucking Disney Atari game

Ugh, 10 to 1 they'll shoehorn some DC crap in there. They seem to insert that into EVERYTHING since they acquired it.

btw, how long has it been since that Soviet user managed to leak some more of those weird commie cartoons from over there? It's been a while since we heard from him. I'm starting to get worried...

Why is Disney letting George Lucas make yet another Star Trek film. Also its sad that the new Champions Go got canceled, Marvel as been making some good shit recently

I'm sure it'll be fun, but right now, I'm too addicted to DC vs SNK. This shit is tight.

>I'm starting to get worried...
Me too user. The Great Capitalist Firewall seems to be getting more effective. I heard a rumor that the commies cracked AI and the firewall isn't there to keep them out but rather to keep us in.

New one fucking sucks. No Doom Patrol despite the whole series having started with them.

Nobody gives a dead moose's last shit about Hawkgirl.

Hey man, Lucas gets results.

...or do you really want another Wrath of Khan? You remember how that shit-show went, right?

Speaking of shit-show, I know I'm crossing over into Sup Forums territory here, but they REALLY need to kill off Firefly. Everyone knows it's been a trainwreck since season 8, but the just keep churning out more episodes...

Nothing will be as bad as the Doom Patrol movie.
Even the director hated it.

Wouldn't shock me. See? This is the shit you get when you re-elect Jimmy-fucking-Carter for an ELEVENTH FUCKING TERM.

I miss James Cameron's Spider-man Films.
They were at least watchable.

It isn't as bad as Family Guy. They should have let it die in season 6.

I though the first game was Batman Children of Arkham?

Only Doom Patrol's villain appeared in most of the games.

>I though the first game was Batman Children of Arkham?


*does a quick Yahoo*

So its some guy who dresses up as a bat....and mows down badguys with his machinegun, while making a bunch of snarky quips? Sounds stupid....

Come on, he's not *that* obscure.

>appeared in a few episodes of Watchmen when it was still on Jetix
>appeared in that Superman game from a few years back

If you want some real obscurity, you should've seen when Ultimate DC vs SNK included the Flash. Literally nobody saw that coming.

I'm sorry, I know it's been several years, but I'm still mad at Avatar: the last Airbender.

I just can't believe they made Zutara canon. The ship was fucking moronic.

I suppose they could have redeemed themselves if they had produced that "Korra" sequel series. I don't understand why they dropped it in pre-production. From what I read of the description it sounded so awesome, I don't think they could have possibly screwed it up even if they tried.

Very hard.


Who's Mickey Mouse?

I can't bieleve we have yet another animated blockbuster from Warner Bros. If only they didn't fire their 3d animators I'd have more respect for them.

Feel Mania on Dreamcast 4 was my goty

>all these people complaining about shows that went on for too long like Firefly, Clone High or Wander.

you guys at least have content and even the occasional good one. We Simpsons fans only have two freaking seasons from the 80's.

Even worse with what happened with Doctor Who, but that's Sup Forums and a really obscure '60s english show. the few episodes we got are in pristine condition at least.

>Greg Universe is still on hiatus

It's okay grandpa,, that's enough shitposting for today, take your medicine and lay down.

I'm probably gonna get attacked for this, but I don't think we should be taking Soma anymore. I know its illegal, but what if we just stopped like once?

>Even worse with what happened with Doctor Who, but that's Sup Forums and a really obscure '60s english show. the few episodes we got are in pristine condition at least.
At least Dr. Who didn't overstay its welcome. Meanwhile, The Beatlettes is still on TV after all these years. 52 seasons, and the music and animation are still as godawful as ever! Sure, they switched to the more """realistic""" artstyle in early 80's (right around the time the band started sucking), but they still draw the girls as though they were still in their 20s and not shriveled up old grandmas.

I wish they'd just break up already so this shitty cartoon could be cancelled and I'd never have to hear Jeanne Lennon's nasally crowing ever again.

Fucking Marcia Danielle Chapman, why'd she have to miss?

>Greg Universe has completely dominated CN's airwaves for years, without a single repeated episode

Ash fucking became the Champion. Fucking finally, 100 episodes of suffering and getting made fun of, character development and training really paid off. Can you believe it if this shit went on for twenty years?

Fuck you.

Why Disney company can't make successful movies?

Warner Brothers created such classics like Cats Dont Dance, Space, Iron Giant and turned them into successful franchises with sequels and spinoffs, ongoing comic book series and the like.

All Disney movies are, what you call "cult classics", they're good, but always bomb at box office: Kingdom of the Sun, American Dog, and even their recent movie: Zootopia.
(This one was strange, one scene was hilarious, but then it switched into some dark, gloomy shit. I know there was foreshadowing, but seriously, Aliens wiping out everyone's memories to create a happy ending, was a bit of an asspull.)

I really wish this company could make beloved children movies about things like princesses, yah, that would work.

who is hyped for a possibly Flash series?
I know Booster Gold and Plastic man were
fantastic, but the idea that Flash got a chance
to appear on vhs is fucking incredible.

>it's another Alien Interstellar War episode

i wish Greg Universe would go back to being a comfy show about music

>not the harem story
Goddamnit user I want Greg with Vidalia as endgame.

Uh buddy, why on Earth would they make a Flash show when they could produce a Comedian show.

Btw, anyone else upset that some LITERALLY WHO named Superman from that shitty Grant Morrison comic made the DC universe. Like what the fuck were they thinking? at least give Doctor Manhattan his undies again, none of that dumb belt shit.

I'm glad tomco ended up being the canon endgame, I know people really wanted Marco and Jackie to be endgame but at least he didn't end up with Star, right? Even though after Toffee won things got a bit convoluted so I'm not surprised a lot of anons dropped it.
It's best that it ended with 12 seasons instead of going on forever like Samurai Jack did, a guy can only lose everything so many times you know?

>Valiant Cinematographic Universe Phase VII sheldued to 2025 and already in development
>they began to pander to chad crowd in theatres since Phase II and fucked the comics beyond repair

Felix the cat odyssey while be much better. I can't believe you Oswaldfag think the Atari is a good console while the Dreamcast 4 is a hundred time better.
Is anyone a bit worried about Alex Jones being the 45th president of the US?

Is there anyone even watching the dang Oswald Cartoons?

I mean last time I remember him being famous was in some short lived series called "House of Rabbit" where he runs a hotel filled with Disney Movie characters and play (or acts out, I forgot how they did it) new and old cartoons.

I also remember the bunny kids always being this side show act that parodied stuff like KORN, Foo Fighters, and I think N-SYNC.

Anybody remember that show?

Hey, anybody remembers that stupid guy who talked about reaching parallel universes in Sonic Ekstrime?

Hope he does, so the HilaryPodcast will be even more fun to watch

Man Family Guy is the best, not like that other show the shitsons at all, the cutaway gags in it are fucking atrocious, I'm glad it was cancelled after three seasons.

Post-movie seasons are shit though.
Am I the only one to like the anime adaptation where they went to Gensokyo?

I don't know, I kinda liked the movie, and some episodes that come after it have been nice. Sure the quality went down, but it's never quite as bad as the simpsons, only a bit cringy at times.

Anyone else remember this show from 2015? It was cancelled after a few episodes.

The boy was cute though. Shame there's almost no porn of him. [/spoilers]

Ludo was unlikable and the whole plot with Toffee never went anywhere. The whole thing with Ludo and Brittney had potential but they never explored it so.

The whole season is on Blockbuster, it's okay, worth streaming at least.

>Using Blockbusters.
>Not the superior Hollywood Videos.

Speaking of Dreamcast, do you think Nintendo is actually going to make it's own console again?

No, I was busy watching Loonitics Unleashed. Sounds like a nice concept though.

You still got Rick and Morty to watch.

You guys are still mad about that?

James Cameron Spider-man was mediocre at best. Made me feel uncomfortable as a kid when Spidey was constantly saying "fuck".

Also my main from that game was Robin but fuck that final boss. Fucking clown kept spamming his gun.

If you like shit-tons of ads in front of and in the middle of what you're watching, Hollywood is good. I'd rather pay a sub and be ad free. Plus Hollywood is going to go the way of Netflix and redbox, Blockbuster ran them out of business, Hollywood only survived this long because of their streaming service, but the site is std ridden with ads now. Especially since Emperor Carter okayed mainstream porn ads.

>Why Disney company can't make successful movies?
Hey man, atleast they aren't Pixar. After Toy story bombed I think it killed CGI, which is a shame because I seriously thought t was the future of Cinema. Guess I better look forward to another "practical effects" action movie.

CGI works well in Vidya movies. Megaman 4 was fucking amazing.

That's why Pokemon was better than Digimon.
Let the damn kids go home now for God's sake, they have been stuck in that world since 1999.

>It isn't as bad as Family Guy. They should have let it die in season 6.

Do you live in some alternate universe. You haven't heard of the Family Guy mania that swept the nation during the turn of the millennium and how the show's three season run successfully changed the family sitcom forever in the way that The Simpsons failed to.

Unfortunately, as many older Sup Forumsmerades like me still remember like it was yesterday, GOAT McFarland just had to be at the White House at the exact wrong time and with the boom that happened that faithful day, the show was dead.

Aw yeah, Hanazuki movie coming in a few weeks, who else hyped?

>inb4 got back to /hana/

>Rick and Morty
You mean Tumblr's favorite show?

>just had to be at the White House
kek, that's a funny way of saying on board the plane that crashed into the white house on 9/11. And to think he almost didn't get on that flight.

I sure am glad the US got rid of the whole "president" thing after that.

Could you imagine how shitty it would get if that still happened?

Spekig of Vidya, when Nintento will break of out the Mario cycle?

Sega makes excellent games about sonic and his friends, meanwhile Mario had like one good game in the early 90s and they are piggybacking on it, with their "30th anniversary" remake of Super Mario bros

Eh, I dunno. Undersecretary to Emperor Trump Is kinda a useless position to vote for.

At least we got that one amazing Mario Bros Live Action movie back in the late 80s before Captain Lou died. The Ben Afleck remake last year was cringeworthy. Will he ever unjust himself?

>Boss fight with Joker.
Thanks for bringing back those horrible memories you fuck! I can still hear that fucking laughter he does every time he wins.

user, why are referencing some obscure tabletop game and some nobody from the 80s?

You could've at least memed it as Lich Lord Robin Williams, seriously that guy is immortal

>Could you imagine how shitty it would get if that still happened?
The fail at the beaches of Normandy in 1944 was a crippling defeat, but to this day i think that the followed three sided Cold war which eventually evolved into good international relations system was the good thing, i guess. Imagine if there were only two radically different superpowers tearing the whole world apart with proxy wars and seeing the politics as zero sum game instead of checks and balances that exists now.
But i am getting into the /pol territory. What are some good cartoons from Grossallemagne bloc? I've heard that Belgium really likes its Luftwaffe series and the theme had surpassed capeshit there.

Still can't believe Hirohiko Araki is continuing JoJo, even though part six ended the series decently.

Also who's watching that new Dragonball series? I heard it was a hit manga series but now it's becoming an anime. Who's excited about that?

>but now it's becoming an anime. Who's excited about that?
I mean, we probably will never be able to see it here in America. After the Nips dropped the bombs on us back in WW -2, we have had shit relations since.

Though, Dr. Slump proved to be a remarkable success over here, despite all odds, so I dunno for sure.

Disney did want to make a princess movie.
His idea for his first film was Snow White, but dropped it in favor of Chanticleer.

If anything Snow White is possibly the best animated movie Disney never made.

>Tangled 3 came out and shat on all the lore
Anyone else wish Minions kicked off instead, cause Jesus no one shuts up about Tangled.

When it stopped being about Rapunzel and started being about Eugene wanting the BBC I stopped watching.


What are you, from 2007? Sup Forums has been dead ever since fukushima had a total meltdown and obliterated 1/3 of Japan.

Anybody else looking forward to the next Castle Souls game? Sure the plot is kinda a clusterfuck but then again, what Atlus game isn't? Really wish the Warner Brothers elements got more focus though, been waiting years for a fucking Happy Feet world. I don't see what's the point of including yet another fucking Quest for Camelot world.

Also hoping we get some more Persona cameos, maybe even some more SMT ones.

Who's gonna catch the Murdoch Murdoch episode on Adult Swim? I heard it's gonna be a good one.

I don't know how they could top the last one with how they shat on liberals and atheists, but I bet it'll still be good.

>He didn't see the new trailer showcasing a Happy Feet based world.

I bet you'll cum buckets as soon as you see it because it actually looks like you're in the movie.

Hav you seen his Renart the Fox? I never thought i could dislike a protagonist so much, cheating, backstabbing bastard who even attempted rape!

he was nuts

I wish Halo 3 didn't get confirmed... to be cancelled.

Fucking Half-Life 5 sucked ass.

>All the awkward sex scenes.

Is Tom Sanvino trying to get kids into incest?

I just wanted to watch the Captain Pronin finale man

Hey guys! Nickelodeon just announced a Dexter's Laboratory reboot for next year!

>getting this triggered because someone doesn't like your shitty favorite band/cartoon

So where were you when Stan Lee died the night after the '75 San Diego Comic-Con? Man, I bet most of us weren't even born yet. Wonder what he would look like if he were alive today?