OC superheroes/villains from your dreams

Chances are the average Sup Forums poster occasionally has Sup Forums dreams, and potentially your subconscious mind has created it's own OC's.
Simple thread, post capeshit characters that came to you in a dreams and rate others.

most dream don't make sense

Let's get these out of the way first. I'm sure they're known enough by everyone.

I remember having a dream where I was a civilian in a city with superheroes and supervillains, and the strongest guy was this fucker named Star Cracker who was this evil overlord from another dimension who had a black hole for a head.

I know this going to sounds racist. I always having dream that fighting secret cannibalism society. That eats black people and Asians and latinos.

And their leader is a big old white guy with thick accent & sharp teeth.

So a dream about the KKK

I'm remembering more of it right now. The guy spoke in a monotone voice, and his only two powers were portals and his ability to make anything he touches with his right hand's index finger shatter. It was pretty fucking weird.

Slipstream. Low speed speedster. Like as fast as a race car at best and with none of the super reflexes or processing. But when they move faster then normal speed, a layer of energy surrounds them that annihilates matter it its wake, with the energy sustaining the speedster or being shunted off into another dimension. They can choose which matter to destroy so they can leave the air unless they want to leave a bunch of explosive influxes of air all over the place. Basically super high damage, wrecking the environment and anybody in their way. And heroes can't simply dodge and let them continue speeding if there are civilians, because they will barrel through everything else.

That sounds fucking sick.

Yeah, I'm trying to remember more and more of the dream. I think his plan was to turn the Earth into a dystopian war-based land so higher class would seek shelter, thus causing him to make money aboard a space city he made.

I once had a dream where I was a goon working for a mob boss named Yokai. He dressed up in a stereotypical pinstripe suit and tie and wore an Oni mask like pic related.

He spoke in a thick Japanese accent. In the dream he told me and another henchman to look out for "Punk Buster" a hero who I assume was a woman as Yokai called her a "chivalrous cunt bitch". The location we were in was a casino/night club owned by Yokai called "Greed Inferno" which was where he was running his firearm racketeering.

I have frequently had dreams where I have superpowers, typically it manifests in one of two ways

1. I'm Spider-Man, basically just that....I can climb walls, be strong, and shot web
2. I'm a demon similar to Devil Jin, I have big feathered wings and can fly but instead of a eyeball laser I can hurl flames

>Punk Buster
>Greed Inferno

Fucking metal.

Alright, I finally remember all of it.
>Star Cracker's second in command is named Beetle Tank, a humanoid Hercules Beetle that is powered by blood
>They face off against four heroes named All Star, the patron of hope with light powers, Rabbit Girl, who's a QT with kicking powers, P.S.Ivan, who is a laid back motherfucker and former villain Mekanik, who's sorta like a biomechanical venom
>I get a job as Star Crusher's janitor
>I get to watch them fight
>Star Crusher nearly wins every fight between him and them every time they fight him
>Star Crusher's plan succeeds, he leaves Beetle Tank to rule over the distraught Earth
>As a reward for working for him, I am given superpowers, which let me assimilate organic matter
>Me and Beetle Tank get sent to kill the heroes, we succeed mostly, yet All Star uses his last breath to kill me with the power of a supernova
And that's when I woke up.

I'll be free to ask questions about the dream if anyone wants to hear them.

Fuck, I meant answer.

Okay so I remember a few extra things about my dream.

>The gang that I was a part of in the dream was called the Underworlders, lead by Yokai.
>Yokai is such a powerful crime lord that he overthrew the Yakuza for Japan's biggest criminal organization and the majority of people working for him were ex-Yakuza soldiers
>Yokai was a transsexual man which is why he wore a Hannya (She-Devil) mask, to represent who he used to be and how displeased he was living in a body he wasn't comfortable with
>He is widely known for being a massive sadist with an undying thirst for violence, cruelty and power over others
>I know all of this because I was reading an Arkham Asylum-styled bio on him on my laptop instead of looking out for Punk Buster

I don't remember anything about Punk Buster. Just that she was essentially Japan's Batman and Yokai's arch-enemy. I woke up after an explosion erupted from the casino which I assume was Punk Buster making her entrance.

That sounds like a pretty boss villain and universe. Wish my dreams were as cool.

When that happens, you lay in bed until you fall asleep again and you can usually continue the dream.

Yeah for some reason I have insane world building skills in my dreams. I've been keeping a dream journal for about a month now and half of the shit I dream of would make for some baller comics if I have any bragging room to say so.

I remember dreaming in a world where there were always superheroes due to some gene-mutation, even during the 1700s. As such, history was fucking strange, there were guys like nazi superheroes who thought they were good, Soviet badasses, and others. I was this guy named The Cowl, a sort of possessed cloth that gets passed down from ages to ages to fight crime and give superpowers. The main villains was this brotherhood of people with the mutation, some even including animals. Their leader was a man in a white suit named Jeremiah, with his face covered by a domino mask. Dream ended with the brotherhood siccing a superpowered, mutant crocodile at me, which ate me, forcing me to punch my way out of it, which ended as soon as the skin exploded.

Every one of my dreams is a narrative complete with plots twists and a beginning, middle and end.
I can't imagine what it's like to have a dream that doesn't make sense.

I wish I did. I have shit imagination when I'm awake and I wanted to see what crazy design my subconscious brain would've come up for Punk Buster.

I remember the world I was in having a Repo! The Genetic Opera kind of look to it. Futuristic but kinda dark and grungy. Sometimes dreams I had weeks ago continue, sometimes even where they left off so if I'm lucky I'll have another dream involving Yokai and/or Punk Buster soon.


No, not really. They wear tribal masks and human skin. They keep on saying "all things should be eaten".

You could make a revolutionary comic with that scenario my man.

I once had pretty scary dream about this villain character who had the most soul piercing stare you would have ever seen. I was trapped in a government facility out in the middle of nowhere and apparently I knew something I shouldn't have known. The guy was wearing a big brown coat with fur around the collar of the coat and some black business pants and black business shoes.
He had no mouth and he also had a black ponytail. He had the ability to gruesomely absorb people through his skin to make him stronger and all around better. He had a huge chain blade thing(think Kratos's chain blades but he only had one of them and it was the size of a regular sword). It was black and made of some really strong lead substance. He was like Jason Vorhees in a way, super strong but not SUPER muscley or anything. He was being controlled by the government to their perfect killer. He was chasing me through the facility, I was hiding in military storage room locker. The last thing I remember was a sharp object shoved through my skull before I woke up in a cold sweat.


That sounds like a cool villain

Was Star Crushed a nice dude to the other villains and you? Also, were there other janitors or staff people?

>Was Star Cracker a nice dude to the other villains and you?
Sorta. He'd pay us if we cleaned the place while he fought the heroes, yet he'd start shit if we missed a spot.
>Were there other janitors or staff people?
In terms of janitors, only me and two guys, Ezekiel and Horace. In terms of staff, he had a team of researchers and scientists that made insect-human hybrids to use as weapons.

Ok. Thanks to the answer.

I had a dream where I encountered an older version of myself, but he didn't look/act anythng like me. He was dressed in Prussian style military clothing, had a german accent, wore a black cowboy hat, and everything about his face except his fae was covered in a black shroud. I could see his eyes.

He took over this weird city-academy by whoring out this succubus wife/girlfriend/something close to him to a bunch of guys to make money. Turned the city-academy into a big ass labyrinth, and forced me to navigate through it with a bunch of people I didn't know. There was a lot of bullshit in the dream as I ended up in stores that sold food, trading card / board games and I had money, and some rooms with weird ass monsters that tried to kill me.

Worst part was the guy talked on a microphone the entire time while watching me navigate through the labyrinth talking absolute shit about me. I don't know what the fuck was up about my dream. It was weird, but I liked it in a way.

Holy shit.

One other dream I recall having relating to capeshit was one about a group of cosmic entities called The Council of Death that collect the souls of all living things in the universe when they die and put them into things called "Soul Towers" which is the canon afterlife for all living, sentient beings in the universe.

They look like armored, skeletal phantoms, have a purple and black color scheme and a reoccurring theme with skulls and eyes on their design.

One of the members of the Council of Death was carrying a scythe and riding a skeletal Ox-like creature through an alien city seemingly made entirely out of see through crystal inhabited by pink-skinned, white haired humanoids. All of the aliens were cowering in fear to the creature of course. He was headed straight to the gates of a castle. Upon entering a castle he was met with the queen of the pink aliens who had a crystal ball filled with little galaxies and this was the dialogue between them.

>"I'm sorry it had to end this way your Highness, but it is the way of the cosmos"
>"I can't believe entire galaxies were destroyed, countless lives lost... I just want to bring them all back."
>"I know you and your species are fully capable of doing that but you know resurrection is prohibited by the Council of Death without proper registration and I doubt the Council of Death would allow the re-creation of one destroyed galaxy, let alone seven.
>"If it was up to me-"
>"I know Necross, you're a good man... but as you said, it's the way of the cosmos."

Had one where me and a couple of friends (folk I've never met irl) were like somekind of capeshit witches.
The main thing of the dream was the villain, was kind of a featureless, extremely tall and skinny, vaguly feminine dark purple silhouette, no hands and feet either, it's limbs just ending in points, only real facial feature were two glowing white eyes. Never spoke or anything, seemed to be made out of some kind of putty or thick gel as it could stretch out it's body like rubber but also could split itself into several clones and later the clones could just reform, at one point it split itself into three clones, two of the clones grabbed my friends, then that all reformed so my friends were just kinda stuck inside it their their upper bodies and legs sticking out and yelling at me to get them out.
It was kinda neat

That's actually a good example of a well-executed transgender character. Pretty cool dream.

I dreamed I was Peter Parker's roommate and we were in college and I was in this sewer and I saw him and BuckyCap fighting someone, maybe Venom? I remember Pete's costume was damaged to shit and I distinctly remember it being BuckyCap because of the arm.

When I was 8, I dreamed about being a pink two-tailed fox punching a glacier man wearing an Ushanka... I woke up before anything else developed!

I think I watched a lot of drugg-filled cartoons as well back then!

>Look at guro porn
>Have dreams I'm fucking the bottom half of a person doggie style with the to half just being a puddle of gore and later get deep throated by a decapitated head


How is that worse? Tons of furries would jack off to my superhero if I drew, which I can still visualise!