Dilbert thread? Best comic strip

Dilbert thread? Best comic strip.

Eunuch programmers

Based Scott Adams on the Trump train! MAGA

What came first?
Or Cool Ranch?


Choose lyfe, son.

you fucking idiot


As much I dislike Scott Adams attention whoring for the last year, this comic is actually good.

This one always makes me laugh every time I see it.

Fuck that's good.


What happens if there's another housing market crash?

Or the Pope says something in support of violence again.
>Pope Francis: "I'll punch anyone who insults my mother."

Donald Trump

Thought I'd save Sup Forumsmblr the trouble.



I can see him doing that

Scott Adams thinks that Trump is a basically a blond POTUS version of the Pointy Haired Boss, and someone able to twist insane anti-logic into getting people to follow him.

>an artist or creator comes out as /tumblr/
>an artist or creator comes out as Sup Forums
>Woah /ourguy/ amirite chill out why are you bringing up their political opinions?
When will /copol/ ever learn?

nothing wrong with realizing that people bashing trump are unpopular as fuck and so bashing the people bashing trump gets you tons of support

scott adams' political opinions are left of bernie
he wants free healthcare and thinks reparations should be paid to black people
he's not Sup Forums, he merely understand's trump's phycological tactics

but what does being Sup Forums mean?

Scott Adams is actually intelligent, unlike tumblr web comic artists.

First and for most, being Alt-right; and expressing the various kinds of "Us vs. Them," GamerGate, and Reactionary attitudes in the most douchbaggy or autistic ways

Or you could try actually visiting Sup Forums for once. Nobody there calls themselves "ault rite", there's more infighting in Sup Forums than actually fighting anything else, and Gamergate was Sup Forums.

You're 0/3, see me after class.

Im saving this one

This guy gets it. Pol is honestly in a slump. We never do ylyl threads or yryl threads anymore. It's bad for Morale not to be funny smartasses every once in a while. That combines with the fact that we have been STARVED for a TRUE happening for months have crippled us. We can deal with Shills but what really kills us is inactivity.

what is alt-right?, what do videogames have to do with any of this?
do you realize im asking you for an explanation and you are just giving me more names?

I wouldn't call him 'left', he's all over the place and from a conventional view sorta insane. He tries to defy thinking in those terms and would feel gimped trying to peg him like that altogether.

You didn't need to mention Gamergate, that's just asking to discredit your opinions on this subject.

And just using other labels (Alt-Right) to define existing ones (Sup Forums) is pretty counter-intuitive.

>That combines with the fact that we have been STARVED for a TRUE happening for months have crippled us. We can deal with Shills but what really kills us is inactivity.

No, what makes Sup Forums shit is that 95% of threads are retarded bait threads. Happenings just cover those up for a few days, before people get bored and go back to making bait threads.

In other words your reactionaries.
And reactionaries need to be special snowflakes that are constantly persecuted against or HABBENING'd to have something to whine and feel validated about.


As a non Sup Forums user, what is a Happening?

90% of the time, it means "absolutely nothing", usually started by some shitpost like "WW3 IMMINENT, TURN ON CNN, ITS HAPPENING!"

When something actually does happen, it's usually livestreams of African Americans rioting about whatever they're angry about this week.

will you kiss already?

Racial Holy War or WW3, depending on the exact details of the fucked up brain of the person posting it. Anyway Dilbert sucks dick, time to post Dilbert Hole.


Pol here. Also the guy who posted
Happenings are basically our term for when something big happens usually riots but not always. I don't consider false flag CNN posts true happenings. A true happening is like if a Trump supporting cop shot a guy who was cannibalizing a young child and people rioted in defense of said person(grossly exaggerated example but at this point it's plausible)due to the fact said person was a "communist transgender feminist." Protests, floods, robberies, fires all have the potential to be happenings as well. It's kinda hard to explain what seperates a happening from a non happening. Pol latches on to some events better then others. I stand by my statements about morale and lack of happenings by the way. No one has to agree but I know I am right.


Don't forget terrorist attacks.

STFU bitch

Absolutely right. I feel stupid for forgetting that. The Election was one big happening as well. Our greatest happening.




Unrelated note: Found a site which claims to have Dilbert Hole 2, but I know for a fact that Jerkcity guy only made seventeen (17) strips. They don't look as funny and probably were written by a different person. Should I postem?



Sure, why not

Being racist, anti-semitic, anti-LGBT, sexist, idiotic shitbags, pretty much.

Well said. Unless you were being ironic, in which case shut up.

These are really, really unfunny.

I will if he will

Offending Sup Forumsmblr


Don't sign your posts on Sup Forums.


First one I found funny

>Trump is a basically a blond POTUS version of the Pointy Haired Boss
I never thought of it this way.


Scott Adams believes that power is power, and what you have to become to obtain power or what you do with that power is completely irrelevant.

And that's it for The Dilbert Hole. Cheers to those of you who remember this from a decade ago; wish I had the time to dump a Leisuretown story like Pussy Driven one of these days. I'll look through The Dilbert Hole 2 unofficial sequel to see if there's anything worthwile, a lot of it seems to not have nearly as good comedic timing or sense of irony.

This one made me laugh.

I miss the Dilbert show, I wish it had lasted longer than it did.


If you dislike Sup Forums for being racist, anti-lgbt, sexist or idiotic, why are you yourself posting stuff like this?

People don't hate Sup Forums because of that, they hate them because they obnoxiously can't fucking stop talking about that shit.
It's like that Preacher page with the klan members getting tired of that on klan guy because he never says anything except "boy I sure do hate niggers".

So basically it's only "Happening" if it has to do with your retarded clap-happy ideology. If it was something like someone finding the cure for cancer or inventing true sentient artificial intelligence- You wouldn't give a single shit, unless like a jew did it or something.

I cannot believe someone can be this naive. What you're describing literally sounds like clickbait, or someone's mind run entirely by clickbait and unable to establish independent thought outside of it.

That's not really true, he's not some hairbrained objectivist or Ubermench admirer. He outlines in his book the Dilbert Principal why stupid people tend to rise and accumulate power

What exactly are you claiming he's being naive about?

If the cure for cancer or a sentient AI were revealed in some sort of event that got livestreamed and if a huge debate/conflict came out of it, I think that could count as a happening. Sup Forums does sometimes watch streams of boring people in suits just talking, if they're talking about highly controversial stuff with lots of importance.

Happenings are usually when some kind of big news hits, the events are unfolding live, and new information is flowing in rapidly. People are following streams or twitter to find out more about what's going on. It's morbid curiosity, people just have to look at the trainwreck.
But yeah, most of the time these things are about something going horribly wrong. It's normal for news in general; upsetting and tragic events are more important and news-worthy than life going on as usual. News stories about nice things happening tend to be considered fluff pieces.

He's also spoken of how Dale Carnegie influenced the way he sees the world. Carnegie's views on power and success are very soft; he believed that compassion for your fellow man is the key.

>If it was something like someone finding the cure for cancer or inventing true sentient artificial intelligence- You wouldn't give a single shit, unless like a jew did it or something.

There's a difference between something being news, and being "A HAPPENING".

when has scot adams opennly spoken against gay people or jewish people or any race?

He's probably confusing Scott Adams with Ben Garrison.

He says he opinions are left but prefers practical solutions.

It's really hard to tell what a "left opinion" is anymore.

A decade ago I would have called myself a leftist, but apparently I'm a radical rightwinger because I don't agree with rioting every time the police shoot a black criminal.