That episode where eggman gets tails a qt gf

>that episode where eggman gets tails a qt gf

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mfw they made sonic heroes manual canon

Based as fuck

The "feminist" part is a mistranslation. It's supposed to say something along the lines of "womanizer"

"I'm a feminist! Any woman is just as worthy to serve and worship me as any man!"

I've been watching this on Hulu and it's way better than I thought.

It's....self aware and perfect.

Now this is projection.

And I'm sure you're here on Sup Forums, drowning in puss as you post in your room alone. Humorless fuck.

If you cant get a girl by being yourself then that means that you are just one ugly, disgusting, uninteresting and boring fuck son

I'm here to pile on.

You may not be a 9/10 but if you grow up, you may be at least a 7 instead of a 2.

but we never got to see them fuck.

>The guys you see here are the ones that got burned and had years of lies filling their heads since their boyhoods.

Ok so you repulse women and are bitter about having no positive attributes. .

Basic advice.

I'd rather be myself than be a complete show off faggot to a woman.

That is a plus for the show, not a minus.

Eggman's a true bro.

This is so cute.

>The girl from this episode gets drawn cucking Tails with Sonic on a borderline religious basis by one guy

I guess Sonic is just not interested in her or something

AmyxSticks pls.

What else has the writing team worked on?
The animators are clearly doing what they can with their shit budget, but the writing absolutely carries this show.

The main writer did Drawn Together. And if I'm remembering correctly, he voices Lady Walrus.

Who are these autists taking screens of the show and posting this shit? Nevermind, this is sonic.

The Lady Walrus running joke "My baby!" Is something I didn't expect to like so much.
>He stole my wallet! Help!
>My baby! -pictures
>My baby! -pictures

>I need someone who can babysit, My baby! for me

>that episode where amy turned into a bitch because see was jealous some other girl was getting attention

>actually sit down and try to watch it

Damn, this show is better for isolated clips and screencaps. It's mostly cringe with occasional funny moments

Tell me, what do you consider "cringe" exactly? If it's colorful animal characters in a cartoon, you are too underage to post here.

Has Eggman ever try to seduce any girls in Boom?

No, but he tries to be cool and accepted, like with that bunny loli though.