Eggman's dozen 1-4

I'm gonna dump this comic here because I feel like it and I like it, also it show's villains using the power of friendship. Starting now








So who here would fuck that rabbit?





Rabbits are not for lewds

Eggman on every anime fight

You bite your tounge


The Eggbosses assemble

Is Eggman the best waifu?








End of part 1

Just goes to show how hard Archie had to scrap the barrel for canon Sonic characters after that whole legal mess.

At least they managed to make most of them work, even though Penders was a jackass they still did it

Dump starting up again, PART 2




Meanwhile at the Eggman's Carton



Eggman is such a nice guy, dont'cha think?

Here's why




It could have been like with the Dark Legion: Very colorful, very festive

Definitely user

Sorry for the delay, issues with page 13 and captcha bullshit











That's probably the most damage the Drill Car ever did to anything.

You anons gonna eat those apples?


Oh shit how's Eggman gonna get out of this one

Same way he always does: extreme writers hax because SEGA mandate says he can never die... ever.

It always bothered me how they feel a compulsive need to introduce every single character with a textbox in every single issue. How low do they think their audience's intelligence is?

At least they have the excuse of being right, unlike Marvel

Marvel just needs a massive purge of it's everything user, PART 3 STARTING NOW

And also because everyone wants to fuck Thunderbolt. Let's be real, here.


Those 2 middle panels...the thirst is REAL.


Who wouldn't be thirsty for all that egg yolk

I'm surprised Conquering Storm wasn't retconned

Forgot my name
Axel uses the power of motherfucking friendship bitch
She was one of the few characters to be saved from that Penders shitstorm

>teleports behind you

penders had no foothold in her creation

whoops nevermind what I said then


Fuck the Babylon Rogues by the way, Kuku for life


I'm not surprised your surprised. There were a lot of characters that Pender's didn't make but he managed to get his claws on through==

get his claws on through technical reasons. Like how Matilda got claimed, because he wrote the panel where Mighty first mentioned he had a sister, even if he never drew or thought of what Matilda looked like or developed her personality or name at all.

The power of villainous friendship

I remember her, real shame

i'm glad they got rid of speedy's dumb diaper thing


I find it interesting that eggman almost is apologetic towards axel even as he busts mordred's and tundra's balls

Oh, and we lost Shard, not because penders thought of shard, but because penders first wrote the power crystal that was incorporated into Shard's design.

Even villains gotta have a heart sometimes user

holy fuck snakeman looks like shit here, but storm is super cute

captch bullshit again

my little psychopath can't possibly be this cute

the cutest


I'm a little dissapointed she went "haha" instead of "ohohoho"

when the succ so good you cease to exist

I forgot how good the back page comics could be.


ah, the problems that arise when your univers has like 3 unrelated gods of darkness

And another reminder of the old continuity you're never getting back.

I feel bad for him

Apologies for the delays I'm simultaneously working on something for /a right now


All according to keikaku

Crystal Sonic: Metal Sonic evolved while in freezing conditions

>oh, my sides

wizard trolls speak like internet trolls, huh

Don't even need to post the next panel for me to know the answer to this one.