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We already know that the Sup Forums mods aren't exactly the fairest of them all.



>powder my nose
liz does coke?


What got deleted?
Why are we being treated like this?

An user was, in short, saying that if the mods deleted this thread that it was proof that they were corrupt and powerhungry.

You know, people actually powder their nose with, well, makeup powder when their faces start to get too oily and shiny.
That coy little joke is pretty passe as it is.


>tfw take three first panels from random comic strips and edit them together to look like one regular comic

Garfield: His 9 Lives confirmed as no longer canon

He's missing the bags under his eyes in the last panel, but still, that works surprisingly well.

>Guaranteed to make your girl's pussy smell like lasagna

Which one? There were three different versions of it.

I miss Garfield minus Garfield

Damn, I keep making a lot of these mistakes
Going to fix it, in the mean time you guys can have this

Garfield is denying that cats have 9 lives, so unless he's wrong, all of them are noncanonical, I suppose.

That, or I'm reading way too far into one line in a daily comic strip.


Here we go

any more edits like this?

You should really switch panel one and two around.

Alright, give me like maybe 10 minutes and I can get that done

Is this alright?



what does she see in him now?





you sunuvabitch



how often does jim repeat the structure of entire strips like that?



out of literally thousands of strips
this is how you choose to be


Here's a few illustrations from Gary barker, a guy who worked on garfield.



I wonder what it takes to work for Jim. Honestly, that would be sweet.



the fuck is this

He also illustrated the Pet Force books and most of the PF stories in the Boom! comics.


And also attended Jon's high school reunion.

Much better, thanks.


Wow. He's better than most of the people currently working for Marvel.

yeah, hopefully we can figure out what's going on, because these threads are comfy as fuck

I miss when she wore black lipstick

>that honest self insert

Basicaly this

Gets me every time

I don't think he's the only cameo. I have no idea what he actually looks like, but I'd say it's a safe bet this is Thom Huge, Jon's VA.



seriously though you could probably get some good cross-pollination between Garfield and Poptepipic

nice. That's brilliant. Now i have Garfield cameo goals.


>We're bachelors, baby

didn't this become popular a while back?

isn't bitching about mods a rule violation?

it looks like he's about ready to fly off with his tail carrying the chair

I can see the similarity.

also holy shit, I didn't ever knew that the reunion was based on real people who work on Garfield. That's surprisingly deep for this comic.

Isn't that when Garfield got amnesia? If so, you should post of the rest of that week's strips.

fair enough


was it the female Garfield stuff?

I saw six threads for that at one time today


Yeah, and stuff like it. Personally i think its super cute, but could it be the issue?

Oh I guess that was the problem? Or the mods are doing something weird.

Yeah, true. Hopefully they are safe. I just want to see the thread allowed.

Now we know? Oh well

> He doesn't know that "power my nose" is girl code for both "I need to piss" and "Piss off, I'm out!"
Ahahahaha! What pathetic, virginal waste of a whole lot of flesh!


I have an idea. Let's add a garfield strip to every post we make on these threads unless it's fanart or merch.

might be a janitor just deleting stuff, so now we can only wonder at what exactly it was.

Worse comes to worse, there's always /trash/, though that is a rather drastic measure just to talk about Garfield.


wow see you guys in three days, I guess

So fan art and merch is OK?

I think so, as long as it's not NSFW or some shit.

there's never enough of the crowd willing to migrate there. And yeah, better here anyway.

What's this 1984 shit? Garfield threads aren't allowed now?

But if you didn't get ban with the deletion, I can't imagine you will be at this point

>that's what the IRC is SUPPOSED to be for, but good luck with that.

Any time you go there to ask why x is deleted over and over again, they reply with "lol who cares about x".

It's just a janitor on a power high. Ignore it and keep staying on topic, it'll eventually get bored.


>this thread
>banner I get


This one might not even need the Garfield without Garfield treatment.

>It's not an edit


I can't tell if he heard Garfield or just realised on his own

IIRC the word of god is that he can't hear his thoughts because, well, they are just garfields thoughts. There was a strip at one point where Garfield spoke some word out loud and Jon was surprised about it.

But the best thing is, that the strips work either way most of the time. In fact they have quite a surprising dimension to them once you start reading them knowing that Jon in fact does not hear Garfields thoughts.


That's a new one on me.