Who is the best Thundercat and why is it Panthro?

Who is the best Thundercat and why is it Panthro?

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He's the only one who can take care of that BLASTED SAMOFLANGE!

Even as a child, I felt kind of sorry for the Thundercats. With their tiny numbers, there was no way they could continue their species: their extinction was postponed, not avoided.

Nigga looks like a goblin.

I always had the impression that some of the other Thundarians escaped the planet, or that there were more on off-planet missions, scattered across the stars, waiting for their king to re-unite their scattered people.

Now, I haven't seen the show since I was like 5, but didn't they find new survivors in the later seasons? Seems to me this was like a Krypton situation where lots of Thunderians just happened to be off planet when the it exploded.

I'm not sure if that's enough to repopulate an entire species, but given that the world of Thundercats was always this cool hybrid of science and magic, it does seem plausible that they could technowizard up some kind of population rejuvenation thing.

He bad ass though.

I never thought of it that way. Maybe they can get some cloning shit going. And wasn't there like...still some other Thundarans left somewhere like Pumyra and them?

I think some Thundarians HAD to be off-world, watching of their planets full of slave-Snarfs!

I always thought his nun-chuck weapons were the coolest.

Also speaking of thundercats, it still hurts that these old Marvel Thundercat comics were never scanned or preserved in any way, so they're lost to time. I always hold out hope that I'll find them at some garage sale or vintage comic place but I never do. At least the show is fully digitized and archived in numerous 80's cartoon torrents though.

>posting the inferior '85 version and not the superior '11 version

He looks too fucking bara.

I liked most of the 2011 cats way more, but not Panthro. He looks a lot more kick ass in the 80s. Muscular but lean and svelte, which went well with his fighting style with the flail. 2011 he just looks like the token Zangief muscle wall guy. It doesn't do it for me. Gentle giants rarely do outside of TPB.

He's GAY.

But user, that isn't Wilykat.

Why not? They had (initially) two females and 4 males. That's more than enough to start several lines with. Granted, Kit was only like 11 and that would be weird to put such a burden on, but not like Cheetarah couldn't have shouldered it for about 5 or so years. That's about as long as it would take anyway to let Lion-O and the other guys have a go with her.

This is making for some very disturbing but super hot mental imagery. Also it's vague but I do remember there being a couple more Thundercats. Pumyra at least. But yeah it would still require a lot of dedicated fucking and cousincest to prevent their extinction.

>Even as a child, I felt kind of sorry for the Thundercats. They were always a budget Silverhawks to me.

Who was best girl in Thundercats and why was it Mumm-Ra?

They've probably been scanned but no one cares enough to keep fresh links around.

Clearly the best thunder cat is Tigra. Let's make him the new leader, have him succeed while that faggot Lion-O loses constantly, have him bag the girl and give him the sword while we're at it.

Also he gets a time machine and an infinite bag of resses peanut butter cups

Do you think he and Cheetara did it during his stay in Cat's Lair?

I think so.

I always thought Tigra was lame as a kid. Panthro was the cool one, Lion-O was the hero, and Cheetara was hot and had the best powers, and Kitkat were cute and fun. Tigra was just this lame side guy with a boring voice. Still better than Snarf though

Best TV show intro ever?

Definitely a contender.

It is up there. We did not even bother to dub it in Spanish because it was too fucking good as it is.


What the fuck is a samoflange!?

There was a Thundercats fansite that had them. I think it was The Thundercats Lair, or something like that.

Because strong black positive role model who uses numchucks to dish out justice.

I was wrong.


Impossible. Mumm-Ra is gay.