
Could a project like Helios save the future of 2d animation?


On the one hand, if developed well it could save animators so much time by working in a similar manner to 3d animators.

On the other, at least from what's been shown so far, it seems to lack a bit of the heart of what its emulating.

What are your thoughts Sup Forums?

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I hope good, crisp, quality 2D animation can be reproduced more efficiently. There will be much gnashing and wailing of teeth from the luddites in the gallery claiming we've sold our souls and art and creativity are dead forever, but I'd piss on them all if I could get out of this 3DCG floaty plastic balloon hell we find ourselves in today.

Same, there may be a loss of the little things that made good traditional animation truly great, but I'd be very happy to get something that makes decent 2D animation as cheap and easy to produce as 3D. Plus, any animator that truly wants to animate in the traditional way will take the time and resources to do so, this would just ensure that the rest of the industry isn't dominated by 3D.

>could cel shaded CG3D save the future of 2d animation
Could a very realistic sexbot replace a real sex partner?

>could cel shaded CG3D save the future of 2d animation
>Could a very realistic sexbot replace a real sex partner?

>Not your dads toon shader,

That's not bad, but I think at best you'll get Lion Guard style animation out of this.

Each step towards full immersion virtual reality seals the gynoid's fate. They'll be obsolete faster than you can say 'Chii!'

>Could a very realistic sexbot replace a real sex partner?
Hell yeah. Women are worthless garbage and we finally get to replace them.

This. It looks artificial. it could be good for touchups and help create 3d environments, but not animate whole feature.

maybe given time it will improve.

Yeah, and maybe monkeys will fly out of my butt.

I hope monkeys do fly out of your butt then, because I want this to continue to improve or get surpassed by something that in essence does the same but better.

I don't know about vectorized interpolated stuff, but machine learning will definitely replace inbetweeners. Keyframes will definitely need human input for the foreseeable future.

Like pretty much all things of this nature, the quality of the program will only take it so far. It can do good things, but it takes a dedicated artist team to do it properly. And in comes expense. Why should they go that far when they can do it cheaper with stuff that's already available?

It's only children's entertainment, after all.


Go right ahead and act like you don't wanna be hooked up to a matrix style sex fantasy and milked by robo-pucci under the supervision of the Matriarchal Grand Council.

I see you know not of the Oz LORE, and did not get my smart reference.

An all too familiar feeling.

That would still make it about as easy to work with as current gen CGI, would it not?

I think it just might. The technology of 3D animation paves the way for improvement and re use on projects, and this 2D tech looks extremely promising. As others have mentioned, it looks a bit raw and artificial but this is 2017. In 2019, or 2020? I will be VERY interested to see where Japanese and Korean animation takes this with new levels of development. It might force the issue with American animation making a sharp return, starting with TV / Online streaming offerings.

Okay, I shall explain it to you. In the books, the Nome King is terrified of eggs, which are a symbol of the female.

Storm Hawks did this in fucking 2007, and, low details aside, the movement was PERFECT. Because the extremes were done in 2D.

It's still just, artificial and off. The line weight is non-existant. Plus, with hand-drawn, you can experiment, make new expressions completely or stretch beyond imagination the original image, with stuff like this, you're stuck just using a quasi-3D model.

I prefer this to be the future of 2d animation
But I'm fine with this aswell

This. Hell, having some of the work made easier would be a blessing to the poor sods who had spend YEARS alone on just a few scenes, if not a small sequence with a character or environment. As rich and detailed as hand-drawn stuff is, there were times the stuff was practically killing people with the taxing amount of time spent. Long as the technology isn't making it so simple that people get complacent and thus not put in the love and effort they should be.

No, it lacks soul and fine tuning. It's also nothing new, nearly identical software has existed for at least ten years now. It's just bones in vector art with a simulated third axis.

There will never be enough porn of that brown chick.

This. Until the program can replicate the 12 Basic Principles of Animation (Exaggeration, Timing, etc.), it'll always look like cel-shaded 3D.

The tweening looks terrible but with enough time and effort you could make something as perceptibly good as the original hand drawn shot.

However, it is the sort of thing that looks useful for crowds and background characters but is too obviously CG to be used for hero shots.

>She was heavily implied to be bisexual
>But it didn't feel as annoying as Korra

Doesn't look that good.
Reminds me of that recent CGI Berserk anime series, which is a bad sign.

I hope they use this method for Gigantic.

It would be ok for a cartoon or something like that, but thats the limit i would set for it

Looks pretty good to me. Blending 2D and 3D techniques together used to look terrible when CGI was younger, but I think they've recently gotten some rather promising results. I'll welcome any further experimentation with animation as a medium.

No, not even if you get a robot that can emulate 2D look 100% accuracy will, because the market hates 2D unless its anime ( because of moe and shit)

It still looks like shitty CGI?

Suck it up and watch Pony. Hell, just buy a ticket and don't go.

Looks better than Toonboom to me.

The shape and movement is too consistent to emulate proper 2D, but goddamn it still looks impressive. Literally couldn't tell it's 3D from a still screenshot.

This is an awful example. While Miss Brisby's fur appears to bounce and morph naturally in traditional animation, it looks floaty and artificial in this Helios program. They are trying to replicate the original animation perfectly. I would have received it better had they done a new animation and compared her movement/expressions to the old one. That way the artist's talent could come through and we wouldn't have to suffer a cheap imitation.

Looks pretty damn good regardless. Just needs an extra push.

Comparing that to the original clip, the only thing that makes this not authentic is the fact that it has that 3ds model still in their because the shape of her head still looks stiff. At least something that can make it bounce up and down like it did in the clip can ease up the issue.

So when is this thing coming out?

With artificial wombs they could completely replace women.

I don't think it'll be the future of 2D animation, but I could see it be a helpful tool to enhance a tricky scene or two.

I think this will have a bigger future in video games, where the cartoony look as always struggled to work well.

the head needs to be squashed and stretched

Isn't this kinda like what they do with Love Live MVs (particularly in difficult-to-manually-animate movements)? Feels like the same kind of faux-2D, close but no cigar

Now everyone can make their Beserk reboot clone

Doesn't look much different that of Arcsys Techniques, but it has good non overly bleached colors.

This is basically just the next-gen version of Flash animation, isn't it?

Eh. If they can make it look good I'm not opposed to it.

Way too stiff to pass for hand-drawn animation.

>Thinking the reason you can't get sex is because it's the woman's fault

It's because you shitlords are unsatisfying as fuck and women would rather sit on a washing machine to get themselves off than do it with a guy who thinks that just penetration is enough for an orgasm.

Arc should just license its Xrd stuff to animators.


For what it is, I think it looks awesome. Clearly, not as good as hand-drawn, but since this is a still-in-development tool, I'd say I'm impressed. Lots of kinks to work out, but I can see this being a perfectly valid way of animating for TV or video games. With time, this could be a very useful tool for feature films, and even be used to cut down on costs for less-complicated scenes with simpler animation.

If they used this technique and combine it with what Disney did with the Paperman short it could definitely create something amazing for a feature. Trying to combine and optimize the workflows would be a fucking nightmare though
