Has anyone ever made fun of you for liking comics/cartoons?

Has anyone ever made fun of you for liking comics/cartoons?

Not "fun" out of me but my dad loves condemning me to hell fro liking and drawing cartoons since is an abomination in the Bible.

I don't like comics or cartoons.

Well besides my dickhead cousins who make fun of anything I like no.

Yes, on Sup Forums.

Just women.

You know, before they decided that they were being oppressed.

Sup Forums has made fun for liking my litt...

My Dad gave me a lot of shit for wasting my money on them.

Give your step dad shit for wasting money on stupid crap that old man buy to fill their empty lives like beer and football.

my parents and I dont care

Does your generic shitposting really need 3 threads?


That would require people talking to me and vice versa, and if I had that, I probably wouldn't be here right now.

My friends gave me a little shit for collecting comics but it was nothing major. They weren't judgmental like that and I had other things in common with them.

Only girls from my school.
And no, I don't care.

no but in social settings i never bring up comics/cartoons in the first place since they're not relevant 99% of the time

Only other nerds who watch different cartoons

Classmates made fun of me relentlessly in the fourth grade for wanting to see the Spider-Man movie. There were no apologies when it came out and was hype as fuck. God I fucking hated the midwest.

Wasnt that highschool? At least the girls

Only my older sister but she also is a dumbass antiTrump rampager at twitter, so is easy to dismiss her.
Luckily I also have a younger sister which I always watch and talk about cartoons with and share fanart. Shit is so cash.

A co-worker called me and a friend nerds for talking about videogames one night and when I asked her what sort of hobbies she pursued she couldn't come up with anything, which was pretty cool.

I wonder what he thinks about Christian cartoons like Veggietales or Moral Orel.

I've never actually heard a modern Christian use the term "abomination" unironically, unless he's in one of those weird appalachian snake-handling cults/WBC/Amish/Ted Cruz.

I have an autistic skill of being able to build up and exaggerate the positive qualities of things I like and assert it in a way that would make anyone who disagrees seem like an idiot, adversely I have the skill to nitpick and blow up the negative qualities about anything else

So, there have been attempts, but usually I shut that shit down by viciously attacking whatever interest the other person has while simultaneously making myself seem like a genius maverick for liking whatever it is I like, once people know I do this they tend to just agree with me or never say anything bad about what I like because they know I'll autistically ruin whatever it is they cling to

This image makes me think of Sup Forums for some reason.

Of course. Women don't have passion for anything, they rarely even have hobbies, they just watch television and gossip.

Sup Forums has.

This. Females were the most malicious bullies ever when it came to anything Sup Forums and Sup Forums related. But now they play the victim, fucking disgusting.

Sup Forums

But people who know me appreciate when I talk about things they can actually follow and not geopolitics or Chinese philosophy.
Also I avoid pushing people away by rambling about comics drama they never heard of around people they never heard of in a medium they are only barely aware of.
Also I cook for my family so they shut the fuck up if they know what's good for them.