World of Warcraft Storytime Part 2

Back to Azeroth we go.

Last time:

Feel free to comment on the comic, share memories from the game or whatever, shit gets lonely here.













Is it still safe to say the stuff with Varian and his elf friends are the only decent parts of this story?

It seems alright in terms of a Warcraft story.


Yeah, the first arc or so is pretty alright. I haven't read the other WoW comics like Curse of the Worgen and what have you though.























>Night Elf and Blood Elf being legit friends

Nani the fuck?




Yeah, ain't it cute?






thos harpies are THICC

>tfw you will never be assaulted by harpies


The harpy thirst is real.






Is this more anti-gnomist bullshit?












Thanks for sharing these, OP.
Do you plan to post these until the end of their run?

I remember reading these in 2009 or 2010, I'm not really 100% sure.
I just remember that I liked them at the beginning and then it all went downhill quite fast when Med'an was introduced.............

WoW used to be pretty fun, and they say that Legion is the best expansion EVER. I wish I had the time to play it and get immersed in it again.


No problem user, and yes, I do plan to storytime the entire run. Maybe the other minis and OGNs too, although I probably won't do the Warcraft movie graphic novel because it looks pretty crap.


Do you know which WoW comic had the Scarlet Crusade stuff in it?


Nope, like I said I didn't read past this ongoing.










Hush Tyrande

My love for WoW kinda died with the Cataclysm. It still burns me to this day that they changed a world that iconic, and made it worse in just about every regard.

Thanks for posting this though. Reminds me of back when I played.



I think it's gotten better lately, but yeah, Cataclysm turned a lot of people off the game.

It always kinda bugged me that the humans who fled Lordaeron decided to settle in such a pit. I know it was kind of slim pickings at the time, but outside Theramore itself, what advantage did Dustwallow have?


Advantageous to defend against Horde fucking shits I assume.






