ITT: creepy merchandise

ITT: creepy merchandise

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Where's the pic of that guys room with the bedspread with the picture of the gorilla from Sing! on it & the accompanying shrine of memorabilia? That's pretty creepy in my mind.

I had this Krumm figure and its thing was that it smelled bad. It fucking terrified me.

like a crappy plastic smell of something they sprayed on it

fart spray smell. fake chemical ass smell.

Reminds me of Migi from Parasyte


>fake chemical ass smell.
humanity sure has come a long way


Fucking hell what the fuck is creepy about that now? It looks the same as the shitty artstyle from the show.
Why do people like to pretend they're spooked by mundane shit these days?

I'm fucking dying


Reminder that this is ironic "bootleg" not actual bootleg.

oh no bro

Is crying the only thing he does? Who would buy this?

At least this looked like a frame from the show.

They used something like that for some He-Man villain, and a good guy that instead smelled like a car pine freshner


my royal throne



Some things are better left 2D

had all of these

Is Funko cheating?

muscle man's dimensions would've been fine if it weren't for the bumpy molding, the main issue are the colors and his tits


you can't get any lazier than this


Some art styles just cannot be seen in 3D.
What's co/s opinion of this show? I thought it was pretty solid and had catchy songs. I even genuinely like their movies.

Did your parents hate the idea of you sleeping soundly?

>Karate farmer.
They did it, they finally fucking did it, now they are cultivating Karate.

Can anyone give me more examples of these creepy anons with strange kinks?
I am feeling morbidly curious tonight.

Sorry, I don't have that pic for now.



Holy shit/Jesus Christ! This scared me twice!

God I hate Funko.


Gigan with hands.

Young girls in the stage of idolizing parenthood.

Usually funkos are good when they do things that aren't humanoid.
What the fuck happened here?

Or things with helmets

>Squeeze my tummy!
>I cry!

I don't really know if this edit is supposed to be for gaming icons or...? But anyway this is Phineas from the front and I'm too tired to find the original picture.

Hug, stuff, play

>Honey, why did you buy our son a gay sex doll for Christmas?

Supposedly the original artist wanted to organize his porn folders.
I dunno why he would dedicate so much time into making icons but whatever.
He made a Frankie and Clover one as well

I cant find it but theres this picture of an user saying hes looking forward to tonight and he has this pic of a dimmly lit room filled with a shit ton of lola bunny space jam merch

What was the actual intended purpose of the mouth hole?

That's a shoop, the real toy doesn't have a sex doll mouth.

that looks vaguely familiar.

what the fuck is Banjo doing with the Keebler elves?

Banjo from Banjo and Kazooie video game. Looks like he's in a commercial for keebler elf cookies.



>Supposedly the original artist wanted to organize his porn folders.

What? That's what he was doing?
I just remember him going "Oh I so need to turn this into an icon!" but he didn't say why. Pretty weird to waste time on stuff like that just for porn folders.

Your thinking of stinkor and moss man

this one is cute

I had this thing. The waffle smelled like maple syrup.

But why though?

>If you should die before you wake...

This chair fuckin owns

Is the gum actually any good?


I had this and did notthink it was creepy since it looked just like the cartoon


What is the girl? She's like some sort of lovecraftian horror.

My brain can't comprehend her forms or what she's supposed to even look like. Is that her nose, or her ear, is her hair covering half her face? Where is her mouth?

I think that's her ear, she has no mouth, and the other eye is on the other side of her face.

Holy fuck I had that as a kid, crazy to see this and remember that

>plush doll of Candace
Are they fucking crazy?

>It really do be like dat sometime

Guh-huh! You're going yo give me those chocolate striped cookies you elvin fuck!



In case you can't tell, the tongue is made out of candy. Why did they want kids making out with Jar Jar Binks, the world may never know.


I know this is a fake bootleg but that gets me every time

I wonder what it smells like haha

Ah yes, vintage 1930s celluloid Mario.


I made this shoop for Sup Forums like 8 years ago and never expected anyone to actually save it

>the world may never know
it's actually ~250, I counted once

That checks out with my tests too.

But why does she have no nose? Why?
No mouth. No nose. Why?


Have some internets.


A contest
Also Nelson Muntz


That’s not Gigan, That Gegan



Definitely not representative of Sup Forums, but I liked it. Not something I actively kept up with, but it was good. I think I would have been hooked if I'd been a kid when it came out.

It had the perfect formula that didn't always feel like a formula.

-kids doing science
-wacky hijinks
-secret-agent subplot
-really catchy songs
-delightfully implausible
-ties up all its loose ends

It's an official Halloween costume from a few years ago.

For more pictures:



A woman let him put his evil inside her.
They have children.

> small plastic figurine: $15
> medium size plushie: $15
> life size silicone with armature, anatomically correct: $15

it took me way too long to remember

"And that's how your daddies met, user!"

>3/4 perspective