World Destroyer

World Destroyer

Thoughts of this Sup Forums ? I think it will probably get funded but just like many other independent animations it may be forever until we hear anything other than its been funded.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope they get funded, it looks fun

I want to happen.

But, i got no money user.

Looks fun, but the lip syncing could use some work. It'd bug the hell out of me if they didn't improve on that.

the poster on his wall has aspect ratio problems

The dialogue was completely atrocious and the characters felt weirdly overanimated (don't know how to describe it) but it has a fun premise

>What If DIpper Was Tambry's Little Brother: the movie
>And also it's a tiny bit Mighty Max and there's a critter that turns into things like in that one thing but I forget what
Dig it

very Don Bluth. but animationfags eat that up.

>bune is become sword
I like it.


I'm down for any indy animation man


looks janky and the VA is meh, but it seems to have some charm/character and i like that and hope it gets made.

i loved the voices

something about the girl's delivery seemed canned or off.

huh. it felt great to me. Definitely a little unusual

god the animation is so sluggish
put the speed up to 1.25x and it looks way better

Has this been compared to FLCL yet?

Line delivery isn't too great, but there's a lot of style and some very good animation.

So are they cousins?

That or step brother and sister.

i got that vibe as well while watching even though they aren't really similar

Looks interesting. Hope to see something come of it. For now I'll just follow on twitter and watch for updates.

I was convinced this was a Steven Universe thread until I clicked the link.

Do I really have to be the one to point out the obvious? Fine.
>ambiguous brown girl, special snowflake hair
>concept art consists of the mental illness sidecut
It's trash.

I hope they need animators cuz I'd love to work on this, to be honest.

Complaining about dyed hair and Sidecuts in 2017 is the equivalent of complaining about Mohawks in the 80s and 90s or cornrows in the early to mid 2000s.
It's a trend and it's gonna die out in probably another 10 years. Stop getting triggered over it.

Okay but consider the following:

She's into the little boy so she makes my dick hard.

Sorry user, I don't think this is going to be ballsy enough to have an incest end.

They are actually former (step?)siblings and their parents recently separated. So would it still be incest?


Still, they could be sweet to each other, and that would be nice.

I really don't mind all this western /ss/ that have been popping up. boyhood fantasies, and all.

>First minute barely over
>Already reeking of /ss/ potential

Pretty good

>woman is a co-creator
That would be a nope. That has literally never not been a train wreck in animation.


>what is Baman Piderman?

Bump so this movie can get made. Help save Western animation!

The kid is literally a Dipper ripoff

Is it me, or do the hands look kind of off?

This depends on how much of a snowflake the sister acts like throughout the movie
