Was he a good dad?

Was he a good dad?

I dunno, seemed like it. I wouldnt have worn the costume in front of my kid, but maybe he's already talked about that with her

he was trying his best

Who did he fuck?

Is there a series that's about Killer Moth trying to be a good dad while also being a supervillain? That could be a pretty cute comic idea.

This. He's just trying to raise his family

Is Kitten canon?

waaait, wasnt he like a mutated moth man?

Thankfully no

I do like the idea of a supervillain having a normal daughter and trying to be a good father.

i'd dare to say he is already a better parent than most super heroes.
yeah, I'm looking at you Batman

Probably, but I like the idea that he's just some guy who really likes moths so much better.

He tried to force somebody to date his daughter instead of making her accept rejection.
That's terrible parenting.

Parenting has multiple axes; he's a good provider and is attentive to his kid, but he's a pushover.

I agree. I don't think it's terrible parenting, just spoiling to an unreasonable level. Kitten reminds me of an older princess from ppg.

First of all he IS a villain. I think in Silkie episode, killer moth starts riding a giant version of him destroying the city. That being said he is not Brother Blood or Slade level evil.

I assume his wife/baby momma would have way worse to lose a custody battle to a man in full mothman gear. Or dead, which would explain him spoiling his daughter so much.

fuck no. if i was him i wouldnt feel like a real man raising a daughter like kitten

>Has a human daughter

that question is really BUGging me

I suppose so.
He is a good parent in some ways and bad in others.

I would fuck the psychopath out of her!

hell yeah. its more of the materialistic spoiled bitch thats a problem. i like my girls a little crazy

is...that a shop?
if not... I may have found my new waifu

its a shop

too soft on her, but he really cared so maybe?



damn, world public enemy 3# is quite good

Takes a lot of work, not to just get there but to maintain that position. Anyone who wants to be number 2 or 1 has to go through her.

and she did it as a woman in a market led by men, what a positive example.
I want to see this family together, Sup Forums, it would be a wonderful siticom

oh god, the feminists showed up

I can see Commander Cobra and Megatron hating her, but at same time admiring how awesome she is

hey user...

Lex Luthor and the Joker must hate those girls

whats not to hate? feminism is cancer

Nah, it's perfectly workable.

>Dad, why did you and mom never get married?
>It's a complicated thing, Kitten; we were both in high school when you were born and, as cliche as it sounds, when you're a teenager you still have a lot of growing to do as a person. What was fun and exciting at 16 isn't necessarily something that will last forever and you find yourself on a different trajectory in life. I don't regret a moment of it, but some things just aren't meant to be.
>Oh...because Mom said it was because you were dismissive and condescending of her dreams and goals, and stole the moth-themed supervillain idea from her.
>...We hooked up in the bed of a friend's pickup at a kegger, three weeks later she and your grandma show up with a court-ordered paternity test, and about a year after you were born she abandoned us, hitchhiked upstate, and joined a lesbian cult commune. The whole Tiger Moth shtick is a palette swap of a villain from an anime she was obsessed with and either way she didn't show up as a criminal until after I had already been running rackets for almost a year and a half.


>Was he a good dad?

In one tie-in comic, Kitten was so fed up with being constantly ignored by her father that she went on a giant crime spree, dressing herself up as "daughters" of other TT villains for her heists.

>tfw no half-moth daughter

Nah, but I bet he was a great 'moth'-er.

The last Killer Moth thread we had was pretty fucking great. I hope someone screencaped some of the scenarios that were tossed around because they were amazing.

Especially the parts about Killer Moth being a good cook and Kitten being a Batgirl fangirl.

I'm reposting this gem from the last thread,

>"Alright boss what'cha got for me tonight?"
>"Jim, I need you to babysit Kitten while I'm at my meeting with Riddler."
>Killer Moth hands Frank a baby girl wearing a diaper and a pink shirt with a butterfly on it
>"Wh-what, boss you can't be serious!"
>"I'm always serious when it comes to my daughter Jim, now here's everything you need. Toys, diapers, food etc. oh I also made you some Scallopini since I know you haven't eaten today."
>Phil and Dennis snicker at Jim's misfortune.
>"Oh and Jim one more thing." Killer Moth said as he strapped on his Moth Utility Belt.
>Moth grabs Jim by the tie and pulls him towards his masked face, the red eyes of his helmet meeting Jim's.
>"If ANYTHING happens to my little larvae I'm gonna gut you like a fish and knit your intestines into a sweater you got that!"
>Jim frantically nods as he sweated profusely.
>"Good... I'll be back soon my pewcious little butterfly!" Killer Moth said as he tickled Kitten's nose, making her giggle.
>"Phil, Dennis your coming with me, me and Riddler are on good terms but I'm gonna need some extra muscle just in case things go south or if Batman drops by... TO THE MOTH MOBILE!"
>Killer Moth and his goons hope into the Moth Mobile and sped away. Leaving Jim and Kitten alone.
>"I guess I'm stuck with ya, you little ankle biter."
>Kitten bonks Jim in the head with her rattle.

depends on the version

I want Dragon Fly to gently step on my balls and spit in my mouth as she calls me an embarrassing half-man.

She hasn't reached the stage in her life yet where she makes her cocoon and attaches herself to the wall for months.

After that thread I started thinking about how the moth's timeline would work so I came up with this

>Dru impregnates a girl in high school
>they have the baby but the girl abandons them later
>the only job he can get is involves working with one of the many criminal factions in Gotham
>starts with very low level tasks, eventually earns their trust and even makes some friends
>some of the older guys even give him advice on how to raise a kid
>manages to get himself a spot, a shitty apartment but its better than nothing
>around this time Batman is making his debut
>Dru spends years working for many different criminals, collecting many "souvenirs"
>even fought the Bat a few times but he was never recognized
>his shitty apartment is slowly filled with broken robots, obsolete technology and all kinds of trash
>moth start showing up all over the place
>after 5-8 years working as a henchman he finally makes his debut as Killer Moth
>rather than being the brain of the operations he offers his services to do all kinds of tasks like stalling the Bat, helping with prison breaks, guarding areas etc
>his gadgets are modified technology he collected from other super villains over the years
>makes some good money and buys himself a nice home in a suburb
>around this time Kitten is between 8-10
>moves all his moth gadgets to his brand new "moth cave" which is just his basement

And of course there was the stuff covered in the previous thread like he being a local idol for low level henchman and always helping them out whenever he can because he knows what its like from personal experience

In some ways he is a good parent.
In other ways he is rather bad at it.

Almost forgot, if we are going with that culinary thing it could happen during those five years, like the baby not allowing him to sleep and he spending the time watching culinary shows, eventually really getting into it

I like the idea of Moth acting like a dad to his own henchman. That and him being a low-level rogue with his own gang that loves working for him since he's one of the only villains in Gotham that isn't a murderous psycho.

unless someone threatens his daughter, then he goes full Red Death

I like this. I like the idea of Moth teaching himself how to cook and finding he has a natural talent for it.

>I don't get it, Dru, most of the supercriminals I kick in the head have the same fast food diet as single soccer moms, what gives with the gourmet stuff?
>I don't know. Parents didn't go for fast food that often, when you're a poor teen with a one year old you don't have the money to eat out, and when you do a three year stretch for B&E you gotta figure out some way to make prison food edible, after that it just kinda spirals and you wind up with a cookbook shelf and an herb garden. How are you enjoying the chili? I've been in a Tex-Mex kick lately and thought I'd try something new.
>It's pretty good; I've never had a white chili before, but don't think you're getting away just because you catered our dramatic showdown.
>I'm not worried about that, Babs.
>You drugged my chili, didn't you?
>A mild sedative.
>Killer Moth, you son of bi...
>*kisses her on the forehead and leaves her a non-drugged container of chili*
>Don't feel bad, Green Arrow has fallen for this like five times now.

A collection of golden headcanons made for Killer Moth in the last thread.

>Killer Moth henched for everyone from Falcone to Joker before becoming his own rogue
>He has an impressive collection of memorabilia from everyone he's henched for which he keeps in the Moth Cave (his attic)
>He's a joke to all the A-Listers but is well liked and respected to most street-level criminals and rogues and he even has his own gang
>He'll save his own men from getting hurt or dying since he knows what it's like to be treated like an anonymous henchman
>He and Batgirl have a friendship, borderline romantic relationship and Batman doesn't agree with it
>Killer Moth is a really good cook
>Kitten has a fangirl-like obsession with rogues and heroes and wants to be her dad's sidekick to meet them but Moth doesn't let her because he's an overprotective dad
>Moth has a strict no killing kids or women rule
>Killer Moth has his own Moth Mobile like in the Silver Age
>Killer Moth is friends with Cavalier and Firefly
>Cavalier taught him how to fence and Firefly gave him some pointers when dealing with pyrotechnics
>Killer Moth likes to tell stories about his days working with Gotham's elite
>Killer Moth has street-levels of combat experience but he's really handy with tech and gadgets

I meant to say no killing kids AND women but yeah. Also I forgot that him, Barbara, Selina and Bruce went on a double date once and never again.

"Or" is the grammatically correct term actually.
And would or could imply it's not okay to kill Kids AND women, you've gotta choose just one.

The best term is actually 'nor.
>Moth had a strict policy of not killing kids nor women.

Thanks for the grammar lesson user.

Have a cute Killer Moth.

If you want to be absurdly pedantic then it should be:

>Moth had a strict policy of killing neither kids nor women.

Although I'd assume that Killer Moth has a relatively strict no killing rule except for self-defense or equal retaliation in all cases. While kids are off the table, women are treated the same as men.

>raise a psychopath brat who dates a guy with a giant spider for a head
>good dad


Can't account for taste. Kitten may have some bug-daddy complex or something.

>Is a psychopath who mutates moths
>raises a psychopath who fucks bugmen
Seems like he's doing the best he can.

>*Killer Moth is drinking from a mug that says "Ask Me About My Feminist Agenda" while going over tonight's caper with his henchmen*
>And that should be everything we need to cover for tonight, any questions?
>So what is your feminist agenda?
>Real funny, Dennis. It's whatever won't get me yelled at by my sorta-girlfriend's tranny lesbian friend.
>Uhhh, you're not supposed to say tranny, boss.
>Yeah, shemale neither; it's rude.
>...We're fixing to burn down a church for insurance money.

Would you stick your dick in crayz Moth pussy?

Is she taking an evil selfie, or is she primed to moth-spray herself?


It's a joke.

I like it.

Why does the world hate women so much baka senpai

fucking bugfags are the worst

Doesn't want Lex Luthor to be loved by the world?

She's blowing something up.

/r/ Mothman sleeping with child Kitten sleeping on his chest.

>...We're fixing to burn down a church for insurance money.
>And after that, Boss, how about we kill all the nigg-
>That's going over the line.

>It's another Killer Moth thread

I'm ok with this, but I'm starting to wonder where they're all coming from.

>because moths are attracted to the light.

Fairly well-known d-list villain due to exposure in secondary sources, decent gimmick, surprisingly solid early stories, costume that is both eye-catching and desperately in need of a good redesign, and some good character hooks for interactions with his greater shared universe. It's not really hard to see why he's good fodder for threads about revamping him. Alternately someone at DC is idea-mining the hell out of us.


This but without the sleeping on his chest part.

>Having the mob boss trust you so much that he allows you to take care of his infant child
>Instead of acting as an extra target while meeting with Riddler and probably Batman
I think I know who has the upper hand here.

I'm OK with this.

Kind of reminds me of Red Death, from Venture Bros.

There's something about these big bad supervillains being loving, doting parents that I adore. I guess because it gives them depth instead of just being an archetype.

>invites your enemy to eat some chili
>drug them but not enough because you don't wnat to ruin the food
I love it, /ck/iller Moth is best boy