We bare bears

What's Sup Forums opinion on we bear bears

Good show

more like bara bears amiright haha

Dull and boring. The epitome of the SJW dream to make things as inoffensive and innocent as possible, and the end result is a bland uninteresting shitpile that nobody likes

Boring and unfunny

Its clearly made by a Sup Forums poster, Panda has a sex-pillow named mikichan.

Cute, not a lot to talk about though

I think it's okay

boring besides the baby bear episodes
barabait for /trash/

Hit and miss.

So? He still did a bad job. Just because a fellow user made a cartoon doesnt mean its above criticism

I was referring to your sjw comment bro.

It's one of the best cartoons of all time.

Damn, 2010s Cartoon Network Original Programming (includes Teen Titans Go! since it airs new episodes on CN) is better than 90s and 2000s Original CN programming

It still feels too safe. Maybe hes not an SJW and im full of shit, but this type of bland safeness is literally what tumblrites endgame is when it comes to mass media. Atleast steven universe is funny at times and has some conflict

That is very much what sjws want but I disagree this is that safe. Maybe they need to go a little further with grizzes creepiness.

ICE BEAR > other bears.

The pilot was more enjoyable than the entire show that followed it. It actually played up their quirks as bears, instead of the series which just sort of treats them like any other human.
I don't really find any of the characters outside of the main three to be endearing at all. Tabes and Charlie are annoying, Chloe is uninteresting, and Nom Nom is insufferable. Even Ice Bear's entire shtick has gotten really old.
The setting isn't all that interesting, and the humor is so "safe". The pilot had Grizz claw a kid, which was funny because it was unexpected. The jokes in the series just don't land, especially the ones that are just "look at how much of a weeb Panda is".
On the surface, there's nothing wrong with WBB as a typical slice-of-life series, but I really can't believe it's as popular as it is. It feels like one of those shows everyone watches, but nobody really likes all that much. Pretty boring, but practically harmless. There isn't anything overly appalling about WBB, but there really isn't anything that stands out. Even the art looks like a cobbled-together style of Steven Universe and Regular Show.

Honestly, all of this. The show's pretty much only notable for being generically cute. Only a few episodes are stand-outs, and the rest of the series is just like tofu.

Too safe, boring, doesn't play around with the traits the bears have in the pilot, and the baby bears are insufferable.

It's cute though, but that's it.

Unfunny, inoffensive and just uninteresting and I still find myself watching every episode. I don't know what the creator did, but it worked.

it's comfy

One-off special where they're humans when?

It feels like a bedtime stories, comfy, and enjoyable.

Sleep inducing.
As vanilla as humanly possible in an attempt to not offend anyone and I fucking San Fracisco.

Not my cup of tea, but it's okay. It's at least better than Loud House.

You have a lot of good points but
>Nom Nom is insufferable
You shut your whore mouth

The cartoon equivalent of lukewarm gruel

I want to fuck the bears

It beats watching Steven Universe.