ITT: discuss movies you've watched recently

What have you watched recently? I've been sick so ive just been watching a bunch of movies. I saw:
Shape of Water (overrated, but Shannon is great)
Call me by Your Name
Talented Mr. Ripley
Half Nelson (some bad feels)
Dunkirk (didn't live up to the hype imo)

I watched Half Nelson recently too and I can't think of a movie that I actively loathed so much. Aimless piece of pretentious mumblecore garbage with zero likable characters. I love Goose but I have no idea why he got an Oscar nomination for this. He just played himself with a crack habit.

Fuck that movie.

it was definitely strange, thought i wouldn't say i hated it. there was a lack of direction, but to me that's the "slice of life" type movies, where you take a peep inside someone's life. the climax was pretty good tho

ITT: redditors that don't understand what a character study is

elaborate please.

I watched this whole movie. I remember really liking it, but it was also really fucking forgettable. Also, was Goose's intentions really 100% pure for that girl? Seemed kinda creepy. Maybe that's kind of the point (not all black and white, in some ways the drug dealer guy wasn't any worse than Goose), but I doubt it.

>you will never smoke crack with Ryan

Angels with dirty faces
The beastmaster
Jesus of nazareth
as above so below
Phantasm II

i literally just finished it. i really didn't see it as if he had any bad intentions. he does get called out by the drug dealer when he asked the girl if his actions were inappropriate since he's her teacher.

just watched pay it forward. fucking hell.

any of them you liked or despised?

I really enjoyed Get Out in theatres but didn't leave thinking it was something special.

I researched it the other night to see if they hype was real. I know the Oscars is a joke but it probably really is better than like 5 of the movies nominated for best picture. It's a good movie in a weak year.

I saw:
American Beauty - Personally, i think this movie is a masterpiece, i like the way the plot teases the audience

Hard Times - I loved Charles Bronson in this one, James Coburn suprised me because i saw him first in ''Duck, You Sucker!'' and here he plays a totally different character

The Outsiders - It's very interesting in the first half an hour, the rest is ok, and the end is a bit better than the ''ok'' part.

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri - A great fucking movie, although i wish the Woody Harrelson character was made more likable at the begining so that it increases the audience's affection towards him thus making the following events even more shocking. Ending could've been better if you're looking from one point of view, but it's good like this anyway.

i liked Lady Bird a lot and Call me by Your Name. Get Out, although good, wasn't worthy to be nominated. But i got the same feeling about a lot of nominated ones.
I was kinda sad that BR2049 wasn't there.

i'll add it to the list.

I watched it recently too
Honestly couldn't tell if the black girl was 10 or 37 years old

I look at the 10 nominates movies and it's mostly just a bunch of who gives a shit. Get Out, along with be a good movie, had some character to it.

However, in a good year for top movies, it wouldn't come close.

I like Half Nelson
Reminds me of cozy early 2000s feels
>listening to Eagle Eye Cherry and Sugar Ray in my parent's Subaru

I'm glad nothing is examined top closely but you can obviously see the consequences and ups and downs of Gosling's character, which is what you really are going to see if you shadow an addict for a few months.
I think it's Gosling's best performance. None of the kids fall flat, which helps. Mackie's is the weakest, I think.

Angels with dirty faces was interesting bc of the moral ambiguity of the characters.

The Beastmaster was a B movie but entertaining. Demons was a B movie gore fest.

Jesus was long, as it tell his entire life, and shows how rebellious he was, it is well done but slow and I didn't really like it.
As above so below, was awesome and bad at the same time. it was fun to watch but didn't really add up at the end.

Phantasm, had some interesting imagery.
L'inferno is from 1911 and shows Dante going thru the 7 hells. Cool imagery, and good but slow.

Narayama is live action and done in kabuki
style. story has to do with a village where the old go up to a mountain to die at a certain age so as not to burden others. I found it interesting.

Watched this last night, definitely in my top 10 wow.

Lars and the Real Girl. Surprisingly sweet.

Forgot pic

Just thinking of watching half Nelson...the outtakes are pretty funny.

hated this

Blade Runner (meh)
Disaster Artist (meh)
Shape of water (it was okay)
Lady Bird (pretty good)

>Blade Runner (meh)
the OG one or 2049?
and yeah i felt the same about the other ones

original one. Overrated as fuck