Be a kid

>Be a kid
>Watch Little Nicky
>Love it
>Talk with friends at school about how great it was and they agree
>Used to think that because they played it on TV so many times, it was considered a comedy classic
>Instead, even most Adam Sandler fans hate it

Has anyone ever been tricked about a movies popularity?

Independence Day

I had that exact same experience with Little Nicky

that movie was fucking retarded and so are you

Honestly I loved little Nicky, I can't believe it was hated amongst everyone else

I actually think little Nicky is one of his better movies.
>Just tilt your head back and let the meat slide down your throat hole.

You make the lord... VERY NERVOUS

they played this movie literally every 2 days on cable.

I used to watch it for TIT HEAD and nipplez rubber because I'm a sexual deviant.

I actually tried the hot wax on my nipples because of this movie, kek.

Me and my dad loved this movie when i was a kid, he bought me the GBC game of it for my 5th birthday hahaha fuck

I'm from the south... the DEEP South. Heh heh heh

Its one of the better ones for sure, I'd say its the worst of the best ones.

"You're shoving a pineapple up Hitler's ass at 5 o'clock"

Popeyes chicken is pretty great to be honest.

((((Who wouldve written dialogue like that?))$$

Mystery Men

You're an idiot.

You are a gentlemen of culture and refined taste. Some of the idiots here could learna thing or two from you.

LIttle Nicky is unironically a good movie.

I love this movie
But yes he's an asshole

how much did popeyes pay adam sandler to get him to turn his movie into a fucking commercial?

they show these movies in my third world country non stop on holy days

The moment you realize quotable movies do not make them good, is the moment you "grow up" in regards to comedy. Little Nicky is a painful watch. The titular character looks like he had a stroke.

Okay. It's not that bad. The chicken is just terrible though. They have other stuff that is palatable but plan on buying some drinks. They don't have the self serve kind of fountains and the line will get you to question why you'd buy shit there anyway.

Little Nicky was kino


pawpeyez chikun iz fricken awezome!

Every Adam Sandler movie is this. Don't believe me? See for yourself. Jack and Jill is probably the funniest example, but Mr. Deeds and Little Nicky are definitely prime examples too.

Did any of you morons realize he was a parody of Al Pacino?

I liked Little Nicky too. It's a fine Sandler as it's actually unique ish. And plenty of clever moments.

What? People don't like Little Nicky?

>An anonymous user on the internet calls you can idiot
>soften your position on what food you like


even Mousehunt? nice

GATORADE: waterboy
Popeyes: little nicky
jack and jill: dunkin donuts
What else we got?

my sister gave me a flask for my birthday
spent the rest of the day telling my senpai to get in the flask

It's tongue-in-cheek, so that makes it okay


how old are you? 25? I wish I was that young again. Save your money.

On second thought maybe it was that bad. I've only seen one person enjoy it and that was after months of being deprived of normal human food. Just seeing this guy I got so much respect for enjoy it was one thing. Objectively that was some bull shit product placement, I've never seen a single other person enjoy that shit seriously. I hate to rag on an entire franchise but it's pretty obvious Adam Sandler really only does things especially movies for money. I bet that cunt hasn't had popeys since his mexican immigrant slave servents got deported.

Big Daddy had a scene in a mcdonalds.

also this

Hallmark and Mr Deeds
Big Daddy had something too... fuck what was it

Reign on me: ps2 shilling/ shadow of the collosus shilling

Click: bed bath an dbeyond shilling

Mousehunt is unironic kino.

Didn't even know everyone hated them until I was like 15

I still love every one of these movies regardless

Happy Gilmore: Subway

Apparently yes. But I've never heard anything negative from Sup Forums, my friends, family... hell, anyone I know.
But it's rated horrifically and people talk shit about it.
It's perfectly fine I think. Not great but enjoyable.

McDonald's and Hooters

Wow, really? And all this time I thought Nicky really was Tony Montana

Little nicky: popeyes
Click: bed bath and beyond
Reign over me: Shadow of the collossus
Big Daddy: Mcdonalds
Little Nicky: popeyes
Jack and jill: dunkin donuts
Happy gilmore: subway
Mr Dees: ????
50 first dates: SPAM

It was made when parodies like Scary Movie were a thing, Little Nicky is also a parody only it's a Black Parody in the same vein as Black Comedy.

Lol no. Popeyes Chicken is objectively the best fast food fried chicken available anywhere. No anonymous faggot on a tv forum will tell me otherwise.

probabloy fell on like the last third of the movie with my brother when we were like 10, it was dubbed in french because we are french, ehe.

at some poing he say something like " get inside the flask " we still tell each other that line very often every time one of us is being a litle cocky or something.

i dont think iv ever saw it in full, for me it's a cult classic sandler american comedy.

it's quite a radical movie in a way

Because they were liked when they came out.

I can agree. It's beyond comment
And it's unfortunately disappearing

Honestly he didn't even comment on the chicken. He wolfed that down and saved the biscuits. I don't know a single person that likes the chicken there. I've asked quite a few people about it under different circumstances. Nobody in their right mind likes that chicken. That was the worse product placement in history. It's insane that kind of add made it into that movie even if he was parodying a bunch of sub cultures. Anyone adam gave chicken to instead of money while he sits in his mansion probably hopes someone stabs him int he face someday with a dull knife. Except they probably hope it's a sharp knife because if it was a dull one he'd talk about it all the fucking time in every movie.

Mr. Deeds is hallmark and wendy's

>younger millennials proving once again their god-awful shit taste is driven 100% by childhood nostalgia
Getting sick of these episodes desu

Thanks forgot about that

No they weren't

If you ever watched Spaced it references how shit the fanbase thought the Phantom Menance is

It literally had the same fallout as TLJ and even I remember it happening

billy madison: snack pack

>d saved the biscuits.

This describes every Sandler movie ever made with the exception of Happy Gilmore.

You're shneerious?

The Godfather trilogy has a really big reputation but to me it seems like very few people (especially younger people) have actually seen the movies.

Everything after Zohan (including Zohan) is undeniably garbage

>The titular character looks like he had a stroke.
The literal joke in the movie is that he is an ugly fuck because one of his brothers hit him in the face with a shovel and permanently disfigured him. That's why when he goes to heaven at the end of the movie his face is fixed.

The only people I know that like popeyes eat anything that isn't the chicken. Biscuits, sea food. I don't know what they do with the chicken, I assume it's something horrible because of slaughter houses but when you get it, it's floppy. No crisp. I don't know how anyone fucks that up you could shove it in a deep frie of oil and it'd turn out better.

It seems like a lot of people liked Zohan. I can't stand it and I think it's one of his worst films period.

zohan: paul mitchel hair products and fizzy bubbla

it's garbage

So what you're saying is; he's secretly a Republican

This meme never ceases to tick me the f off

Why bother. I've owned the DVD set for like 15 years and never got around to watching it because i've seen it parodied so many times it feels like I already have.

>I need proof to show that Adam Sandler is Jewish
why is Sup Forums so dumb?

It's boring and slow af

I didn't imply it wasn't supposed to be a "joke". It was just painful to watch.

Like that movie The Ringer, where Knoxville pretends to act retarded? Yeah, it was fucking painful to watch. You don't have to fucking explain to me that "the joke is that he isn't retarded, and he's fixing the special Olympics". I know. It's just not funny, and watching him do it is painful and cringe-inducing.

Sandler wasn't retarded though in Little Nicky though. He wasn't playing the character is a mentally challenged individual. He was playing it as someone who got hit in the face with a shovel and now has a fucked up face.

I also thought Little Nicky was the funniest thing ever produced when I was ten years old. As an adult I realized Adam Sandler movies were always terrible. I just outgrew them with age.

The sad thing is, Popeye's USED to be good, probably in part due to this movie. But interest waned (remember Krispy Kreme or whatever the fuck?), and soon they were only opening in low-income areas. So the brand perception goes down even further because of poor employees and shitty locations, so it's a vicious cycle. But yes, Popeye's in the early 2000's was fucking amazing compared to KFC (who somewhat upped their game since) or other offerings. I think the first time I had a bad experience was after they closed down the one in my (88% white) town, and I had to drive to the (64% white) place to get it. Fucking awful, and I never looked back. Before you call me racist, the dankest chicken in my town is a food truck run by (themselves very racist against whites, and also sexist as fuck) black people in literally one of the highest crime areas in the city. So I give credit where credit is due.

this is pasta

>nigger chimps hooting and hollering at me instead of giving me the food I paid for
Sure sounds like what I'd want to do.

If you think that Little Nicky wasn't implied to be at least a little slow, along with Happy Gilmore and Madison, you're fucking "just a little slow" yourself. Before you say "that's the joke, retard", I'd like to point out that all I'm saying is it's not fucking funny at all. Acting retarded for humor's sake is only amusing to

Well, I STILL like Little Nicky. You got Ben Stiller, Rodney Dangerfield, a talking dog, Henry Winkler, Ozzy Osbourne, The Harlem Globetrotters, and Popeye's chicken. What's not to love?

It's right up there with The Wedding Singer.

But since you asked about being tricked about a movie's popularity, I kept seeing meme posted on the internet all the time to the point I actually decided to watch The Big Lebowski.

It's not a bad film, but it's not the masterpiece most people make it out to be.

>Adam Sandler as some devil hell-spawn
Very accurate.

He acted slow in Nicky because he had zero self confidence. That's pretty obvious.

He acted slow in Happy Gilmore because he is outright shown to be a dumb jock.

He acts slow in Billy Madison because he is a half retard that literally didn't go to school.

I'm glad you feel smart for pointing out the obvious.

Don't forget the hawaiian punch fountain.

Here's the average experience:
>waiting in line with surprisingly diverse patrons
>black guys snickering to themselves about "dem whiteys come to get dat famous chicken from dah hood" unironically going "boo!" just for kicks
>if there is a black person/party directly behind you, owners will speak over your shoulder and ask for their order.
>one time I see a party of (respectable) black people in front of me. Black female has her wallet out, 3 other men there. Owner directly replies to men only. When woman tries to say what she wants, owner interrupts here and speaks again to the men. They kind of look confused, before placing orders. Woman goes last, and pays for the whole party begrudgingly.
>cash-only business. There have been robberies and shootings in parking lot.
>when my party finally gets to order, guy is dismissive. Watches TV for a full minute before asking our order. Still sexist to females in our party, of course.
>My friend's white, ultra-liberal girlfriend still fucking calls me racist when I explain the relative risks and unpleasantness of going to that place, even when she's been there with us for all of the unpleasant shit.

I've never NOT had a good experience service-wise there. But I'll be damned if it's not the best fried and smoked chicken in the city. They literally sell out of it on most nights. They also have good shrimp and some sort of yeast roll things that are delicious.

Stop denying it faggot. You retards sucked off these films at release

He didn't act like he was retarded. He acted really uncomfortable.
poor henry why didn't you just feed him popeyes while he was filming instead of paying him. He use to work either guys like Ron Howard. That was a pretty sad cameo.

little nicky is fine though. it's a trash movie but it's comfy as fuck

oh fuck off. there's literally not even anybody on this shitty board who has ever had something negative to say about Mousehunt. it's literally one of the few timeless comedies that does everything right

Popeyes is probably the reason why I loved Little Nicky so much as a kid.

Mr. Deeds had a Kool Aid water fountain

Russian Jews are republicans retard

"Wait? Why are we laughing?"

CHik fil a, Zaxbys, and Bojangles would like a word

I still like it anyway.

>oh fuck off. there's literally not even anybody on this shitty board who has ever had something negative to say about Mousehunt. it's literally one of the few timeless comedies that does everything right
This board has good taste. Most people didn't like Mousehunt, unfortunately

>implying 81%, one of the lower RT scores for Coens means the average critic saw this as a "masterpiece"

Cult classics are never hailed as masterpieces. They're just incredibly popular within a small subset of people, sometimes with good reason, sometimes not. I was also the guy that said quotable=/=funny, and although this movie is quotable, it also is funny in its overall absurdity, and pretty well-made and well-acted.

That's a fun movie

I'm no George Clooney, hehehehe.

"Adrian, get in the flask"

I don't care what anyone says, Little Nicky was great.