Confess Sup Forums

Confess Sup Forums.

I sneedpost.


Anytime I ever see one of those "MISSING" posters in town that have a dog or cat on them, I always call the number on the paper from an untraceable number. I bait the animal owner into thinking I'm a friendly nice guy who found their pet for them. I tell them how cute their little puppy/kitten is and they ask where I can meet them to return it. At this point during the phone call I calmly say >"You will never see this pet again"
After this I take one of my own pets(I have 2 dogs and a cat), and hold it's mouth close to the phone. I cut my pet with a small pocket knife to make it scream into the phone to make it seem like I'm murdering the owners pet. They cry and threaten to hunt me down or "put me away in jail" while I make fun of how stupid their pet looks being gutted. I always give my pets treats afterwards to let them know how good they did. I know I'll actually get caught one day, and I'll probably get some heavy fines and a little jail time, but it's such a rush to hear the panic and begging from the owners to not hurt their precious fluffy. This world is weak.

For about fifteen years, I have owned a Criterion Collection DVD copy of "Bicycle Thieves", which I specifically requested, and received, as a birthday/Christmas present. I was starting to become interested in "serious" film and I wanted something old and classic to build my DVD collection. I popped it in once or twice, got part way through the first act, and then I had homework or I had to sleep or something. It's not that I was bored or hated subtitles or anything like that. I just simply stopped watching.

To this very day, I have never watched the film in its entirety, or gotten past the first act. I have continuously had the DVD package in my possession this entire time.

I find your mother hot

I dont own a television and I don't like movies

>dear lord in heaven what a faggot

I steamed hams post.


Once Upon A Time In America > Goodfellas > The Godfather Part II > The Godfather

i have never seen a single Star Wars movie. fuck star wars and fuck the stupid nerdy soyboys that watch it. glad your shit is SJW infested now, you fucking niggers

i think cunny threads are better than 90% of the shit on this board.

i love cunny!

based psychopath

The time it took me to read all the episode synopses and character pages on the wiki and watch a few major scenes on YouTube so I could shitpost on /got/ could've been spent on actually WATCHING Game of Thrones two or three times over. Sometimes I get called out for missing minor details that any actual show watcher would know and I just close the thread until the new one is made, or I'll just hide my post with replies hidden and pretend it never happened.

Rick & Morty is pretty entertaining if you don't think too hard about it

I sneed post as often as I can. I'm a mobile user. Their bans have no effect on me.

how? everytime i try to post on mobile it says that my IP has been blocked.

I just drive to a local restaurant or store, jump on their WiFi, and post all I want.

oh lol


I am 44 years old, work a minimum wage manufacturing job, have never had a gf, have no social contact of any kind outside of work, and spend my evenings shitposting. I will no doubt die on this very sofa I am on now, mid-shitpost. The confession? I am OK with that.

when I was 13 or 14 I went on my older sisters' computer and I found naked pictures of her and I plucked my peter

>i've triggered sneed spammers so much that they're driving to stores to continue samefagging all night while i've gone to bed


Top KEK, how delusional are you? You must spend all day and night at home. I have a good social life. When I'm out with my hot gf and my friends, I sneed post.

Toy story 2 > toy story
Shrek 2 > Shrek
Black Panther is unironically an amazing story driven movie

I wish I was a wahmen

The reason I love sneedposting is because it reminds me of Sup Forums's HE-posting that was going on a couple years ago. At first I thought it was the dumbest shit in the world, same as with Baneposting, but the more I saw of it the funnier it got.


I can't live without her

haven't seen a movie since December

I'm the opposite, jumped on the meme bandwagon at first but now it's progressed to where it's unironically more fun to trigger the sneeders.

I've made entire "pipe strip" style monologues for the plane scene, the Sneed scene, and my waifu in my head.

I really think about this every day. Every time I see a large male, every time I think about a plane, every time somebody mentions the CIA, every time somebody asks about a mask, every time I weigh on the scale, every time somebody mentions the want to be a Dr. , every time somebody says they're not their friends, every time somebody mentions loyalty, every time somebody mentions Batman.

I really am starting to think I need mental help. I've also started wearing various shades of blue lately and not until reading my own thoughts did I realize it's probably because of this fucking movie. I browse Sup Forums for around 5 hours every day and the amount of time's I've watched that plane scene in the past week is more times than I've thought of my family, friends or parents. To those who are new don't watch this, and don't get into it. I posted "BANE?" at least once a week for a year, and it has actually altered mybrain.he sound of a plane alone sends me into fits of uncontrollable laughter

Holy shit. It's a part of me now. This scene is a big guy for me, and taking over my brain must have been a part of it's plan. Of course, Bravo Nolan you're a real human being and a true detective. I don't know what to do anymore. I wake up in the middle of the night and immediately yell FOR YOU! I just can't help it. Every dream I can remember for the past 6 months has had to do with this fucking scene. Even if it's just the faintest sound of the plane. Oh my God. Please save me. Somebody. I can't take it. My life is crashing with no survivors.

>where it's unironically more fun to trigger the sneeders
I never see any sneeders get butthurt, they just keep posting more sneed shit in response to any insults.

the thin red line is the greatest film of all time

Are you me?