Goes into the Wild

>Goes into the Wild

What a shit film

Other urls found in this thread:


>Don't go off the grid goy.

Why this piece of shit was made

Indeed. Goes all the way to Alaska to dat some poison berries.

because some autist read the book and thought they could make money

>Hollywood is an actual business

Every girl in highschool was jizzing for this movie.

its only a worth story because he;

was white , reasonably good looking
did well in school , expected to go to law school
had upper middle class parents

if some random kid drops out of college wanders around with no money and ends up starving to death they don't make a movie out of it.

>Don't go off the grid goy.
Thats not even close to what the message is. Its more, "go off grid but dont be a fucking idiot about it".

Still a shit movie though.

Agreed. They should've named it Moron in the Woods or something.

Walden fan was involved, probably.

>Goes into the Wild
>What a shit film
Brought to you by the American Communist party.

this. Its typical rich kid with too much time fantasy bullshit.

>wow, Im just like him!

its superheros for pretentious idiots

>Brought to you by the American Communist party



Chris McCandless was actually a giga capitalist who started multiple small businesses and paid for his own education at his expensive private university you are too stupid to get accepted by. He didn't just graduate debt free, he graduated with about 20,000 dollars to his name that he earned himself

basically, he wasn't only smarter and living a more fulfilling life than you. He was also harder working and wealthier

Blah blah blah...I'm sure it's all super true.


>living a more fulfilling life than you

he hasn't been doing this for a while apparently

>"Dude I'm going to live in the wilderness and live off the land lmao"
>sets up home inside a bus
What is even the point?

If you were intelligent enough to read the book the film was based on, I wouldn't need to tell you this

It doesn't particularly matter. You will die having lived a mediocre but long life shitposting on Sup Forums and resenting successful and cleverer people, while he died living a meaningful and happy life and achieving his goals

His 24 years of success > your 80 years of bitterness, failure, and drudgery

I'm just here for the NASCAR pasta.

>resenting successful and cleverer

ladies and gentlemen, the Into the Wild target audience

Apparently not intelligent enough to drive himself to the bookstore and purchase a basic /out/ manual or nature/camping books.

>the publishing industry is on thelevel

Fuck off

>big words that I'm not used to hurt my tiny brain
ladies and gentlemen, the sullen losers of Sup Forums

It's not a word dipshit

Find honest work

>didn't fuck her

imagine not impregnating prime kstew when given the chance

He literally did exactly that. I think it was even in the film, so it seems that your baby tier attention span/cognitive processing ability is lower than I thought

He didnt though........

It is a word, retard, which is why I used it correctly in an English sentence. Remember, I'm the one who's actually intelligent enough to read the book the film was based on and study the situation before running my mouth, so the tie goes to me

>Find honest work
Chris McCandless worked much harder at more difficult jobs than you, this was covered in both my first post ITT and the film you were too low IQ to pay proper attention to

>t. dumb, low self-awareness millennial who thinks he would survive in the wild if he just read a few books first

Yep, there's a scene where he visits I believe the University of Alaska bookstore, purchases a book, and even asks for a researcher to give him information on the local wildlife.

Let's pretend his passion was Nascar driving...

Christopher McCandless sets off, from California in an old car he rebuilt himself (he replaced the fenders and painted it), on a trip to the Daytona 500. He only gets across the state line when he runs out of fuel because he forgot to fill it up. Instead of simply walking to the nearest gas station or flagging down help he decides to push his car over an embankment and set it on fire. He then proceeds to walk on foot to the nearest car lot (which happens to be in Mexico for some reason, mostly because he burned up his map in the car and he's been taking backroads.) He finds an old bicycle in a garbage dump and uses that.

He finally gets to the car lot and buys a fixer-upper for $50. Before leaving the car lot he has to change a tire, which he replaces with the solid rubber donut. He buys fuel and heads off to the Daytona 500 again. Only he's heading deeper into Mexico and eventually ends up broken down in front of, "Autodromo Internacional de la Jolla" due to no water in the radiator. The engine block has seized up. Luckily, there's a race about to start. Christopher...er "Alexander Superspeeder", who changed his name, pays the $125 entry fee for the race.

Unfortunately, Alexander Superspeeder doesn't have a race car. He does however have an old bicycle still. He uses the bicycle to race. He makes it only 3 laps before he is too tired to steer straight and veers off into a race car and is killed.

Some Jew picks up his story and writes a book about his life and how he followed his dreams. Another Jew makes a movie about it. Armchair racers around the world adore him.

The End.

Yep. Why they had the planned/fake expose of A Million Little Pieces.

Then why did he die alone and hungry?

>Let's pretend his passion was this arbitrary, convoluted and absurd metaphor that doesn't really work unless you are predisposed to resent more successful and intelligent people
nah. instead let's study the achievement of successful and intelligent people and emulate their drive and accomplishments. If we don't do that they we'll probably turn into whiny alt-right virgins who spend all their time on an anime website for teenagers

>smarter than me
Then why did he go into the wilderness with no preparation whatsoever and die after eating poisonous berries? I haven't fucked up that hard, so how is he smarter than me?

No. You have tense issue. Successful is present tense, while cleverer is past tense. A structurally correct version would be:

>You will die having lived a mediocre but long life shitposting on Sup Forums and resenting more successful and clever people,....

t. English teacher

This. Im not some souless autist either, but I dont get this "wow, he was such a free spirit who did what he loved!" meme at all. He was a fucking idiot who got himself killed. He shouldnt be held up as a hero

>, low self-awareness millennial

he's alive though. McCandless did not do what he needed to do to prepare to live off the land in Alaska. That was dumb and he is responsible for his own death.

Nah, that was McCandless you're thinking of.


what you just wrote LITERALLY describes McCandless perfectly

Grizzly Man was true kino

>documentary about guy who spends months at a time in remote wilderness in dangerously close proximity to bears
>most interesting part is how he's a closeted fag in denial

the book was great though

inb4 "No!"

At last I have become into the wild

Researchers at the time were unaware of the poisonous properties of the wild potato seeds he consumed. His field guide told him they were safe to eat as this knowledge wasn't even known at the time to the most advanced scientists in the field until 2015

Basically, even the guys who were smarter than McCandless (that would be two orders of intelligence beyond yours) didn't know the seeds were poisonous. Obviously it was no fault of his and only a child or an individual with an IQ equivalent to that of a child would blame him for his own death

>lets eat poison berries and cross a river when Im high. Lelez

He got lost in the woods and lacked any ability to catch or find food and he starved to death

You forgot jewish, he was a jew, and a stupid one.

>cleverer is past tense
No it isn't.


I AM cleverer than you

I didn't mean to say mcCandless was only more successful than you, I wanted to drive home the point that he was also of superior intelligence.

>English teacher
so a failure essentially. you're probably bitter about having to teach children the exploits of a MORE SUCCESSFUL AND CLEVERER person while dreaming of being a writer

Alright, fair enough. He still got lost and had no preparation for any of his trip though, so he wound up dying. These hardly sound like the actions of a genius of the caliber you're describing.

This book and The Diary of Bookcase Girl got me thrown out of class and in school suspension every time.

How have they not killed him yet?

What's that symbol to the right of I'm with her?

American Atheists logo

Is being an atheist soy now?

I knew within the first 15mins of the movie that the guy had gone crazy. Wn't until the end that i found out it was a true story

Pretty much this, the guy they based the movie after didn't really have a plan outside of
>go to alaska
>live in a van

>harder working
>actually wanting to work
how is he living a fulfilling life

Hi Chris McCandless's dad.

They didn’t find out they were poisonous until 2015 when he died from eating them in 1992?

>living a more fulfilling life
>Chris McCandless
>starved too death alone, because stupidity and/or mental illness

>die after eating poisonous berries

He died of starvation. See In order to be poisoned from that type of plant you'd need to eat a literal ton of it. Even then, other normal chemical compounds in that plant and normal food plants would cause you all manner of problems as well. The movie and book played up the poisoning scenario to make it more tragic and the movie actually changed text in the foraging textbook to make it more tragic.

Reminder every girl who likes this movie is a turboslut who doesn't think about consequences only the emotional parts of hedonism and she literally fucks black guys

He was literally a retard.

This. How are they geniuses if it took 23 years after his death to decide "Yep, you shouldn't eat these"? And how are all of these people supposedly geniuses? I've yet to see any evidence supporting that statement, and plenty to the contrary.

>In to the Wild
>man is mentally ill
>man shuns society, gives his money away, burns the rest of his money, identification, credit cards, gets his vehicle caught in a flash flood, becomes a filthy vagrant hitchhiker, changes his name to "Alexander Supertramp", kayaks to Mexico illegally, loses kayak in a dust storm, goes to California, shuns civilization again,
>man goes innawoods in Alaska and lives in an abandoned bus for 4 months, and was most likely the person that vandalized the supplies of food caches (he was a really stupid, mentally ill person after all, who wanted to destroy everything he had available to him from civilization)
>man dies from equal amounts of stupidity, ignorance, and starvation (and from being injured)
>enterprising Jewish author decides to write a book about it to make money from someone else's tragedy
>another enterprising Jewish guy decides more money can be made from the mentally ill innawoods guy and decides to make movie about it

Budget $15 million[2]
Box office $56,255,142[3]
8 awards

Then he went to Alaska and starved himself to death a mile from civilization because he didn't even bother to bring a map.

I liked vedders soundtrack and the part where the faggot died

Actually, he did have a map and it had the location of the bridge on it too. That's another thing the book and movie purposely changed.

You're really not helping his case.

That's literally what he's doing


16yo KStew. A film needs nothing more.

So, someone getting lost a mile from civilization with a map to civilization is better than the jackoff who just wandered off and starved to death?

Not only was he retarded, he was apparently also incompetent.

I'm not sure why you'd think I was helping his case in any way.

You're an idiot.

What did he do?
He is just some writer dude

He made a mistake and ate poisoned berries.
BTW - this is a TRUE story it actually happened irl

This. Sup Forums loves to bring this movie up once a week and shit on This guy but fact is he did more than 95% of the fat fucks, autists and teenagers that shitpost about him ever will

if he's so smart and successful how come he's dead huh


He was so incompetent he might as well have suck started a shotgun.

I've roadtripped over 20k miles. I'm nothing special, but I didn't die a mile from civilization.