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Did anyone actually think that this looked good? Just because they got a black female director doesn’t guarantee greatness.

It's payback for the critics being forced to like black panther

But doesn't this kind of tear that argument to shreds? Shouldn't this also have a +95%?

Nobody on this board seriously thinks Black Panther is shit, we just like to meme. At worst it's just a typical Marvel movie, bland but not offensive.

The lead girl looks like an orc from Oblivion.


Disney only cares about stuff that cost them billions of dollars to buy (Star Wars and MCU) winkle in time is a throwaway.

it's ok movie but ruined by most retarded marketing ever. they turned it into a "cultural moviement" meme.

Typical marvel is bad
At best they are mediocre (like GotG1 or Winter solider)

Movie is aimed at preteen girls and they don’t wanna watch a down syndrome black girl escape from cgi storms and 2X/3X year old critics don’t wanna watch fairy tales aimed at prepubescent girls.

They want popular movies with diversity in it. There are good movies with representation out there but they don’t give a shit bc they’re not mainstream.



All the MCU movies have inflated scores besides shit no one likes like Thor The Dark World. Even Dark World has a 6.2 average and 66% fresh, it deserves much lower.

The only movies that pulled diversity right are FAST AND FURIOUS series. They got cast and locations all around the world, serving true diversity, not nigger "diversity" meme.


>visually gorgeous
That's the one statement in the review I contend with the most.

mfw all the twitter leftist critics are condescendingly talking about how this is a flawed but good effort but they'll abstain from talking about the film.

>shit no one likes
>66% fresh
sounds like 66% of critics liked it user

>twitter leftist critics
Absolute cancer. Why even bother reading their drivel?

/poltv/ when a diverse film gets bad reviews:

/poltv/ when The Last Jedi gets good reviews:

>Wildly ambitious to a fault

Just say the movie sucks you losers.

>Just say the movie sucks you losers.
it's more like "please don't take away my press screening privileges, Disney! I'll still review Star Wars and MCU flicks good!"

You can get away with it when the movie is at least competent. Pushing a 70-80'ish movie to 95% isn't a hard lift, just sweep the faults under the rug considering they don't ruin the movie and most people won't care.

When a movie is an absolute trainwreck that most people will hate you're gonna give away the game doing something like that.

But I thought RT was bought by Disney? I thought the Jews paid off critics? I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics Sup Forums has to pull this off

RT belongs to WB (30-40%) and Universal (60)
Disney doesn't pay critics, but blackmails them. Ones who give positive reviews are rewarded with perks.

What's so special about perks? Are they the hotpockets of film criticism?

>affirmative action
Pick one, stupid.

like clockwork
just admit you're wrong sometimes buddy, its okay.

stop reposting some guy on a message board

We're in the age of outrage. It's all a race to see who can get more outraged, and who's more justified in their outrage. What drove you to read this thread?

nepotism ladder. as long as you do as I say, you get to have more goodies

It's almost like people who rate movies actually do have opinions instead of just fighting an endless culture war based on race like you do

i'm a very driven person

I understood your metahumor, user, even if the brainlets didn't.

>oprah winfrey
kek this is gonna be a trainwreck I cant wait to see it

The right literally can't form arguments

It looks like it has the same exact feel as Tomorrowland. Were people expecting this to be good?

but people rated black panther highly because it was culturally significant due to its racial element

>Why even bother reading their drivel?
Because they were in a thread on Sup Forums.

I just came to learn more about the movie reaction, user. I'm not outraged

More or less. If they give positive review, they are invited for next early screening, so they can write another crap on their blogs and it's neverending cycle.
Look what happens with people who got balls to show some dirty practices of Di$hitney
It's not 100% movie related, but still shows some bad disney shits, so they went full panic. Similar thing would happen to people giving bad reviews to Di$hitney's biggest series - MCU and SW.
Spread these news, inform other people. It's the only way to take Di$hitney down. Bad word of mouth, if enough people start to believe and boycott that bloodthirsty company, something may change.

>It looks like it has the same exact feel as Tomorrowland
Or John Carter, or any other nonsense live action Disneyshit that isn't Marvel or Star Wars.

And also because it was a well made capeshit that took it easy on the quips, so maybe merit had more of a role than you admit

Zootopia? The live-action adaptions to Pete's Dragon and the Jungle Book? All three were critically acclaimed and have nothing to do with Star Wars or Marvel.

hahahaha bl*Ck people BTFO

>actually do have opinions
>saying this after the Black Panther hive mind revealed just how interchangeable and irrelevant """critics""" are nowadays

Less than half the critics that gave BP a good score did it because the movie was well acted, well shot, had good effects, good direction or anything that makes a movie, you know, good.

Nope, more than half of those reviews praise it on what a "cultural movement" it represents. These people are completely up their own asses and the only reason they didn't give this movie another near-perfect RT score is because Disney decided this movie wasn't as much of a "cultural movement" as to justify paying everyone again less than a month later.

When fucking Vox is talking about this as a problem you know it might have some merit

All three are furryshit. What does that say about critics?

>nothing to do with Star Wars or Marvel

I always love seeing Disney shit get bad reviews

>they are invited for next early screening
Is an early screening really that important? They're gonna see the movie at some point, right?

>Sup Forums wass j-just p-pretending!!

There are promotional gifts involved sometimes

Was this supposed to be a disney version of Cloud Atlas or something?

>the Black Panther hive mind
So in your mind, a billion dollar box office and positive reviews all across the board don't mean a successful film, but a "hivemind".

I can tell you're a DCuck.

Diversity gives you 20 points Meaning this movie here should be around 25.

Something like BP isn't shit, but it's not an average of 8+/10, either.

There's profit to be had in releasing your review earlier than everyone else. More attention, more views, more clicks, you name it.

i always provide a source. asspulls are good for shitposting. people have to realise disney is evil.

btw there is a little company war over Sky. Comcast/Universal wants to buy 61% of Sky. Remaining 39% belongs to Fox. Disney bought Fox, so if Comcast wins this war (I hope so) they will be able to fuck Disney up. Disney is planning to make something like netflix on Fox, but if comcast gets 60% share, they won't allow it.
Comcast is right now the only force able to stand against Di$hitney. They are our only hope.


>appeal to popularity
>immediately goes into an "us vs. them" fallacy where, if I don't like this flavor of capeshit, I MUST like the other one

Being popular ≠ good. And yes, whatever reviewer was not paid off gave it a positive review anyways because they probably heard about the first guy to give a negative one and almost lose his fucking job.

>"Didn't like BP? This critic is a RACIST!"

no it was fucking trash

But the Beauty and the Beast remake had mediocre reviews.

>no it was fucking trash

... Yes it does, racist critics mean jack

please read, there is huge paragraph about

>Why advanced press screenings matter for both critics and the films they review

Most films are screened in advance of their release for journalists and film critics, usually at least a few days before release. These advanced press screenings are typically organized by a film’s studio or distributor, and they are invitation-only.

Such screenings serve several purposes, many of which are mutually beneficial to both the studio and the press who cover the studio’s releases. For journalists planning to interview a film’s director or actors, they are a necessary part of preparing for the conversation. For critics, being able to see a film prior to its release is what allows them to write and publish a review before the film hits theaters, which helps their readers decide whether they’d like to see it. (Often, studios will place an “embargo” on reviews of a given film until a specified time of their choosing; when that embargo is “lifted” can range from a few hours to several weeks before the film’s first public screenings.)

And from the studios’ perspective, advanced press screenings are an important part of the movie release process. There are two main reasons for this: One is that good early reviews help to generate the all-important “buzz,” encouraging potential ticket buyers to get excited about the film and providing pull quotes from critics that can be used on posters, in advertising, and in trailers.

Cloud Atlas was the Disney version of Cloud Atlas. Read the book. Sonmi's story was way different and her story reflects what happened to the movie.

>>appeal to popularity
As opposed to what, appeal on obscure weeb imageboards? Nobody gives a shit about your BvS coping infographs

Black Excellence





>once again with the DC argument

How about judging the movie by the quality of filmmaking instead of by how popular it is and how much money it made.

Wait, let me predict your next "rebuttal": once again claim I like DC movies because in the world there are only people who like DC movies and people who like Marvel movies, and also maybe another "it's popular so it's good" nonsense.

Go on now, do your thing.

I see some light skin there so clearly needs more diversity.


Why do we have to pick between corporate behemoths? Supporting small to medium sized franchises works too


I don't think anyone likes miscegenation accept for jews, cucks, and people with very low testosterone.

This movie has not one but TWO bwwm couples. Who wants to bet that the negress director secretly lusts for the BWC?


There's a better one, with just three girls who are way prettier than any of these.

Someone got it?

I like white penises in black women, specifically my own.




This has to be ironic LARPing


bcoz if Di$hitney wins, you will be forced to watch things like Wrinkle In Time. Comcast/Universal is aiming movies worldwide, with actual diversity. Take a look at Fast and Furious. They got niggers, latinos, asians and shit. Now take a look at This movie. literally another nigger spam.


Stupid fucking child

You know how people freak out about the earliest review of a big movie?

"It's shiiiiiiiit"

"Fuck, it's kino. Sup Forums btfo."

Stuff like that? Well, reviewers want to be that first review, since it gets them clicks.

Behemoth corporations are all we have left, in every type of industry.

>Stupid child fucking

>that description for a rotten movie
Wow the lack of balls on these people is crazy

All black woman want it. Most double down on hatred of white men when they realise they'll never get it. Unfortunately for them black women are the least desired women across all races. Even black men consider them the least desirable. Only top tier black women attract white men.

I'm still going to hot glue reese's doll.

>the right
what does this have to do with politics? What kind of faggot-ass bootlicker do you have to be as a leftist in love with Disney?

wow exposed skin sure does help distract from their monkey nigger faces

>what does this have to do with politics?
he asks in a thread full of Sup Forumstards