Thanos arrives on earth

>Thanos arrives on earth
>Dramatic music starts playing as he slowly descends
>Begins to deliver a heartfelt speech about his motives and his will to take over the earth
>Camera showing his menacing grin from up close
>The Avengers stand ready to fight
>Music abruptly stops
>Camera pans in on Deadpool who's standing behind the Avengers
>"Soooo, how about we discuss this over chimichungas?"
>Audience erupts into laughter
>Can't hear the movie for the next ten minutes

Other urls found in this thread:

>literal embodiment of death
>looks like a raisin

He looks shitty compared to his appearance in Avengers.

What will happen if they kill Black Panther in this movie?

No the literal embodiment of death is a sexy figured lady

>Thanos arrives
>Spiderman says "he looks stupid lol"
>Thanos says "that's not nice man"

>killing off their newest cash cow before making any contractually obligated sequels
user how dumb are you?


literally no one ever dies and if they do they either get revived by literal magic, which I think happens in Infinity Wars anyway because the Infinity Stones control reality

I would stand and clap

The literal embodiment of death is his oneitis.

Unless they change his backstory or don't mention it at all, he's literally meant to be an ugly freak among his species. Disturbingly so.

if hes so ugly why doesnt he use the Infinity stones to get more handsome?

Groot is dead. Baby Groot is his son.
T'Chaka is dead
Quicksilver is dead

Superman didn't even stay dead for two movies

>Not wanting to fuck the qt embodiment of death instead

I don't think he sees himself as ugly. He basically creates a rule 63 version of himself as his perfect woman when Death rejects him.

>caring about capeshit in the current year

>going to a Marvel movie and expecting an audience of children of behave.

The Disney-Fox deal won't be finalized for close to a year (when Avengers 4 is nearing release), and right now there's still the potential for someone like Comcast to swoop in and outbid Disney

On the off chance that X-Men: Dark Phoenix is a big success, it's possible Disney would keep X-Men separate from the MCU for years to come

>going to Sup Forums
>expecting phoneposters to spell correctly

Why does he look so uncomfortable?

the role of Death will be played by a sassy black lesbian.

Because he's questioning his career decisions.

It's already Cate Blanchett isn't it?

In time, you will know what it's like for a movie to make more money than Avatar. To feel so desperately that your contrarian views are right. Yet to get BTFO all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Infinity War still arrives in 51 days.

He doesn't know that Silver Surfer has already been leaked.

No, Hela turned out to be a pretty lame villain, and she died at the end of Ragnarok, like almost all other MCU villains

I think you're missing the point of this thread... I was hoping for Infinity War funny moments predictions

Oh, sorry.

How about
>something something soy something reddit something selfies with mouth wide open.

Perfect, absolutely spot on

Ah. For some reason I thought she was Death but going by another name or something. But yeah she was lame.

>CGI non-character
>Literally who
>They killed him because Fox's Quicksilver was far more popular

What are Thanos motivations?

He seems like a typical "take over the world" guy.

The tone needs to match the Winter Soldier. That was the best movie they've done so far.

>Impress his lady death so she'll finally love him or something, he's insane.
>Typical megalomaniac complex, thinks he's a King and everyone who is weak will die and everyone who is strong will be his slave
>Loves conquering, torturing, killing, learning, getting stronger, etc.

Thanos isn't a complicated character, it's the way he's executed that makes him special.




In theory she could still be Death I suppose, but then why would they give her the backstory about being the "rightful heir to the throne of Asgard" and shit



Is he pulling someone's heart out there? Why is he skinny there but huge elsewhere?

Funny how from this era they wouldn't show Thanos being even a fraction of what he is now but they had no problem with this

That's clearly not earth, and the dramatic entrance scene is also likely not earth. Look at the backgrounds.

pick one
checkmate, atheists

That was Thanos when he was a teenager. The person he is dissecting is his mother, he's trying to figure out what he's different than everyone else from his planet.

Before he was anything else he was a mad scientist.

I know shit about comic books... Why is this purple guy so powerful and important?

The fuck? Is that Kate from Lost getting slapped?

This will be one of the big problems with Infinity War, the previous MCU movies have done a terrible job of setting up and explaining Thanos

Thanks, what's the comic?


That's Hank Pym beating his wife. Avengers did a whole arc on it.

They also did a terrible job at giving him an appearance, he was/is slightly different in all movies..

Anyway, why is he such a "final boss"?

I'm pulling this from

>Thanos arrives
>Dr Strange come to bargain
>Movie ends

Source on groot I think ur wrong

He's a top-tier villain like Darkseid that happens to have army's and power in fucking space and he's also like a super genius and manages to both find out about and construct a glove that, when conbined with the infinity gems can basically control the universe.

I mean he's a pretty solid bad guy that, honestly, the MCU really needs right now to reboot the whole thing.

I think as cooky as he looks, he looks more believable now. Remember 10 years ago when he was some weird cartoon humanoid?

>cheese and crackers

That's a villain though

Will this be the first time in the continuity that all the Infinity Stones have been gathered and attached to the gauntlet?

If so, why was there a fake Infinity Gauntlet- with stones- in the Asgard vault?

As far as villian's goes he's actually really well written. He's a nightmare scenario representation of what a tactical genius with the powers of a god is capable of. He pulls entire planets out of orbit with the infinity gauntlet just to impress Death who only he sees. The infinity gauntlet (once assembled) gives him the power to create/manipulate time, matter, and thought.

He decimates the Avengers with it, including most of the supporting heroes as well.

If I remember right one of his children takes the gauntlet from him and undoes most of the damage he does before he finally gets brought down which is a retcon in a way but most of the physical damage he causes is irreversible.

In certain arcs he's semi redeemed and becomes an antagonist.

The most important thing to remember is that he's insane. There is no reasoning with him despite how lucid and intelligent he is. He's more of a force of nature than anything. Truly neutral evil.

No that's hank pym. He's the real ant man. The first one.

Maybe because somebody made a forgery and sold it to a bidder like the Collector but it ended up in Asgardian hands

For looks, they explained it in one of the movies but it's not real and they know it. The gauntlet without the stones is useless.

I THINK Asguard knew that combining them was a bad idea; singularity and all that. But I don't know why they had the gauntlet or held on to the tesseract.

he's not evil he just has other priorities and values than most people, after all what's the value pf life to an immortal being
also, death does loves him

>most of the physical damage he causes is irreversible

Except by going back in time and changing things DoFP-style, which is what they appear to be doing in Avengers 4

That gauntlet is confirmed fake in Ragnarok, Hela casually knocks it aside and yells "FAKE!"

Will it be Hela. that's the real question.

Sounds really interesting, the MCU needs a good villain (the only one i'm familiar with is Dr. Doom, too bad he's Fox property) and this one seem menacing... But also confusing, are comic book series constantly rebooted, retconned etc? Are they going to do the same with the MCU or just use new characters?

Damn, i don't remember? In which movie does he show up first?

Obviously it is...but Loki clearly has the tesseract and didn't pass up the chance to steel it as a barganing chip. We see Thanos in the "Fine I'll do it myself" end credit scene.

God Fucking Dammit I wish DC would do stuff like this.

>You will never be Thanos
>You will never stretch death's loli cunt with your massive purple porpoise

What a shameful reality we live in.

how can we even compete?

Thanos first shows up in the Avengers 1 mid-credits scene

This was before they cast Josh Brolin in the role so he looks different, but only slightly different

Yes, almost every story that you will ever see is retconned if not directly then indirectly. For example, Deadpool has multiple story lines where kills every single thing in the universe. Clearly that isn't canon, or they always pulled a rope a dope at the end where some all powerful whateverthefuck gives everything that's happened a giant mulligan. The brands/properties are simply too valuable to "end" them.

Marvel is way better at managing this than DC. DC right now has probably a half dozen different suicide squad stories going that are unrelated to each other. Superman has died so many times and come back that it's pointless to even read him anymore. Oh shit he's gone for good now!!!! Oh wait turns out there's like 50 fucking dimensions and each has their own Superman blah blah blah. Robin's dead! Holy shit! Oh wait Jason Todd is alive and well and is now the Red Hood. Why? Multiverse! How does it work???? Tune in next month for another clue!

MCU will be rebooted after Infinity War 2. They've already confirmed unless I'm completely imagining that, but RDJ and Chris Evans contracts are up after IW2, and they're not bringing back RDJ for sure. They're at a point where 100 million dollars of the budget is being spent on the cast.

>also, death does loves him
umm no?

Lady Death loves Deadpool. In his jealousy, Thanos cursed DP with immortality so that he may never be with Death.

>Marvel is way better at managing this than DC
Yeah because relaunching every 6 months is really bringing in the sales.

>umm no?
yes she does, but she likes to tease him

Is that guy supposed to be scary or something? It looks fucking retarded

comic book stuff = trash

>MCU will be rebooted after Infinity War 2

Nope. Not all of it, at least. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is confirmed for 2020, which is after Avengers 4.
On top of that they probably want a Black Panther sequel or two, and a fucking endless number of Tom Holland Spider-Man sequels, which is why they cast such a young actor as Spidey, so they can keep him in high school for a while.

Losing Chris Evans is no big deal when they can make Bucky or Sam the new Captain America. Sebastian Stan signed something like a 9-movie contract and has only done 4 so far.

There is no good way to manage it. Stories and drama are about change; institutions changing, worlds changing, societies changing, people changing. Things might flourish or they might falter, people might grow or die, but they always change. However the financial need of DC/Marvel to make sure they're always using the same heroes so they can keep collecting rent on them, rather than pursuing new stories and ideas, ensures that change can never happen, and that therefore the stories are always lacking.

he's actually a rather compelling character

what are you talking about dc cuck?

It won't be rebooted. the Damage Thanos does will not be completely undone. Chris Patt is confirmed to fight Black Adam in Guardians Volume 4 as of right now. The rest of his friends, specially Drax, Gamora, and Nebula, could die any second though.

They may restore the Earth but they are not gonna do more than that. Evans and RDJ are done for, so is Chris and Tom(loki).

>in a dominatrix outfit. because fags in hollywood have no concept of a strong woman unless it is black leather with whips and shit.



>Chris Patt is confirmed to fight a DC comics character in Guardians Volume 4

and Chris will win.

The top line view of Thanos sounds really fucking boring.

>he's like super strong!
>and he's a genius!
>and he has an army!
>and he has super magic!
>and he wants to take over the universe!

I hope his character is fleshed out.

>final boss of MCU is a giant grapefruit

Pretty sure deadpool isn't marvel

>The top line view of Thanos sounds really fucking boring.
any villain when memed with green arrows sound like shit, not an argument

>ant man tries to sneak up on thanos
>running up his arm
>thanos looks ant man dead in the eye and flicks him off like a bug
>ant man hits the ground and is in great pain
>"does anybody have any orange slices?!"

>infinity war

Uh he also wants to fuck Death, so that's a thing. Just Saying.

Holy shit that is some absolutely terrible CGI.

Who'se Jame's Gunn? And why is he so mad?

weak bait

Not bait. It’s genuinely terrible.

What makes you think he's mad?


>He doesn't know that Silver Surfer has already been leaked.

dont toy with my you fucking shit

you fuckign tell me the source of that leak

They're probably going to kill off everybody because that's what happened in the comic this is based on. They could do a thing where once everybody gets brought back to life with the Infinity Gauntlet, things are different and they can reboot the universe with fresh actors.