Is Millie the most talented and beautiful actress to come along in decades?

Is Millie the most talented and beautiful actress to come along in decades?

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Not reallu.

she looks elegant, like one of the old 50s actresses, the non whore looking ones. But all that make up at her age will destroy that soon enough.
As for acting, idk, only seen her in stranger things, and she hasn't had much to do acting wise but look pissed off most of the time

She has so much potential.


She looks like she is 6 decades old

Apparently Sup Forums doesn't like her anymore. Also this

Hello, middle aged humans

Her parents should be ashamed to whore her out like this.

These threads are getting pretty mean

nigtrip in charge of jinxing shit
but I guess this wasn't that hard to jinx in first place

Has she done fuck all? Played an autist in le 80s meme show? So no then.

No it's a child, it hasn't even chosen it's gender yet

It was brave of the Duffers to make Mike and Eleven a pedophilia storyline.

Yea right


This desu. And not just here the collective internet is giving her so much shit for dating some faggot.

She's gonna play the lead kid in the Godzilla sequel.

user, it's its gender, and she is a quite beautiful girl

maybe if she wasn't autisticly in love with fin

She is being shilled really hard, people is starting to get sick of her

I've never gotten an indication she overly cares about Finn. Other than the fact that most of her fans (and his to be fair) ship them and she uses that to score points sometimes.


And? They're being interviewed and she grabbed him because it looks good. Same way as when she was arguing with her boyfriend she posted his picture. It's using Wolfhard to promote herself.

someone post the pic of her already looking like she is 35

cara is CUTE

>implying you wouldn't

Can’t wait to see Godzilla, I love her

Which one? She always looks like she is 35

>Dr Owens: I was going through some files at the lab and we found Elevens real birth certificate. It's pretty shocking so prepare yourself.
>Chief Hopper: 1945? But... That would make Jane.
>Dr Owens: 40 yes. Did you not see any signs of this?
This picture?

Post your own face hater cowards

She is naturally beautiful but that's it, her makeup, hair choices, personality, clothes etc are all awful as can be. She's a basic girl and not special in any way.


Op said actress not actor

not really




A$AP Rocky got her first

That's usually a requirement to get BLACKED.

>dat hairline

she's british lad

I hope you're reading this, no

She's a thot now.

she is gonna look like gal gadot in her 30's when she is 18

So who here is an ex milliefag? and who's your new waifu?

Do you think she's been facefucked? I feel like most models have been. It would be the first way to test if a girl is good-looking enough to be on the big screen if they can make a guy cum with just their face.

Just wait until she goes all feminazi

Me, and Peyton

Isn’t she an African American lover in her show?


The only Peyton I know is List, who's that? What has she done?

Nice downgrade, cuck

she posted something about wanting to get her ass licked (salad shaking) on insta

I just jerked off thinking about Millie getting a rough anal train run on her by a bunch of dudes in a filthy bar restroom, AMA

Do you think women feel a certain sense of satisfaction or pride after being raped? It must feel a little bit good knowing that you were able to satisfy a bunch of men with your body.

Nigga looks like Livia Soprano

why don't you get better taste? it must be hard trying to jerk off to her

Well the starter of the #MeToo movement is a gorilla looking nigger, so probably

>better hair
>less of a hoe
Come at me milliefag

Peyton Kennedy
She's in that Netflix show "everything sucks"

>objectively less attractive

Nice choice user she seems pretty cute. Might check out that show.

I miss Fackposting

horse face

Cute finn!

Objectively? Whatever fag.

I don't. Jacks a rapist with ADHD. He shouldn't be encouraged.

Millie is headed into Bella territory or worse Lohan.


Why are you posting worst girl?

Who dat?

time has been cruel to bella, but these two are still the goat double trouble

Sydney Sweeney.

Bella is attractive. The problem is that she cranked up the sluttyness to a 15, and Millie is headed to that direction. Fourteen year old Bella was far more modest then current fourteen year old Millie.

Oh. She's hot but she doesn't really hit those waifu buttons for me.

>20 years old
dude WTF?

Nice choker

what happened to Sup Forums?

Your colors are a bit washed out.

soy and estrogen in the water

The slutiness brings her down a bit.

Sophia > Everyone



maybe young actress in the last decade, but she's only been in one thing baitposter

remember when retards did this with chloe?
wait until after puberty

Does anyone have the video where she talks shit about a tripfag?

>tfw all the old tripfags with good taste left Sup Forums




gotta be frank, with that hairstyle she looks really nice but im no big milliefan like some of you frea- weird people

cry more fag

I was glad to see a little more range out of her in season 2 of Stranger Things but overall I would say that, much like Natalie Portman, she is rather flat most of the time, and I say this despite liking her.

Trips are garbage. You're garbage

Who is this cute boy?

Finn is the cutest girl in that pic.