28 films at varying stage of production on his IMDB page

>28 films at varying stage of production on his IMDB page

Yeah, I'm thinking our boy Eric is back

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He was in national security and that was my favorite film as a child


He never left.

>I'm picturing the character as a-
>Eric Roberts is still here, sir.

I just remembered he played the governor in the worst Human Centipede movie (3)

>mfw OP is not full of shit

What possesses this man to do this?

Daily reminder for you Anons to check out Runaway Train. One of the best movies that few people have seen. Too bad Eric didn't get a chance to make more movies like this one.

>What possesses this man to do this?

A love of cinema few people possess...and debt collectors and a crippling weed habit

He will never leave.

>To date Roberts has appeared in 487 different productions.
You could spend a year watching a different Eric Roberts movie every day.

I want to fuck his daughter so goddamn bad. I wanna cum all over those perfect young tits.

>I'd like to cast an older gentleman for the part. Not someone too expensive but I'd like someone experienced.
>Shall I contact Eric Roberts again, sir?
>[removes mask] No need.

Sir,Eric Roberts already made the trilogy and he is recording the commentary track


fucking kek

>Sir! Sir! Eric Robert's somehow received a leaked copy of the script. He's recorded an audition and sent us a link to his youtube account.

>Appears in The Dark Knight
>Turns around and appears in gay softcore porn

It's called RANGE

Holy shit I thought you were kidding. I have a huge monitor and this is how far I had to zoom out to capture all of his current in-production films.

Is there some sort of record for IMDB credits?

>Is there some sort of record for IMDB credits?

Not that I keep a tally for that kind of thing, but the only other man as prolific that I know about is Ennio Morricone. Unless Roberts dies an early death he'll probably surpass him in a couple years.

>When I look at this character I picture a handsome, worldly fella. Do you know who might be perfect for this role?
>You're impersonating my boss again, aren't you?

>Sir, we paid Mr. Roberts for his work but he hasn't left.
>Do we have anything coming up?

Is Eric Roberts real identity Roger from American Dad?

>Bigfoot vs DB Cooper
I cannot believe this exists. It sounds like a SyFy Channel Original, but it's also a gay porno? How does that work?

>28 films this year
>more than two a month
How does he do it?


where's the pasta about the birthday tape?

Is there a kino family in hollywood

>ftw he makes so many movies, that they'll keep releasing new movies with Eric Roberts years after his death




Don't mind me, just posting Eric Roberts cucking The Killers


We need an eric x emma kino. also thank god he didnt breed with that second wife

there are a lot of cheap motels that can only play soft core by law and they still charge $5 for it so they'll make 1,000 a year. They're generally pretty great B movies.

>crippling weed habit
he lives in (i assume) los angeles. even a retard working 3 hours a week at mcdonalds can afford enough week to be high 24/7

Some Indian guy has like 800+.

>we don't have enough money to hire gary busey
>i know just the guy

Why is his mouth like that?