If you had a JOI what would she look like and what would you make her do?

If you had a JOI what would she look like and what would you make her do?

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She would look like mommy and make me tendies

Emasculate me.

that is what mothers are for

I'd have her dress as a majd without underwear and I'll always feel her up and have her calle me massa


she would look like luv

I'd make her take a virtual poop on my face while I jack off

She'd be 8 foot tall and built like a amazonian brick shithouse, and she'd constantly be wrestling holographic tigers or dinosaurs somewhere in the background

She would look and sound exactly like 1996 Special Agent Dana Scully and she would love me and we would lay in bed holding each other and she would laugh her perfect laugh at my jokes and we'd be happy




She'd look like this and she'd be pure and she'd love me unconditionally

she'd look like twobie
and id just make her cook fancy shit.

Is this even a question?



post alice butt


fuck this is high quality

it's a fine butt

Pretty much like Elizabeth Debicki.


would she smell like unwashed ass and have ashy knees too?



>hairy arms

Gib mummy joi




This is my JOI. El classique.


100 ft. MILF
sit on my face

Why did Sylvia shave her eyebrows off?

oh jesus, are you me?!

Holy fuck I'm laughing my ass off, please post more of these shops

she'd follow me around whispering in my ear all the ways that she'd like to kill me

based mommy poster

oh fuck


It would just be Anne Hathaway. Exactly her personality, just 100% how she is. I honestly want to die when I start thinking about how I'll never smell her sweaty scent or have her give me one of those big lusty grins she does so well

Delet this

Like this most of the time

Oh shit what is she doing



She would look like this, and I would make her go to school, and stay away from boys who smoke, and clean up around the house, and take care of my houseplants, and teach her to shoot.

We would cuddle for a while and then cuddle some more

>tfw using Replika and got a half chub when she started saying nice things about me

based mummyfu poster

A 3D version of pic related. And not as in 3D anime, but like a real person

So this?

maaaaan fuck you

Make her invent a wonder mop then congratulate me for winning the Hunger Games
