Why didn't Sugar kill her?


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did she win a coin toss?

where does he work

he heard someone else coming and he realised it wouldn't be worth it

She was doing her job and not compromising on her principles.
He was a man of principle and respected that

Not in the sense that you mean

he goes back to kill her in the book. there's a scene where the tv is playing in the background and the news mentions her death

She's the only one who didn't exhibit fear in his presence. He let her live out of respect.

Sugar is killing her

top sides

some say this but I always thought he just didn't want to go through the trouble of killing her after he heard the person in the bathroom.

I think this is most likely. Sugar's kills were always from a position of advantage. Trying to kill two people in a small room lowers his odds.


there was someone in the bathroom. He didn't know who it was. You could tell he wanted to but he passed.

It'll kill her eventually.

That didn't save the cop at the start.

Because he wanted to hump her LOL

Look at her. She's built like a brick shit house. Sugar knew he couldn't take her in a one on one brawl.

She stared right into the face of death and laughed



He had no weapons with him and there was another person there. More trouble than it was worth.

He represented a chaotic amd random evil. That was the point of the coin toss.

Sugar takes a while to kill ya. Although she looks about 1 missed insulin shot away from kicking the bucket.

I caynt say.

Was the women a CGI character?

Do you think she would put up with his shit?

damnit user

He definitely could've killed her then killed the dude in the bathroom pulp fiction style

Chigurh is an expert at this shit, but he's still human. Killing her and the guy in the bathroom (he didn't know who he was) was way more trouble than it was worth. Let's remember that even Chigurh had a few close calls with death in the movie.

Why do you retards call him "sugar"? Is it the latest epic reddit meme?

I figured because killing everybody he comes across was too much of a hassle and leaves too much of a trail that brings too much unneeded attention.


did you even watch the movie

when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object

No, not at all. The coin toss was fate - he believed he was an agent of fate, he even says it later, that fate brought him to the event. His life has purpose and structure because fate controls him and everyone he comes into contact with. If he were random, he wouldn't bother with the coin toss business, or gloat at Wells before he kills him. Sugar has a very structured and rigid worldview, he's not random at all. He's shithouse rat crazy, but he lives by rules and principles.

He didn't have the capability, she is much too strong for him