Could this thread BE any deader?

>new thread
>dead thread
Pick one.

Was Richard the best man for Monica? I think so.

Friends is trash. No show ever did more to bring degeneracy into mainstream normie goyim lives. In the relatively innocent 90's you had introduced:

The breaking down of traditional relationships and marriage: "Hey, I slept with you, and you and you, and here's my new boyfriend... but let's all hang out like a big happy group! That's what cool people do!"

Normalization of gay relationships and gay adoption.

Race mixing.

etc. etc.

This is how the "long march" of leftism works... normalization of something that was then quite radical, that two decades later, looks quaint.

Grandpa is right. Friends is degenerate.


she aged like milk


looks okay, not JUST territory at least

Based anti-jew poster

Why are you getting this triggered over a mediocre show? It was adored by women.

It was great at shaming fatties id say thats a redpill trait


Whoa, I never would have guessed she was Jewish.

>mediocre show
>adored by women
checks out

I'd still hit it. Looks like one of my typical attractive suburban housewife customers.

Oh gee its another one of those "jews are out to get ya and brainwash you till you turn gay" episode. Grow up, laugh and go on with your day. You must feel like a real special snowflake to call a TV show a "Leftist" Propaganda. I grew up watching it and am conservative and have owned land and guns all my life. Friends is just a show about silly characters not real fucking life. Buncha slackjawed faggots itt

COULD this be any more of a friends thread?


Friends is garbage. Ive watched plenty of episodes and never once has it made me genuinely laugh. Its not a "90s sitcoms are garbage" meme either. Seinfeld, Roseanne and Everybody Loves Raymond have all given me plenty of laughs. Friends is one of the shittiest sitcoms ever made. I never understood how it still has so many fans. The only people ive ever known to like it were women.

what has she become


Apparently she begun this processing starting with the last season or two of Friends.

what process? She's a goddamn Anne Frankenstein looking monstrosity now

>reddit: friends
>Sup Forums: seinfeld

>reddit: friends and seinfeld
>Sup Forums: yes dear