Im so weird lol

im so weird lol

Other urls found in this thread:

my ex girlfriend looked like her

She is not even that weird.

I want to cum all over her face so bad and have jerked off to the thought for 10 years now lmao

beautiful eyes

why does cara get the fuck all the hot chicks and I just get fat 32 year old strippers?

is she pure


Quads of absolute truth and patrician fetish/waifu

im so fat now lol

>Is that rain?


yes it's real

She's a huge bitch IRL and hates the fact that she can only play MPDGs

She's literally pregnant there.


Yeah, that fat spanish dick keeps putting babies in her, she's Maya Rudolph tier now.

>gets a show based entirely off of glorifying her manufactured personality
>is the worst part of the show and is outshone by her much less famous co=stars to such in extent that no one gives a shit when she's not even in the show for a full season

Why do women always use their feet as a cheap ploy to manipulate someone?


>Callused as a Sudanese nomad
>Chipped pedicure
>Virtually no arch

Why was she ever cast? Her feet have skin tone and hygiene but they're nothing special desu

>that fat spanish dick keeps putting babies in her

>when she's not even in the show for a full season
Never happened

hmm rly make u think...

About foote

Most of it yeah

yeah I'd feel bad for her but she no longer has red hair and a lisp so she can fuck off


She gets pregnant and replaced by megan fox in season 5, tripbro.

>Her father was some cinematographer back in the day
>But she made it on talent alone guys, swear, no nepotism.

Although I do feel like watching 500 days of Summer again.

It was like 6 episodes and it was noticeable. She's the least funny cast member but the group dynamic works better with her included. Reagan didn't work.


mmm thiccer

Watch Yes Man instead.


>ywn be her footslave
>you've been ywning this for 12 years

and her mom was in twin peaks

nevermind she’s just pregnant P I C K E D B A C K U P

you did the right thing

Unironically enjoy her music.


Because she has a manlier chin than you.


No she didn't.


Her christmas albums are great

Gwen Stefani is the only one with a normal picture pose. Kstew also

Those other broads are desperate


Calm down Pajeet

still cute
still would

No you wouldn't.



zooey deschanel was everyone's first "quirky indie girl" they became enamored with only to later find out she was just a phony piece of shit whore. zooey deschanel is the girl you crushed on in high school who you thought was so cool and different and interesting, not like the normie popular girls. then you finally hook up with her and realize she's a stupid posturing hateful bitch and all the normie girls you wrote off back then are actually marriage material sweethearts.

This isn't about Zooey, is it user?

Is anything we discuss here actually about anything we discuss here?

what's with the deschanel sisters and getting thicc?

>ywn hear Zooey passionately whisper "leave it in and cum inside me" in your ear when making love to her.

New girl is a great show

>I kinda dig chubby girls
>Always liked Emily
>Emily gets chub
>I don't like it at all

Is it just me is THICC Emily just not right for some reason? Pic is what proper chub should look like.

girls like zooey are a dime a dozen

she hits the spot for me

who am i lol

That tummies' just begging for cummies

the facelift really did a number on her

shame, she should have been able to hire a legit surgeon


I'd let her direct my bones' season 12 premiere ifyouknowwhatimean

I unironically think she's the reason I hate the ukulele


hold on what are you saying exactly?

Doesn't make your lie true.

I'm glad she finally grew into that jaw

i want olivia wilde and emily to have a jaw fight like how rams fight using their horns and see who is the stronger jaw