When did you first realize all women are whores...

When did you first realize all women are whores? Even the shy innocent girl who sits in the back of your uni class and never says a word is definitely a whore.

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I wouldnt want her cooking my food naked. get that shit outta here

White women are gross.
Literally looks like a Del Toro monster.

>Shit hip to waist ratio
>no ass
>bony back
>Looks like she's pan frying something with a fucking whisk
2/10 wouldn't bang

Also 2014

>user can you pass me the chickpeas?

based whoreposter

what is this some kinda goddamn nudist hippie commune?
put some clothes on woman

Who is she.

like 2008

You're mum

this is one sad ass

How do get my gf to lose weight? Without her knowing

This is gross.


>Take over cooking.
>Make healthy meals.
>Watch her lose weight without even trying

What the fuck did she do to the food on the left?

My girlfriend does this when she cooks except she has hips so it makes me want to breed

If they're all whores then why are you such a bitter virgin?

tell her she is fat

Why wouldn't you want her to know? Work out with her or something, try to make it fun

is that who i think it is?

because they cock carousel chad until they hit the wall then settle with a beta

I can just imagine her face is fucking hideous.

Its funny to shatter the dreams of idiots

She eats twice a day buts its always shitty fast food or something from work. Shes also like 4'11

Tell her she is a fat cunt and you gonna leave if she won't do anything about it? I think it's sublte enough and she might get the hint.

Reminder don't marry a woman who
>has had more than one sexual partner before you
>demands she must drink caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs while pregnant
>has or has had an std
>says she won't give birth without pain medication (can be used after baby is born)
>colours her hair, natural colours or otherwise
>used anti aging creams before she met you
>uses excessive amounts of makeup
>uses sex as a weapon
>doesn't want at least three children
>is four inches below the average female height of your country
>can't give birth without a C section because she has non existent hips
>has borderline personality disorder and/or bipolar disorder
>used or uses "party" drugs
>has breast implants
>is addicted to social media
>has a tattoo
>has excessive piercings
>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself

yes it's my gf

drain her of her blood while she sleep

she looks like she is about to complain

>this is what socially maladjusted virgins actually think
it's because you're a fucking weirdo buddy

Because I wanted a non-whore gf.

Then who was son?

Maybe stop being a faggot and start being a chad then

>Cooking naked

What the fuck. I can appreciate a naked apron just as much as the next man but at least with that there's a layer of cloth between your genitals and the food.

>has a father who is significantly less intelligent than yourself

So I can't marry any woman?

yeah it's alice the camwhore

gross lmao

Look how dirty the socks are, the food is crotch level. Do you think she showered before she put the thong back up her ass and started cutting vegetabulbs?

Very unremarkable figure in the webm. Sorry chick. Unremarkable webm through and through.

if you're fat too then suggest that you want to change that by working out, and ask her to join you.

if you're not fat, then do the cooking.

if not that, then try eating healthy in front of her and maybe she'll realize she has to do the same.

good luck lad.

>tfw no naked cooking gf to put my hardening dick between her ass cheeks and grab her waist and bite her earlobe

Although rather than asscheecks it would be the small of her back most likely.
Goddamn womanlets.

you can't just become chad
if you lost the genetic lottery you're fucked
also having rich parents helps lol

I am thinking he is back

You know for most men, the fact that all women are whores wouldn't be a bad thing. On the contrary, they see it as a good thing that getting laid is easy and most women want it even more than guys.

The problem is, nothing is for free and all of us here, myself included, have nothing to offer. And we never will, and never have, so we may as well push society towards anarchy in whatever way possible. Whether that is supporting Trump, or what have you.

I mean. It's not like i wanna marry anyway and i don't think you should look for a quality woman but i have honestly never met a single woman in my age bracket that has not ticked at least a single thing on that list.

You're dads bruther.

The pedo pajeet yes

this year

what if i only want two children

Thanks kind user

hey man ill kick your ass!

There's that ass.

Fucking hell, don't know how i feel about recognizing her.

my gf is infertile so half of these don't apply to our relationship.

No, you need to own her on a psychological level. You need to hannibal that shit. If you don't like that life is pain than choose death.


you don't. you bail now before you end up married to an ever growing ham planet who can't sexually satisfy you.

please ENHANCE.
i want to see if we can see her buthole or underpusy

what TV show or movie are we talking about?

HAHAHA having rich parents doesn't help at all.
I knew a guy who had a doctor dad and a good family life and was an athlete who could have had any chick he wanted and he was ripped but still timid so it just led me to believe he was a closeted faggot, no joke.

All white women are shitt sluts and i'm done with them. If you don't realize all white girls are now basic bitches who just want tons of cock in them then you are lost. I'm going to find a nice homely asian girl now don't even need her to be a 10/10 just knowing she'll be loyal to me.

My cousin turned his whale gf into a legit 8/10. So i know its possible

that bitch defo got a hairy muff and underarm hair

i feel like i can smell her trhought eh picture

You get a new one.

>When did you first realize all women are whores?
around 2011


alice's body is self-cleaning and antibacterial

could have been, that's a damn shame
some are just too intelligent to fall for the pussy defines success meme

>don't even need her to be a 10/10 just knowing she'll be loyal to me
TFW that's all you really want too but it's fucking impossible to find a woman whose company you enjoy, who enjoys your company,
and the two of you can live in loyal harmony for the rest of your lives even if she has a hairlip and a hook for a hand and a glass eye.

he legit probs spiked her drank legitimately bro for reals

hank hill ass

His parents were probably overbearing, emotionally distant and would put him down or express disappointment every time he didn't achieve absolute perfection.
Ended up with a fractured son petrified of failure.

Some girls are nice and good people.

In 10th grade when a girl on the bus let me finger her on the way to school

>that image

What if we just called adoption "ethical gene shopping"

some women are pure
and also have gold metals (plural)
and world records (plural)

What does fingering a girl feel like? Honest question, fingeringless virgin in his 30s here.

>is addicted to social media

great, so that narrows my options to...

Do you think she eats garlic cloves daily? It is fucking awful.

emma watson's really committed to showing us she knows how to cook and that she isn't a prude.

>barbecue sauce on rye bread


>The Rio Olympics were 6 years ago
Where does the time go?

Put your finger on the cheek of your mouth and rub it for 5 minutes til it's pruny.

kiwis are retarded

being a dumb whore, what does it look like?

Greatest day of my life was watching Hillary eat shit during the election.

>cooking naked in her own house

Warm apple pie, literally. The best part is the smell it really awkens those primal instincs

It might be a chutney or chilli based sauce.

I hope he found a loving family, or made one of his own..

i may be bad at math but isnt it only 4 years go?

based whore poster

That sounds surprisingly dull. Thanks user, you made me feel better about myself.

I'll take your word for it friend.

What the fuck, why. Ask her to facesit you

they look like they fuck black guys

He was a money defines success faggot as well as never getting any girls despite going to the gym daily protein powder boring chicken meals everything. He made thousands of dollars just by golfing but it wouldn't last.
Who knows. He seemed more gay to me than having parental issues.

Tell her you're going through a health phase and make her "help you" through it. Do it gently though, so it isn't obvious.

Start off with healthy eating. Get all the unhealthy shit out of the house because it "tempts you too much". Go to the gym on your own a few times, but complain it's boring. Get her to come for "company". Make her watch you do your routine (designed for her) a few times, and show her how to use the machines/do the exercises properly. Invite her to give them a "try" after you do your set. If she starts to flake out, for guilt trip her by saying you need her support.

I got my roommate fit this way. His fatness was becoming annoying.

>2003 was 22 years ago
It's old meme, friend

haven't done that since I was was a teenager and can't honestly remember