

Someone bought this.


What would you do if you walked into someones house and they had this displayed?

what a cluster fuck of a movie, what the fuck were they thinking?

Not take any drugs.


>One of the all-time worst capeshit flicks
>Comes in big, hideous packaging that nobody could possibly want
>Retailed for over $100
I'm not so sure anybody actually bought one. They probably buried them like the ET Atari games.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away.


I'd laugh

is that brockhampton

fool, a 360 turn will have you on your back directly walking up

>turn 360 degrees and walk away

saturation man
dont steal

I just imagine walking into some guys house who has this on a shelf in his movie room.

>What's that, user?
>"Oh, haha that's just my Electro bust that came with the movies haha I only bought it because it was on sale h-haha..."

I should just get one for the joke and display it in a painfully deliberate and obvious manner

Either bait or newfags.

The saddest part about this is that The Amazing Spider-Man was forgotten about so quickly and replaced so fast. Someone payed like $150 for this, thinking it would be a collectors item, only for it to mean nothing a few years later.


I knew he was being funny on purpose, but I still keked

Get this too.

Does anyone here actually own any of these ridiculous gift sets? The only one I have is for Peter Jackson's King Kong. Got for like $20 several years after its release. The statue is actually quite nice and has some heft to it.