What an absolutely putrid piece of shit

What an absolutely putrid piece of shit.
Aronofsky has always been an hack but he really outdid himself here.

looks like it works

i was cracking the fuck up throughout the first half and then i was extremely bored

i fucking hate darren aronofsky. look at this faggot. he's just a more pretentious harmony korine

>Brooklyn cab driver


Leave Sup Forums kiddo.

>Sup Forums unironically defending this pile of shit


>make shit movie
>people get upset for wasting time on it
Wow what a groundbreaking genius.
Should have stuck with ripping off the plot of anime movies.


I was very bored with the first half and then the movie lost its fucking shit and I started enjoying it. I want to watch more movies that lose their fucking shit like that but the problem is that I don't want to know they lose their fucking shit before going in because not knowing the movie will lose its fucking shit is half the fun. So it's hard to ask for recommendations of movies that lose their fucking shit.

Javier Bardem was his self insert, right?
Just how full of himself is this faggot?

Javier Bardem was very obviously God so if you consider Aronofsky to be God then that's very interesting.

>he's just a more pretentious harmony korine
How is making movies based on your town and surroundings pretentious?

Have you seen World's End?

Yes, loved that movie.

Yes, I do believe he thinks so highly of himself.
I'm glad it bombed like there's no tomorrow.

I liked the movie. It was probably in my top 5 of 2017

Doesn't matter if a film bombed because if the critics liked it, it will go down in history unlike some pathetic action flick that will be forgotten in a year. Same with Blade Runner 2049.

Mom and Dad is a great example of a movie totally losing it's shit. Though its hard to not know beforehand that it's going to lose its shit.

I guess by recommending this I've informed you it loses it's shit though.

>Javier Bardem was very obviously God

He didn't build the house, she did. God didn't write the bible, Man did.

wouldve been fine except for 3 billboards. no nuance, exaggerated characters, awful attempts at comedy

Yeah good luck finding the money for another masturbatory piece of shit after the last one lost millions.

You don't understand how much money these people throw around, do you? If a producer liked what he did, he'll obviously fund another. Hell, you realize Aronofsky survived The Fountain, right?

are you implying korine isn't a hack

Hack, maybe. Pretentious, no.

critics didnt like it

not at all. hes shit too.

you can be pretentious and come from a poor background, he does that obnoxious LOW CLASS SO FUCKED UP glamorizing chic bullshit that tries to shock and just ends up embarrassing

They did, though.

>a bunch of paid "critics"


so mad

i bet darren is that this movie has abysmal ratings compared to his other films and he lost millions on it and no one will remember it

and also that jennifer lawrence dumped him because of it lol!

>"critics didn't like it"
>"they did though"
>"OH WOW THIS DOESN'T COUNT WOOOOW" "This guy's deck is CRAZY!” “My deck can't win against a deck like that” "He NEEDED precisely those two cards to win" “He topdecked the only card that could beat me” "He had the perfect cards" “There was nothing I could do” “I played that perfectly"

Why is this film so polarizing. What happens in it?

is this autism?

surface level: writer and his wife are rebuilding an old house
people start showing up, writer is stoked about it, wife not so much
then it goes off the fucking rails

jennifer lawrence acts autistic for 2 hours while her husband keeps inviting people to stay at their house

people keep coming in and gradually get more destructive and invasive

none of the dialogue or actions make sense

a baby gets killed because MUH SYMBOLISM

it's hilariously stupid

Yours is.

>none of the dialogue or actions make sense

>n-no u

go away darren

Great, now I have to watch it, because that cleared nothing up.

yes i know you think you're a big boy because you liked the overwrought lame bible allegory that you apparently have never seen done better but that doesn't make it intelligent

That's strange because both of them did describe what happens in the movie pretty clearly. I think it's polarizing because it's allegorical rather than literal. People went in expecting some generic horror flick and instead they got something deeply thoughtful.

(OP) #
I liked it but I doubt the movie embodied the message the director intended. Instead of being the heroine, Jlaw became the antagonist. Ultimately it was something I felt appreciative for as a man, it captured a side of us not normally shown in film: the qualities of empathy and generosity

Or maybe it's just me relating to Bardem's character. I could be that the majority of the males in the audience this film was intended for did not connect to him as I did

its polarizing because you either thought it was amazing and deep or you rolled your eyes and thought it was cringily tryhard

So you either thought it was amazing and deep or you were a whiny brainlet.

so you either thought it was amazing and deep or you don't have shit taste in movies

He got like a year of primo JLaw pussy out of casting her here. I can't blame him if the movie ends up subpar.

Who did they cast as Ness?


lmao that used up roastie hit her prime 5 years ago.

>n-no u

go away darren

this movie was enjoyable as a spectacle without reading too much into what the director was trying to say with it

That's Mother 2 you fool, this is the one with Ninten.

none of you know what pretentious means

Idris Elba.

Korine just tries to capture the mood and spirit of different subcultures with almost no personal input or forced narrative. He's literally the opposite of pretentious.

It really wasn't. Watching JLaw being a clueless meek retard for one hour and a half while people keep coming in and being rude is just annoying and repetitive. The least said about the rest the better.

Why did JLaw fuck that?

Director's rights respected

>without reading too much into what the director was trying to say with it
Hard not to when the characters literally shout stuff about "the goyim."

One thing I'll say about him, his first and last name are both girly as fuck.

The Wrestler is literally the only watchable Aronofsky movie.

Have you checked out Lars von Trier?

Melancholia gave me a similar feel

The Wrestler is a David O. Russell movie you fucking idiot.

>over a year after the film's release and people are still discussing it passionately

That's a true blue kino, gentlemen.

That's Creed, you fucking moron.

People still laugh at the Hobbit, doesn't make them good movies.

>discuss passionately
Pick one

Aronshitsky wishes he could even smell Von Triers farts.

I only see people laughing at the movie and at the two contrarian retards that try to defend in this thread.

So you're blind. Okay.

Why is anyone impressed by the movie? It's just a straight biblical allegory without anything new. Instead of finding depth within the metaphor, the only insight this film offers is "ok which part of the Bible does this bit represent," which is just shallow

So you're just in it for the onset shock of shit going off the rails bonkers? Because otherwise I don't know why you'd have a problem knowing going into a movie that it gets weird or odd at a certain point.

>make film school tier plot
>have Hollywood budget

>absolutely amazing
>subversive, memorizing
>I clapped, I literally CLAPPED



thats a hearthstone copypasta

bad players blame their luck

If you liked this movie, kill yourself. Senseless drivel written by a foolish pseudo-intellectual.

Shut the fuck up retard