Why are people who hate this film so completely incapable of expressing actual reasons why they dislike it...

Why are people who hate this film so completely incapable of expressing actual reasons why they dislike it? They just shitpost and meme their way out of it.

Meanwhile, I can explain exactly why it's good.

For starters, its use of the leitmotif of perception versus reality plays into literally everything happening, up to and including the revelation at the end that Clark was looking at the world through a filter of his own, doing what we all do - focusing on the polarized extremes and missing the whole truth.

For another, it takes the three principles of the film, and uses them to craft an allegorical tale stressing the importance of communication across cultural divides and the perils of succumbing to xenophobia, paranoia, and a biased media.

Lastly, it uses the characters of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman to represent different eras of myth in both pop culture and antiquity.

In essence, this film takes what Miller did with DKR, swaps the roles around a bit, and ties them more firmly to the modern geopolitical climate, all while doing honor to the history of comics as a medium in general, and the history of the DC characters in particular.

Other urls found in this thread:


How is anyone supposed to take you or this pile of shit seriously when you don't even understand it?

You don't need reasons to dislike a bad movie.

why people hate it so much. it's just different. it doesn't kill you, doesn't hurt your family. it's trying to show different take on popular superheroes.

Because no quips hurts tiny baby brain.

Why did he say it then, retard? It makes no fucking sense.

The fact that you can find YouTube videos longer than the actual film going into every thing that is poorly thought out or done in the thing should tell you that you are dealing with a special kind of disaster. Like, we would have to go scene by scene to explain everything that makes it a slog to sit through.

Because that's the name of his mother that's gonna be killed by Luthor once Batman kills Superman. Once he's says it, it snaps Batman out of his trance for a split second and allows him to listen to Lois. Movies really need fucking Morgan Freeman narrating everything these days.

It's got one of the worst cases of Deus ex machina I've ever seen.
>ur mum's name is the saem as me mum's, we shudnt fite
This film is intolerable garbage from beginning to end though.

You can do the same for every film ever you fucking retard.

Then why wasn't it done for every film?

>Deus ex
>when the very first scene in the film foreshadows it
Not how it works fag

other flicks don't deserve that deep analysis as BvS masterpiece

You can find countless videos on awful the MCU is. You just didn't want to see.

Because not every film is as under attack by mouthbreathing retards who can't understand it as BvS is. Face it, the only reason you hate the film is for political reasons.

It's boring

Is this the birth of the epic new pasta?

Reminder this fatso is now the role model of MCUcks.

Why do BvS fans feel the need to constantly make threads to justify their liking of a terrible movie whose sole positive aspect is that its director cribbed nonsensically from bar better material?

>For starters, its use of the leitmotif


They think it's deep and it makes them better than you for liking a boring shit movie



>yfw Black Panther easily made more then BvS and JUSTice League

Why are you this desperate still whenever someone just utters a positive opinion of the film? It's like you're physically incapable of managing it.

>movieblob videos

Fuck off reddit


>the revelation at the end that Clark was looking at the world through a filter of his own
What is this referencing? I'm not a BvS hater, I love the film, I'm just unclear on what this is referencing. I know Bruce's worldview was definitely distorted but I can't remember Clark being exposed for the same thing.

>2 years later and BvS fans are STILL mad

you arent doing well hiding how SEETHING you are, calm down little one

>write yourself into a corner
>insert a shitty plot device with reshoots at the beginning of the flick
No, lad.

this shit is too hilarious

This isn't Civil War where 90% was reshot for Spidey quips.

>it's bad because it's bad

>literally bragging about how much money nigger bait McDonald's movies are making
How low is too low for MCUcks? I realize now it's a bottomless pit.

I liked the movie, but at times, it did feel like it was terribly paced.

>b-b-but this other capeshit was bad too
Damage control harder

>Entire scene builds up to and structured around moment, ties into rest of film
Bravo user!

Only studio execs care this much about financial earnings and damage control.

>2 years later and Marvel shills are still this obsessed
Meanwhile BP discussion is solely money and nobody even gives one single shit about the actual movie anymore.

>11 seconds
>13 cuts

People cried watching this in theaters

its all here OP

see you in an hour

Hello OP

Why did you stop spamming star wars 8 threads?
Why did you stop spamming black panther twitter caps?

This was a Signs-tier plot device, who cares if it was foreshadowed ir not. The two had been trying kill each other the entire film, no reason or logic could convince Batman otherwise. Then he finds out their moms had the same first name, and it's all cool? Fuck you.

BvS wasn't reshot you fucking retard. Terrio wrote a script for Snyder and he filmed it that way. You're delusional as fuck if you think the first scene of the film was a reshoot when it's so integral to the themes of the film.

MCUcks literally having to invent lies in their desperate need to shit on a film with the wrong brand.

i just don't like to see threads wasted on pointless circular discussion that has taken place thousands of times before. Don't you think it's time for you to head back to the DCEU subreddit?

>no reason or logic could convince Batman otherwise
Bruce's mind wasn't changed by logos, it was raw pathos that shook him

Pay attention to the visuals and where the director implies we are. Pay attention to Batman insisting on him going to save Martha.

>one BvS thread
>half a dozen BP MADE MONEY GUYS
>Triggered by that one BvS thread
Just come clean about what you are you broken waste of a man.

I wish people could just talk about films as films

This. Fucking this.

Bruce allows his past trauma to bleed into his need for revenge against Superman.

Go back the dream sequence where Bruce walks into his parent's crypt, assaulted by the man bat. The dream is literally superimposed over the sounds of the World Engine.

"This might be the last thing I do that ever matters"

Terrio and Zack are working these characters on a level that most capeshit never even dreams to aspire to.

But no!

*throws box office and RT score at you*

haha my favorite brand wins. Suck it my most hated brand!

This is the problem with you psychos, you fill in the blanks with fiction that panders to your fragile personality as a misunderstood and deep genius rather than accept that another person might have a valid point. It's a blatant way to out yourself as a 15 year old that takes very shallow corporate constructions far too seriously.

At no point did I say I endorse any capeshit, you can all fuck off back to your ballpits.

user v Strawman: Dawn of Rhetoric

People are cinema illiterate. Especially the capeshitters fed a decade of TV-rate Marvel quips and last-second asspulls. BvS is extremely character-driven and Bruce's downfall is wonderfully portrayed. I love the small hints everywhere on what Bruce used to be and why he fell into despair. Of course Snyder also dares imply that childhood trauma is rarely a source of inspiration but an actual trauma that hopefully still can be overcome. This is reaching to absolute essence of the Batman character. The why of him.

I didn't see you in the half dozen BP threads in the catalog. Funny that!

If you need essays and infographics and fanboy apologists to communicate what the film alone was supposed to communicate, then as a director you have failed in your vocation.

Few reasons to dislike this movie
1. Superman is shown to be loved but almost everyone felt how destructive he was in MoS. Occasionally him doing good montages aren't enough to make us feel he is The Superman.
2.lex luthor is cringey and poorly executed. Supposed to be cold , calculated ,calm and composed ; not the shit we got in the movies.
3. Superman who is supposed to be a beacon of hope is always grimacing or constipated.
4. The whole desert war to set up superman is phoney as f**k!.
How the hell will anyone believe he did it.
5.The whole batman is evil becoz branded prisoners are getting killed is also phoney af , especially when batman himself is spraying bullets everywhere!
6. Martha ex machina
7. Again towards the end we are supposed to feel for the loss of superman but that was also a dud.
8. And finally to know that a director who has made really good movies (300 and Watchmen) when given a good source material can produce this mediocrity is disheartening.

To be fair this is the first capeshit thread i've been in in a couple of months or so but you're right, that does make by batting average 100% anti-DC recently, if that makes you feel better.

>People aren't allowed to share their interpretations of art
Bravo user!

dare I say it...Zack honestly "fixed" the concept of the Batman.

You can't realistically expect to take the comic book psychosis that has no place being represented in a real life setting without exploring it like this.

Burton's worked because it was pure pulp. Snyder made the first real Batman by showing what the existence of this figure would eventually lead to, unlike Nolan's superficial "well it's real because there are no super villains and it's in Chicago"

Who needs that? You do. People are making those analysis' because they enjoy it and you seem to have find a reason to be offended at the sight of someone actually liking films on a film board.

If you need infographs to understand BvS then congratulations, you're retarded!

1. Star Wars 8 went down as a failure so my job is done.

he blew the BvS meme the fuck out

I hate the man but he utterly destroyed the movie.

The desert war thing is just a ripoff of a plot point from literally the very first Iron Man movie anyway.

>tfw simple BTS shots of BvS look more cinematic that post-BvS capeshit

moviebob is literally so uncomfortable with the ideas of his childhood infantile fascination with superheroes being challenged and it could not be any more obvious

What's "cinematic" about this?

It's interesting to note that both of the people defending Batman V Superman have severe reading comprehension issues. This perhaps goes some what toward explaining why you would see things in the movie that aren't there, and why these feverishly prepared infographics seem so often to contract one another.

4 hours of asspulls and imaginary arguments built of nothing for him to easily debunk. DiabetesBob is a fraud who despite his profession has absolutely ZERO understanding of film and never once even dares approach BvS on BvS' terms. Instead he has to latch to comics to keep make up disingenious shit because's he's too illiterate to understand film.

Snydercucks believe that high contrast is kino.

You seem to fundamentally misunderstand how interpreting texts actually works so it's kind of pointless to argue with you about this

Snyder in the process of creating kino. Look at his determination and perfectionist direction.

Thus confirming my previous assertion.

I'm not gonna watch a fucking youtube reviewer video. can you go over what he said? what his imaginary arguments were?

Fucking hell just admit you got shut the fuck down for being a massive retard. I's hate to see you in a Kubrick thread. Stick to Marvel. It suits you.

No. Fuck him not giving that fatty more attention.

If you actually had a coherent argument you wouldn't have to resort to childishly claiming that people who don't agree with you can't read without presenting any evidence.

>imaginary arguments
They're called "strawmen."

>mfw this is pretty good


Fuck the teaser was so good

some people are just retards, I couldn't except it for the longest time, now I do.

This movie is probably the ultimate cut pleb filter of all time.

>those edits
Someone is invested enough in capeshit brand wars to make that. Just imagine. Someone sat down and spent a good amount of their time on that.


>Disney makes Han, Luke and Leia's lives miserable failures and kills them

I will never understand this.

Everyone read this post. Think about what he said. Let it sink in.

>batman smiling.............
he is so disgusted about retards fucking up the world that he has to do something about it.

that is why everyone likes Batman

The latter is superficial, the former is not.

reddit spacing but I agree

>The fact that you can find YouTube videos longer than the actual film going into every thing that is pleb filtering in the thing should tell you that you are dealing with a special kind of autist.

The plot stinks. That was easy.

Funny thing is that even the former is a factually incorrect statement spouted by pseuds. Not even when they pretend they give a shit about these characters can they get it right. The most dishonest and factually falsely criticized film ever.

>a good amount of their time
Edits like that are basically automated but I'm not surprised that a BvS dickrider is an out of touch Republican who has no idea how technology works.

>2 weeks later and the latest MCU flick is forgotten

I'm surprised there's still threads about this movie to this day. Why does it generates that much heat on Sup Forums?

I'm not invested in capeshit photoshops so I wouldn't know. Apparently this means I'm also Republican. Next you're going to say whites are racist for not seeing Disney's race bait fast food movie?

BvS went through multiple rewrites. Knowing this was a troubled production, I could believe that the movie could have started with 'Lex is this ADHD weirdo who doesn't know why he has these impulses to fuck with people' and I could see the scene where Lex trails off awkwardly during his speech as 'Okay Jessie, the people are going to see this is a different Lex Luthor now, make him robotic and distracted'. Then later they came back with MORE revisions and MORE rewrites and said 'Okay Jessie, Lex is actually now a guy grasping at intense judeo christian religious symbology and fuels his hate for Superman through that lens, also he was maybe beaten/molested by his father? I dunno, we're on complete rewrite eight now, read the damn lines, I know this is a another scene we've filmed but we'll pick the Lex we want to use in post'.

I'm assuming that most of the wonky BvS story aspects were 'we'll fix it in post when we choose a specific version' problems. Batman was wonky, Superman was wonky, everyone was wonky, not because the actors were terrible, but because they would do a carefully scripted scene early on, then when the whole script changed they would do another carefully scripted scene that no longer made sense compared to the old scene.


Its a very polarizing movie


>Then he finds out their moms had the same first name, and it's all cool?
If someone ever says that people who don't appreciate BvS aren't brainlets, just show them this sentence.