Gavin McInnes - Washed Up?

Did he become Stacy Keech from American History X? Does he have more or less of a future than Sam Hyde?

>Gaped McAnus

>>Gaped McAnus

Seriously though, why did he have a perfectly waxed and bleached asshole?

Gavin is in too deep

CRTV will be bigger than CNN by June. Get in now.


no hes still just a hipster faggot

I signed up for CRTV the day Gavin’s show premiered because I always enjoyed his Rebel YouTube videos. It’s actually a really great service. Gavin’s show is great, and his free podcast is really comfy.

Matt Kibbe’s videos are the best on the site.

Steve Deace is real star of the network

He still has a successful advertising company.

Haven’t really watched much of his show. I found his voice a little irritating, but he seems like an okay guy. I think I was just put off because the first episode of his show I watched was him talking about the most underrated movies of 2017. It was all just blockbusters and family/children’s movies that he liked.

I still can't believe this guy co founded Vice

He got kicked out of that company for writing that article about how being transphobic is normal and correct.

from Vice Media to Compound Media in 5 years

He did nothing wrong

You think Gavin makes more money than Ant now?

No... We all thought Gavin leaving Compound would crush Ant. Turned out the exact opposite was true. Gavin is a nobody now. He's pioneering a hate* group and nobody is tuning into his show anymore.

How do we fix Compound Media?
>inb4 replace Artie with Bobo

Artie Lange will be dead soon and Anthony will have nothing. CRTV almost certainly has more subscribers than Compound Media.

Taking odds on Gavin starting a cult and having proud boys serve as an underclass within the cult while he fucks all the women. For their loyalty he'll offer them legitimized JO sessions with a female present.

Probably the same reason his asshole looked like a donut

Ant is going to get Opie on board and that's when the big bucks come in

>Grovin McMannus

He needs to lay off the soy sauce. What a flabby numale

literally who?

That's just Scottish genetics

Gavin is capable of being funny and entertaining.

I liked his Rebel Media stuff and his movie

Now he just larps as a straight-laced Christian conservative who shills 'traditional values'

But we all know Gavin is a coke-addicted, alcoholic, ageing punk rocker who is just jumping on the latest internet zeitgeist, which happens to be hating the left.

He's gotta pay the bills somehow I guess

I wish I had his hair genetics though

Is there a more pathetic nation than those worthless porridgecucks

calling it now. at the rate Gavin is going he'll end up a cult leader living in the woods and die being defended by his last few loyal proudboys in a waco/ruby ridge-style stand off