MCU VFX appreciation thread

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how did we etc.

to this??????questionmark?

60g's on the human body...

>it's another one of these threads again
Sup Forums is repeat after fucking repeat.

don't forget, you're here forever

The guys who did this: ...could make better money elsewhere, when they're as important as actors but the studios wanted to treat them like interchangeable cogs.

The interchangeable cogs did this: It's a serious mistake for traditional Hollywood big-shots to look down on top-shelf computer people, who can flip you both birds and go make a hundred million doing something else.

I dont see anything wrong with this

>almost ten years of progress

>ILM spends weeks on the shot
ten years later
>some intern at ILM Vietnam spends a day on the shot for minimum wage.


Robert Downy...

Explain THIS Spiderman 1 fags

this is pure shit, its like 90s cgi with up to date motion tracking how on earth it made it to the silver screen ill never know.

You could easily tell the apes were CGI

Top high contrast comic style lighting. Really well set tone
Bottom fuck it we’ll just import the model and add a directional light.

Yeah, why couldn't they just make the apes get an acting degree from NYU under some diversity quota

The fidelity of the models is much lower in homecoming. The character animation is poor, the texturing and surfacing doesnt look like the intended material.

Homecoming was a cashgrab and tried to spend the minimum possible amount and its obvious.

Capeshit is declining across the board

And yet Justice League got better reviews than BvS

one can only wonder why

The reason is simple: Reviewers are dumb manchildren, and don't matter how much of a trainwreck a movie is, if it is full of silly quips then it's worth it for then.

its ridiculous how much Whedon uses this

Why are the gritty Netflix less washed out than the movies?

comparing live Action to cgi...


Meanwhile, in 2011...

>Muh practical effects
Not necessarily a good thing. Look at Nolan's Batman movies. It's all amateur. Didn't even use special effects for the voice and look how it turned out.


Calling the truth bait is bait. Or are you just mad you can't censor him?

>look at nolan's batman
The pinnacle of capeshit?

war for the planet of the apes has no big name actors
nobody in it is being paid 20 million + gross %
so more of that budget can go to effects
its also a matter of rendering time and quality of the artists

that looks fine

of course you can. but the effects are still incredible. I'd say so good that I'm willing to suspend that knowledge of CGI for it

the bottom picture is what happens when the CGI artists tell you they need 6 months and you tell them the film is being released in 3 months
and the reshoots are handled by a hack tv writer

What's the difference? The fights in those movies are sub-DBZ tier. At least people take visible damage in DBZ, in the DCEU the fight ends when they run out of money for CGI building explosions

Yup. Good CGI is ok because it portrays things that are impossible traditionally. CGI is bad when it's done like Homecoming.

The difference is cinematic vs Hanna Barbera

>He thinks sl shoving a five second beam struggle into a capeshit fight makes it look cinematic

Nolan ain't the greatest fight choreographer and Baleman ain't Jackie Chan... or even Dolph lungrum

But you can tell what's going on, the fights serve the plot and are usually done in wide takes that place the various fights in their locale.

Prefer than to another Taken movie



...No way...did they rip off the fanmade "sonic vs ashura" animation? What the fuck?

I think the way it's composed makes it look cinematic. Doesn't matter if I like the subject of the shit or not.


It's a fucking cartoon. How can they agree to do this and still call themselves actors.

How cheap will these fucking films get in another 10 years?

>in the DCEU the fight ends when they run out of money for CGI building explosions
only funny because its true and I like DC movies

They don't watch capeshit so they assumed Coogler would make a good movie.

It's so dense

>you'll never get Bateman's drama with Batfleck's action

Rip off of Wargs battle and Legolas mounting the horse from LOTR

>its another weightless cgi cartoon does things that throw off my internal sense of physics episode