Why is this film so forgettable?

Why is this film so forgettable?

Because its a Jurassic film

Disney/Marvel formula.

When will this capeshit era of cinema end? I'm sick of it already

Is it out?

Its not even out, this will be 100 times better than jp world cause they have a competant director this time

>here's your dinosaur

Weak, boring, forgettable characters.

>best character

He's coming back as a zombie?

Is Blue going to get BLACKED?

We need a massive flop.

How soon until they create a shitty "cinematic universe" for jurassic park?

>cinematic universe

Never. It's global corporations in control of (((mass entertainment))) -and everything else-
from now on. Post-History and stuff.


Too late
They already announced the next Jurassic Park to continue this one in 2021. It seems like with the path they’re going in this movie they’re sticking with the “dinosaurs make it off the island and mankind has to deal with them in day to day life”

IT’s a shit movie. There’s no sense of wonder like in the first movie. Dinosaurs have become something common in the world and it’s not even a tenth as exciting as when professor Alan saw the long neck for the first time.

If they wanna make a dinosaur movie they should drop the jurassic park brand and make a movie about an island with dinosaurs still in it and people get stuck there or some shit. But yeah, they don’t wanna make a good movie, they want to make a quick buck.

Indoraptor is overrated.
For me it's all about the Baryonx.

This is what it should be

>professor Alan


Said the dumb fuck.

Not a dinosaur...

who cares



That's a big bird

Certainly not 90s born queers.

If it's forgettable why did you bring it up ?

Ornithocheirus is cooler

There are no characters, only caricatures



that is literally aerodynamically unfeasible

i wanna fuck that dinosair

Just like bumblebees!

Guess that means they can't fly!

if it ends it's only going to be to a new cheaper easier to make essence draining formula

Let me guess they are going to use that poor fucking trex to save their retarded asses once more, never saw this one coming

Perhaps, just perhaps, it is bad. As in poorly made. Incompetently crafted. A failure in filmmaking. Not good.

I jacked off to the scene of that bitch getting swallowed whole just the other day
Check mate faggot

Even if a soft reboot ends up good there's no point in remembering or rewatching it if the original remains superior.

Simply Fabulous