Did introducing a black character into Star Wars cause a shitstorm in 1980?

Did introducing a black character into Star Wars cause a shitstorm in 1980?

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No, we didn't care. It was "just" a cool character, not a black character.

Fuck off reddit

White men had all the major roles in the movie. So no one cared.

No people were more tolerant back then unlike nowadays with Drumpf and his racist followers.

1980 Sup Forums:
>What did (((George Lucas))) mean by this?
>Was Star Wars secretly redpilled by making Lando a backstabbing nigger?
>Are Wookiees honorary whites?
>This will flop at the box office, no one wants to see a Jew and nigger in outerspace
>Siskel and Ebert just got DESTROYED by /ourguy/ John Simon, GET IN HERE PEDES!

No. Oldfag here. Nobody cared. This new politicized bullshit climate is created for racial division by the democrats because without it they have no power. And as you’ve seen people are tribal sheep and it works

No, Billy Dee Williams was cool. How could anyone hate Billy Dee? Also, I think the reason people didn't like Boyega was because of his looks and not his race. Boyega is very ugly. I can't put it more simply than that. People don't like seeing ugly in very mainstream stuff. That's why I believe the Chinese shrunk Boyega in the Chinese poster of TFA. Asians hate fat people and ugly people. Billy Dee Williams isn't ugly.

Nah, it started with Obama in 2008. SJWs just went completely nuts, even during Bush the world still kinda felt like it was in the 90s.

Who on Sup Forums has ever used the word "Pede"? You're showing your reddit faggotry right there.

This billy dee is cool as fuck look at that stache

>high cheek bones
>defined jaw line
>dimpled chin
>well groomed mustache
Billy D is a handsome dude, no homo

One is human the other is a monkey


This user speaks the truth

Serious case of rose colored glasses here

If John Boyega starred in a malt liquor commercial Sup Forums would implode.

>White men had all the major roles in the movie. So no one cared.
And that's still the case in nu-wars yet Disney is pretending they're breaking the glass ceiling for minorities by having a black guy being a hapless space janitor, a gay latino that does nothing except getting chastisized by white women and a weird chink that is more annoying than jar jar binks.

Remember the controversy when Disney was caught calling for beautiful smart people for nu-wars? And then we ended up with Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver and John Boyega. I wonder if it was a deliberate attempt to make Star Wars look "inclusive".

Both right wing and left wing politicians encourage racism and division because they directly benefit from it. The right wingers rack up the votes of all the pol tards and the leftist rack up the votes from people either scared or offended by the right wing rethoric. It's a win-win for politicians but it's the everydayman that suffers from this scheme. Peace is no good thing for politicians, when people are united they speak one voice they become picky and don't take any shit from politicians.But if you're more worried about being attacked by your neighbour, they can get away with anything. Hollywood is one arm of that beast.

You lose.

>every single post is using it sarcastically/ironically
>the same way someone on Sup Forums would use the word
You should probably pay attention to your own sources next time

>everything is a false flag
>we're just pretending to be retarded
nice try magapede

you know vaders was voiced by a black dude right?

no one gave a fuck because we wern't beta cucks like Sup Forums

Billy Dee was big time baby

No one gave a fuck because 90s born queers werent born yet.