There is no kino about a popstar

>there is no kino about a popstar

Other urls found in this thread:

c-cute desu

What are some lofi chill hip hop beats that I can listen to while studying?

Dance to the plastic beat


>protagonist is just playing games

I like her hair. Kinda reminds me of


it's coming

Don't google what she looks like today. Just keep her forever young in your mind. Also, I'm convinced all these Youtube algo songs are part of Russian psyops


I too had future funk music on autoplay and had this recommended to me.

>Russian psyops
To introduce american youths to good music?

Is russia the good guy after all?

>Also, I'm convinced all these Youtube algo songs are part of Russian psyops
Lol what

wtf I love russia now

Sup Forums is the worst community of any website on the Internet


>I'm convinced all these Youtube algo songs are part of Russian psyops
AMEN i am not the only one.
Not russian specifically, but im paranoid theres something MKUltra-y going on with those things that youtube's algorithm aggressively pushes

>Russian psyops
Son, I...

didnt you literally just name a youtube track list that has that exact image for it

it is definitely fucking with public opinion but I wouldn't necessarily accuse it of MKUltra
Google is a fucked up creature of its own

I unironically like both of them a lot

Its creepy, man
I listen to italo-disco and related stuff and i thought that it was normal that it showed to me.
But then i saw the viewcount, and all those people saying that it was recommended out of the blue.

thats not her on the right

exact same thing for me

I like the song so it's not too bad it got recommended but the music wasn't really related at all to what I was listening to at the time

Probably testing the waters. I wonder what the real plan is.

2020 election

>Also, I'm convinced all these Youtube algo songs are part of Russian psyops
>Russia has hacked YouTube
Lmao what

i just wish /x/ hadn't gone to poop and we could have an investigation thread without it dying under dozens of tulpa threads

The freaky influence thing has been going on for a while. This is why I opted out of social networking. I'm still incredibly brainwashed nonetheless.

it tunes in to what you watch based on history and recommends by people with similar history. That's why that Plastic Love song got recommended to a lot of people


>google her
>she's still cute

>I like the song but many people also liked it
>must be psyops by russians

I have been going rogue since the beginning but I still got influenced by Sup Forums. No man is safe. I don't even have accounts for anything even though I'm an ancientfag. Bitch still got me.

She looks fine for someone her age besides the shit teeth

I grew up watching sailor moon and I like that style of music, i think lots of people just got into vaporwave a couple years ago and she just happened to join in with the craze.

Maybe Hikiromoot is behind it

Jesus the ivans sure did show up for work today

I agree but I just want to dick Julia.

>Go to the local shoppie
>Buy the same chicken salad sandwich every day
Fucking russians tricking me into liking things.

>Jerk off
>It's unironically russians tempting me

It isnt necessarily the russians you fucking /r/t_Drone. It could be a general psyop


Maybe it's the retardation talking but I believe Russia Psyops have hacked the billboards.

The Russians want you to listen to Jap popstars from the 70s. Yeah, man. Yeah.

>He hasn't watched Perfect Blue, one of the few kino Animus


>A general psyop
Take off your tinfoil hat for a moment and read this postAnd what would it be for? To listen to pop music..

Redpill me on this album cover I see fucking everywhere. Other than the girl on it being cute, why is it a meme?

youre a retard

She's just an inferior version of Yoshiko Sai. Pay her no mind.

I am unironically russian and you are a retard

but user neither of them is Toshiki Kadomatsu

Nah both Kadomatsu and Takeuchi explicitly sound like they're from the 80s, but every one of Sai's albums sounds like it could've been made today. Timeless classics.

>explicitly sound like they're from the 80s
that's exactly their appeal

Damn nikka, this is good.

I see this shit posted on Sup Forums

Is it a movie or an album?

>Also, I'm convinced all these Youtube algo songs are part of Russian psyops

Russian? No. It's Youtube showing proof of concept to their ad investors that they can push anything they want into everyone's feeds and make them talk about it and click around for more, even if it's a completely random dead genre resurrected.

People went "haha quirky bug" instead of "jesus fucking christ this is the product they're selling".

>advertising works!
woah dude, like what a crazy concept

"Advertising" designed to look organic is something Google explicitly said they were against back in the "don't be evil" days.

They since removed that slogan.

Most newspapers are resorting to this bullshit now and calling it "native advertising". But what Youtube is showing here is that they can influence the attention and tastes of a large section of people without them really understanding what's happening.

You've probably already seen that the feed of autoplay videos have stopped being relevant to whatever niche shit you were looking at and starts playing normie "trending" shit very quickly. Since you're retarded you didn't think anything of it and that's what they want.

does she only look cute in that picture? it seems to be the only picture people post of her

wink is better


I talked to my parents and she wasn't even popular back then? Why is she mentioned in the web so much?
They tell me she only was a hit for a little while but didn't make it big and there are mich better songs (I'm Japanese)

>You've probably already seen that the feed of autoplay videos have stopped being relevant to whatever niche shit you were looking at and starts playing normie "trending" shit very quickly
No I can't say this has ever happened. I can't say I've been watching a music video and got a segment from a late night show(which is what is always on trending)

It kept showing up in people's recommended videos on youtube, and it just sort of grew into a meme from that.

Please ask your parents for such better songs and post them. Or if there are some similar ones you like post those too.

What's the CityPop of film?
(Or Yacht Rock if the film takes place in California )

schizos go here

What if Sup Forums is a KGB psyop (even though I love communism) to get us to obsess and consume low brow media while Putin launches a land invasion of the continental US of A!

fuck millenials/gen-z

>google search
>is new meme




Those Norwegian lads aren't half bad

She's Ok and QT but her husband Tatsuro Yamashita is a better

It's a meme due to YouTube feeds as well as the memetic popularity of similar vapourwave/retro 80s music

Selina is literally kino

>Tatsuro Yamashita
Not related to the Yamashita bros, right? Japanese bluegrass is surprisingly OK.

Not afaik but I was surprised to find out he was OPs husband so who knows


Why do you idiots like this gook? The only redeeming quality about her is her thick hair. Stop falling in love with gooks.

Has anyone ever actually listened to this shit? I see it on my FP all the time but I don't listen to hip hop and I'm fraid there's signals programmed into it

>Why do you idiots love this cute Asian lady in a suit on this weaboo website

user asking the tough questions


>For You

never noticed this before, but her hair really is thick and voluminous for an azn.

>anime + hip hop
>2 of the cringiest things combined

>he listens to meme music instead of having some taste of his own

that youtube shit is an abomination

Because that album is a meme. She's a qt.

No it's not, every popstar had hair like that in the 70's 80's

none of them had hair as thicc as maria

There's nothing cringy about that anime, and lo-fi hiphop is this:

Not this:

I don't know why this is triggering so many people.

it's not just about advertising, you braindamaged fuckface. they wield power to indoctrinate billions of people around the world with whatever they like and push for a narrative that suits the ones who are always pulling the strings behind the curtians.

Even Sup Forums proves how easy it is to manipulate people. It's so easy you can do it by accident.