This is the most perfect film ever made

this is the most perfect film ever made
from concept to execution it is forever unsurpassed in this regard
prove me wrong

there is nothing you could change to improve it

>there is nothing you could change to improve it
except casting a hot bitch as the hot bitch

Get rid of the niggers.

I'd make the sets more sturdy so they don't wobble when actors touch them.

I'd remember to include the dead bodies and Trinity during the bullet time sequence. Where did they all go?

Other than that, I agree OP. It's one of my three favourite movies of all time.

carrie anne was perfect
she had an inviting and friendly allure as well as a face that signified intelligence
her action scenes worked because she could display viciousness of pure self defense in regards to a goal of the survival of what she cared about

>this is the most perfect film ever made

What are the chances this thread was made by the same youngfag who made the thread saying it doesnt hold up yesterday?

>inviting and friendly allure

underage fgt contrarians inc aka Sup Forums

look at her face and her movements
this is a woman who you can easily envision as a mother, a lover, or a friend
her strength lies in her open femininity
her acts display believability stemming from her warm visage

it ended too soon, in of itself it was incomplete. That is a flaw

having seen the trilogy multiple times and just finishing the first one again just minutes ago, i can say it's pacing and length are literally perfect relative to the trilogy as a whole

there will be a point in the future when plebs accept the mastery and wholeness of this three piece marvel

I agree. Double dubs confirm. Case closed.

i think the role of trinity needs some gravitas

it wouldnt be the same if you casted some airhead bimbo in her place

Still get chills every time I see that green WB logo and hear those opening notes. Feels fucking godlike bros.

Except it was made by trannies which invalidates everything about the movie

it makes perfect sense
>two brothers with aspergers enjoy reading, watching movies, and using psychedelics
>they become gnostics
>they go to hollywood, make their masterpiece and end up going over the top
just watching this movie is such a fucking experience for most people, imagine being the guys who made the damn thing
of course their heads exploded

>brainlet cant separate the art from the artist

the craft stands alone

A wild challenger appears


this, and they weren't trannies when they made The Matrix.

Naw, this one actually is, but the Matrix is the closest to being it that a blockbuster-type movie has ever come to matching it.

she's generic soulless sci-fa strong-woman

I like it

Maybe to an autist like you who hasn't talked to a woman since you graduated from high school.

>the matrix
>the matrix?
The script is hot garbage

>he supports the work of degenerate trannies
You have to go back

>le story meme
Back 2 reddit


But that's not inherently bad. It really helps you to connect with Neo since its like you're waking up with him, and being introduced to all this stuff exactly the same way he is.

It'd be a lot different if it was, lets say star wars, and we have Luke go, "Well gee Obi Wan, whats the empire?"

The Matrix is considered so overrated that it has become underrated.

It wouldn't work, at all. Imagine if it was Kate Beckinsale for a moment. It would distract too much

By queers born in the 90s?

>the matrix sequels

In a way I guess that is the right word for them since they are basically capeshit level dreck.

>It would distract too much
Youre fucking pathetic. Ask your dad to pay for a hooker.

That wasn't even the best film of the year it came out. There Will Be Blood was better, though I do appreciate No Country and it's anti-climax.

On a technical level it is a masterpiece, but the story leaves a lot to be desired. And without a great story it sadly will never be a true 10/10.

retarded as fuck. Trinity is elegant, yet still sexy. Smart but not "nerdy". She was literally perfect. Not to mention she's actually a good actress.

And i'd still totally bang her even though shes half a century old

>im ignorant

the matrix does not work as a stand alone film
it is the start of a circle that requires completion
it's succeeding installations elevate it and seal it with a flourish
the trilogy works like clockwork, precisely as intended

something that bothers me to this day is how trinity was absurdly cute in the first film and then downright hideous in the second two films and i still can't figure out why that is

90sfags are the ones who love it the most because we grew up watching this awesome shit in our childhood / teens.

t. 1992

the actress had kids, iirc

trips of truth, thanks

Was Trinity a notorious hacker before she took the red pill or was being a notorious hacker part of her plan to get to Neo?

Sequels were a few years later, but she looked decades older (her face) and heavier (her body). Time doesn't affect everyone equally.

im thinking the latter

She hit "the wall."

>the matrix does not work as a stand alone film
I don't agree with that at all. It's perfectly open to sequels sure, but it's not in any way reliant on them. And regardless of it is or isn't, it doesn't help the fact that the sequels are both garbage as standalone films compared to the first one. Even in trilogies every movie needs to be able to stand on its own. Movies cannot be """""redeeemed""""" by sequels, if it needs redeeming in any way it is already cemented trash.

Yes it is inherently bad, it's piss poor writing, all fiction and especially fantasy and science fiction have to handle the necessity of immersing the viewer/reader/whatever in to the diegesis of that universe, good writers can seamlessly blend elements of normality in with steadily increasing quantities of fantastical material to construct in the viewers mind a solid understanding of the rules of that universe without (and this is the part that actually involves skill and finesse) the viewer ever realising this manipulation is taking place
The Matrix and other poorly written science fiction just gives you an information dump every other scene for the first hour or so of the run time, it's lazy and unimpressive and is especially grating on rewatching

>Even in trilogies every movie needs to be able to stand on its own.
i disagree


Can you recommend some fantasy or sci-fi movies that do this well? Not trying to call you out or anything I'm just really starved for a good movie like this and I'm hoping you can recommend something I haven't seen.

how so

fag detected

>still trying

If I liked a movie and then found out the writer/director was a pedo child rapist....


Are you fucking retarded. 90s kids and 90s born queers are different things.

Not many movies can have the cultural impact this movie did. Everyone memed it before memes were a thing. Everyone emulated it, parodied it, and satirized it.
It should go down as one of the best of all time.

Then what? The author iso dead you fucking faggot, their art doesnt belong to them and it is not an extension of them

Reminder the sequels both came out the same year

Have we in any recent times had any movies with such a massive cultural impact as The Matrix or LotR?

Please don't say star wars or capeshit

>The Matrix trilogy
>Lord of the Rings trilogy
>Star Wars prequel trilogy
>Harry Potter

Was there a better time period for big movie franchises than the late 90s/early 00s? The 80s, maybe.

Star Wars.
And by LotR you surely mean the books.

No they are all remakes or pander to PC culture.
And it is because of that PC culture that great movies are not made anymore.

Star wars died when Disney/China bought it.
Fuck capeshit

I don't really like them, I think they are generally average to okay to shit, but I find it hard to sit there and deny they've had any kind of impact.
And of course Star Wars has had cultural impact as well, even entirely excluding the Disney-lead films, this is still true.

Define "recent times". Last 10 years? 20? 30?

Its honestly kinda baffling how big Capeshit is, yet it plays little to no role in influencing popular culture. Like half the country is consuming it but it barely rears its head anywhere.

LotR is the only decent trilogy out of these. Matrix: 1 good movie. SW prequels: 0 good movies. Harry Potter: 2-3 good movies out of what, 8?

If you pretend that the movie ends after 45 minutes, maybe.

Sequels are basically one movie cut into two.

Just any point after LotR since that's the last big one I can think of.

??? the film only gets better
once neo starts believing and understanding, the film becomes incredible

mindless drivel for mindless masses
it makes a few millions in profit, so they shit out as many as they can as fast as they can get away with before even the mongoloids get sick of it.

>the film only gets better
Stick to SAO.

I like some of Polanski's movies

It's not a great movie by any means but watch Source Code if you want to see what i'm talking about
For a blockbuster the premise is pretty complex but within 15 minutes of it starting (in which time he wakes up on the train, doesnt know who he is, dies, wakes up in a cockpit, is confused, talks to a woman on a monitor about memory exercises and returns to the train) you are 100% with it, there are questions to be answered but even brainlets can follow what has happened and what is happening all with very little dialogue and some exceptionally faced past scene changes
It appeals directly to 'intellectual' viewers without alienating the majority who want the plot feed to them like a spoonful of pureed baby food, where the matrix spoon feeds you so continually that it just becomes insulting, it doesnt trust you to grasp what is going on so goes for the 'wider audience' approach that eliminates all nuance and style

Polanski made some classic kino and half of Hollywood as well as his victim want him forgiven (I don't agree with them though, they just want him forgiven because he's a jew. He did make good movies though.)

The movies hit around the same time as LotR, and it was obviously a book series beforehand, but Harry Potter is honestly the only other thing I can think of with a significant cultural impact on that scale.

>this post is one (1) sentence

I've seen that one. I was really surprised by how much I liked it since it looked like it would be the most generic thing. I only really checked it out because I liked Moon and Jakey G. Shame about that hamfisted ending though. Got anything else?

>Jakey G
How many cocks have you sucked this week?

No she was incredibly bland and generic

Um, you don't get to talk about Spielberg like that

who would you like to see in the role

There's nothing gay about being willing to suck Jakey G's and Baby Goose's cocks, user. If you can't accept that then this isn't the place for you.

You are absolutely correct.

Never before has a movie so thoroughly hold me gripped before from start to end.

The best part is without a doubt when Neo is coming to terms with reality and receiving his training.

>Please don't say star wars

This must be a joke. I know nu-wars sucks but if you think the Star Wars franchise as a whole has/had no cultural impact you have to be under a rock.

Was he right about The Matrix Sup Forums?

That's not the point. If SW is the only example then it's just depressing.

He liked Reloaded, so he's ok.

There's a line break
Whatever, i'm at work, sue me

>cultural impact

nobody is talking about nuWars a week after it comes out though. or much at all. people obviously take note that it exists as it's plastered everywhere (well, TFA was, Rogue One a little bit, TLJ basically had no marketing here) but those that see it don't have much to say about it and most people don't see it and don't think about it at all. that's not how people felt about lord of the rings or matrix when those series were on-going. not counting hobbit as that also had no cultural impact whatsoever.


>mfw some retarded bitch said she hasn't seen the matrix and isnt interested because of this meme internet critic's nitpicks

You have ten seconds to comply and try to name another flawless movie

Your move creep.

90s born queers were a mistake.

Youre a fucking retard user. Its easily the biggest of the lot.