Ywn be Chris Hemsworth

>ywn be Chris Hemsworth

Why live?

Other urls found in this thread:


It fucking hurts

>having your wife make out with Vin Diesel for the entire world to see
literal cuck

What are you doing to be chris hemsworth? Are you trying?

I'm Australian so yes

>having a daughter instead of a son
we'll see who has the last laugh 30 years from now

>ywn have skinny women wrists and hands like Chris Hemsworth

Yeah I think I'll pass

how did you deal with your assworms?


You what m8

you know what I'm talking about ;^)
I just found out Australias dark secret

Become a better version of yourself instead of crying like a little bitch.

Hit the gym fag

>Elsa Lafuente Medianu (born 18 July 1976),[1] known professionally as Elsa Pataky, is a Spanish model, actress, and film producer.

First Ana de Armas now this.


Literally this.

Ohhh nooo.... I’ll never be a dumb god awful actor with an old, below my league wife and boring ass kids who has to work out all the time to maintain his brand and will never do anything successful after a forgettable superhero franchise??? Good.

Pine > Evans > Pratt > Hemsworth

>hitting the gym will now turn you 1.9m
I wish m8

I'm 5'6

>implying I'm not

What do you do that's better than his situation, user? :^)

Maybe because I'm not a white male but I don't feel envy for his life or looks at all.
He's as far from my ideal as I am.
The best thing he's got is what seems to be a close-knit, loving family.

Live a life to my satisfaction, such that I have no need to post how great things are on social media. Especially because I am not beholden to maintaining a false movie star image in the hopes that marvel/Disney will throw me another bone.


>that roid bloat and red face in the right pic

Elsa Pataky is too ugly.
What a waste of genes.

If you think that’s roids you’re a pathetic soyboy cucklet

>Pine > Evans > Prat
Soyboys like you

>close knit loving family with a spouse you're attracted to

That is the end game though. Whatever you do for fun is entirely up to you. Where he's from being outdoorsy is a big part of his quality of life and it makes him happy.

You're one deluded son of a whore then.

holy FUCK this thread is a soyboy salt mine

>I'm a fat neet virgin that runs a dead guild on WoW and my mother loves me

I don't think he's roided. I used to be his size and never took roids. There are certain indicators that make it obvious you're on roids and being big isn't one of them.

There's practically no vascularity in his muscles at all, his legs, ass, core, shoulders, and chest are all proportionate.

Most men that are 6'1-6'3 can achieve this look if they eat right and train hard enough and long enough. I train probably 2 hours a day 5-6 days a week. This is me at about 210. Hemsworth is probably 230-240.

You're deluded then. You're nowhere near his thickness and bodyfat level. You look like a typical skinnyfat /fit/ cuck. You don't have 3D delts like he does, your forearms and arms are patethic, your back and chest nonexistant. Don't delude yourself, you're not even close to being Hemsworth level.

I swear to god /fit/fags should be banned.

That’s just your opinion

Don't worry he's cheating all the time

did you really need to be naked for this?


No, that's the reality, you deluded idiot.


jesus christ this place is filled with beta cucks
I can't imagine how dare you even criticise ANY woman, or any human being at all while being so pathetic

>"look dad, are you proud of me"
Also dating older than you when you're a man, what's wrong with him and the goose?



>dat camper
If he didn't drag it across on a Hilux he's unAustralian

Thank you, I am now 6'3 and have 9/10 facial aesthetics.


Chris go back to bed.

He is probably the only Hollywood actor who i consider to be a guaranteed chad.
All others are freaking weak manlets or secretly gay.

lmao fit has to be the most autistic board on Sup Forums




soys in the back

>your family will never be that happy
Mine just want to kill themselves on a frequent basis