What television and film do these people like?

what television and film do these people like?

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None because they're too busy murdering each other.

What's that other country next to French Guyana? Is it still a Dutch colony, or is that the British one?


the ones who speak english are pretty much americans when it comes to taste in films and tv

los sneedsons

Fast and Furious

Mexican comedy is *incredibly* goofy. Like, if Adam Sandler played Mr. Bean.

That’s Guyana, formerly British Guiana.
To the right of French Guyana is the Dutch one, Suriname.

t. Third generation emmigrant


Living with AIDS: A Telemundo 10 Part Exclusive

i live safer and happier than you :)

cartel beheadings

How did your parents survive Jonestown?

simpsons and football

Who /CHI/ here
I pretend to like Mexican shows, they're pretty bad desu. Especially telenovelas


una vela and pic related



Why is French Guiana qualified as a Latin American country when both Suriname and Guyana aren’t?

Is it that French is a Romance language and part of the Latinate world and England and the Netherlands aren’t?

Seems like a pretty fucking pedantic difference when talking about colonialism

>Is it that French is a Romance language and part of the Latinate world and England and the Netherlands aren’t?
yes, that's it. because dutch is a germanic language.

>Is it that French is a Romance language and part of the Latinate world and England and the Netherlands aren’t
pretty sure it's this


They’re kinoisseurs.


Telenovelas. They fucking love some melodramatic soaps.


Also Fast and Furious

>its the "no one turns left like Yanet does" episode


The normie trend now is something called La Casa de Papiel.
Usually soap operas and football. Interview shows too.

I’m from Chile: the same as yours

Cartel/Drug lord movies

The Sneedsons



Chavo del Ocho.

>el amigo mas grande, ay dios

wtf is happening in Suriname


Lmao you realize we’re not all the same right? There’s differences in culture between every Latin American country

I live in French Guyana and we are very different than latin america I would even say that we are culturally caribbean

do you live on french gibs? That sounds comfy as fuck

Get shot gringo

meme country, most people from south america dont even know surinam and the guyanas exist lmao

americans? same shit as every other pleb

the only counties on that map that dont have ridiculously high murder rates are chile, argentina, uruguay and canada

film adaptation of 2666 when?

I would rather live in the Guyanas than in SA, maybe except Uruguay or Chile


Do you? have you actually been there? theyre africa tier. Id rather live in cuba or some good island in the caribbean.

Actually, I'm seconding this. Dragonball is ridiculously popular in those countries. Probably more popular than it is in the United States.


>use CIA to break up and/or infiltrate governments to your liking
>establish illicit drug trade and finance cartels and human trafficking
>invade or sanction any countries you deem are bad goys
gee I wonder why it's so bad



There would be no point in you moving anywhere since you'll be holed up in a basement witj your Chinese cartoons and your nintendos

I actually live on my father gibs while he himself live on european gibs because he work for the european space program who send their rocket in French Guyana

The intro song os so good.
Don't judge me.

Former Spanish Empire? You forget to post Cali, Texas, Florida and more...

French Guyana is clearly the richest place of all SA.
Surinam is somewhat alright I've been there a couple time it's nice but they live on petrol production which in crise since a couple years so it may not been that nice
Guyana is one of the most poorpiss country on earth literally Sao Paulo tier

Studio shows where girls in short dresses shake their asses

Even Utah... Holy shit! So hard to believe.

I actually imagije that wouod be a lot better than what he currently does. If he did purely physical slapstick comedy he might actually be bearable.

I'm fed up with ugly euro commieblocks, I want gibs and a nice beach house


Dragon Ball and Saint Seiya

But Sao Paulo is literally the richest city in SA.

JLaw movies, not even joking.

>these people

Elite Squad

Uruguay here, we don't even know what happens in those countries it's like some sort of black hole that nobody remembers and nobody gets taught about in school.

you first, wetback

What kind of question is this.

Tastes in movies don't change because you cross an imaginary line, well I mean of course leaving asides "burger military saves the day" movies, "yet another WW2 evil nazis" movies , "latinos(mexicans) are drug dealers" movies or "that one black guy that fought against white supremacy and was the first to play x sport" movies but those are not good to begin with so it's no surprise that people won't like them.

Just make a decent movie and you'll probably get an audience anywhere in the world

so quebec is latin america then?

sneed's feed y seed
formerly chavo's

>romance tongue
Yeah pretty much.

In fact if you want to get technical about it, English itself is over 80% composed of latin loanwords that are butchered in pronunciation along with latin grammar though it's origin is germanic so it's classified as such despite having a super small influence

Imagine thinking like this

Sudacas doesn't have a good taste in movies

Gaudy, tactless shit. They have the same aesthetical preferences in filmmaking as indians, mainland chinese, southeast asians and so on. I think it has something to do with poverty.

southeast asians put out good stuff regularly though

Ay papito

So do Latin Americans.But the question was “what television and film do these people like”.

This. Theyre all about Dragonball and King of Fighters. I still remember my dragonball sticker collection book, those were good times

anything with big booties

Literally anime

>So do Latin Americans

Playing on American servers and ruining everyone's fun

What about Peru and Ecuador?

This, America destablizes any Latin American country that tries to get ahead and progress.




Even normalfags will watch mostly foreign stuff. Telenovelas are only popular with moms, grandmas and people too lazy to flip the channel. At least here can't speak for all of latin america.

So there's not some incredible variation. There's weebs, plebs, sports fans, people with decent appreciation of the medium, elitist shitters, etc.

i love how it unintentionally looks like a parody of something that would get released circa those days

Life as Gardener: Cucking el Gringo's Esposa (Seasons 1-24)

The term "Latin America" came to be thanks to a French guy that wanted to shit on anglos while propping his muh romans heritage and create a kind of brotherhood

I haven't heard of most of these races.


**telenovelas (tele-novels)

Yes latin culture is a big category but really, those places are so anglo-black and they even have a big hindu minority. They are too different.


TV like this every day. Followed by hours of catholic shit.