Is this the most recent example of Soycinema?

>Male alienation as proto-soy affect
>Emasculated, isolated wanting virgin
>80s neo Sup Forumseddit video game aesthetic
>Zimmer score
>dishonest cinematography
>Pseudokino affectations (to arouse the sub 115 IQ IMDB population)

I genuinely felt like I was playing a video game whilst watching this shit.

Oh good another shitty bladerunner bait thread with soy in the title.


>dishonest cinematography

>I don't think about movies
Cinematography becomes dishonest when it betrays itself for same sort of self indulgence you see in a video game cutscene. It's dishonest as it is clearly unmediated by Vileneuve's aesthetic pulse (of which there is little) and attempts to reach for grandeur in a world of cheap video game virtue graphics and shitty epileptic colour deisgn created to appeal to people below the age of 30. If you think I'm being ironic then you are clearly that same audience which damns any thought as contrarian when it simply runs against their idle minded capeshit meta narrative.

>Cinematography becomes dishonest when

are you trying to cram as many meaningless buzzwords as possible into a post

meaningless babbling

>aesthetic pulse
>video game virtue graphics
>capeshit meta narrative
what did xe mean by this?

I see the pro diversity shills are in full force today

>look guise i'm doing my best Armond White impression
>D-do I fit in yet?

you could have fit soy in there at least 3 more times

Why the obsession with videogame comparisons? You don't actually still play videogames as an adult, do you?

>If you think I'm being ironic
You might not be trying to be ironic, but it's obviously an ironically disingenuous critique of the movie.

I mean really buddy, you don't like the movie because "It's dishonest as it is clearly unmediated by Vileneuve's aesthetic pulse"?


Go to bed Armond

Do you find it hard making friends irl when all you do is spout Sup Forums meme buzzwords?

Thanks, at least this time op provided a neat poster.

>Ebert of the 21st century

Soy Boys hated it senpai, BR2049 is our film

Villeneuve is a miserable hack whose movies are propped up entirely by Deakins meme cinematography which gets the r/movies and IMDB pleb crowd all hot and bothered. It is the death knell of Cinema. One of the biggest trashmasters working today, a hack's hack. This is hot pocket the director. Cheeto dust: the man.

His flicks are a bad joke; an insult to the filmic medium; a gob of spit aimed at all that is good and great about filmmaking. Another polished post-fincher gritty popcorn director.

so many buzzwords

its over 9000!!!


yes user
your kino is pic-related, thats truly good filmmaking for (You) isnit?

Alpha male dobson sure thinks so

and so do most women, they all agree its soykino


What is this? Men think Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is the best movie of all time?

should i watch this or not , i didnt like the first one

user its trashy statistics from internet, dont bother to iterprete this shit

the top are movies that women rank much higher than men, the bottom are movies that men rank much higher than women


most women hated harry potter and frozen and wonder woman and the notebook and loved lawrence of arabia and paths of glory

its a sexist that appeals to incels

OP you are legitimately mentally ill, how many buzzword threads do you make per hour?

>This is hot pocket the director. Cheeto dust: the man.
I love this pasta




>dishonest cinematography
Is this the most recent example of soyposting?

>buzzword buzzword nonsense
How about you explain your problem without being a retard trying to convince others he's not a retard?
>attempts to reach for grandeur in a world of cheap video game virtue graphics
First off, "Video game virtue graphics" is not a thing, but it seems like you're saying that the cinematography is pretentious, not "dishonest".

Is this a shitposting bot that can only string together words but not understand the meaning behind them?